ssl证书 友好名称_什么是SSL证书CN(通用名称)和用法?

ssl证书 友好名称_什么是SSL证书CN(通用名称)和用法?_第1张图片

ssl证书 友好名称

Common Name or CN is generally used in SSL Certificates. CN is used to define the server name which will be used for secure SSL connection. Generally this SSL certificate used to secure connection between a HTTP/S server and client browser like Chrome, Explorer, Firefox.

SSL证书中通常使用公用名或CN。 CN用于定义将用于安全SSL连接的服务器名称。 通常,此SSL证书用于保护HTTP / S服务器与客户端浏览器(例如Chrome,Explorer,Firefox)之间的连接。

通用名称(CN) (Common Name (CN))

Common Name is used to specify the host or server identity. When a client try to connect to a remote server like HTTP server it will first get the SSL certificate of this server. Then compare the Host name or domain name it want to connect with the Common Name provided in the SSL certificate. If they are same it will use the SSL certificate to encrypt connection.

公用名用于指定主机或服务器标识。 当客户端尝试连接到远程服务器(例如HTTP服务器)时,它将首先获取该服务器的SSL证书。 然后将要连接的主机名或域名与SSL证书中提供的公用名进行比较。 如果它们相同,它将使用SSL证书来加密连接。

Common name technically represented as commonName field in X.509 certificate specification. X.509 specification is used in SSL certificates which is the same.

通用名称在技术上表示为X.509证书规范中的commonName字段。 X.509规范在SSL证书中使用相同。

ssl证书 友好名称_什么是SSL证书CN(通用名称)和用法?_第2张图片 Common Name (CN) 通用名称(CN)

We can formulate Command Name like below.


Common Name = Domain Name + Host Name

We can use following domain and host names as Common Name.



完全合格的域名(FQDN) (Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN))

Fully Qualified Domain Name or FQDN is used with Command Name interchangeable. Fully qualified name is used to define the host name in a strict manner. More details about the FQDN can be found in the following tutorial.

完全合格的域名或FQDN与命令名称可互换使用。 完全限定的名称用于严格定义主机名。 在以下教程中可以找到有关FQDN的更多详细信息。

What is FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) with Examples?


机构名称 (Organization Name)

Organization name may be misinterpreted with the Common Name. Organization Name is the name of the organization where the IT infrastrure belongs.  Organization name shouldn’t be used for common name which will create security problems.

组织名称可能会被误解为“通用名称”。 组织名称是IT基础结构所属的组织的名称。 组织名称不应用作会引起安全问题的通用名称。

SSL证书 (SSL Certificate)

SSL is a protocol used to make HTTP protocol secure by encrytpting HTTP traffic. Secure HTTP is name as HTTPS which means HTTP traffic encrypted with the SSL. SSL Certificates uses some key value pairs to define SSL Certificate properties. Common Name is important part of an SSL Certificate which will be checked against host and domain name.

SSL是用于通过加密HTTP通信来使HTTP协议安全的协议。 安全HTTP的名称为HTTPS,这意味着使用SSL加密的HTTP通信。 SSL证书使用一些密钥值对来定义SSL证书属性。 公用名是SSL证书的重要组成部分,将根据主机名和域名进行检查。

LEARN MORE  How To Install and Configure Openssl Suite On Windows
了解更多信息如何在Windows上安装和配置Openssl Suite

使用者替代名称 (Subject Alternative Name)

The standard defines that single SSL Certificates can only use single Common Name. This means an SSL certificate can be used for a single Host Name + Domain Name. In order to solve this limitation Subject Alternative Name is created. SAN is used to defined multi-name or muti Common Names in SSL certificates. SAN is show as separate attribute in SSL Certificates. Here is an example Subject Alternative Name or SAN.

该标准定义单个SSL证书只能使用单个Common Name。 这意味着SSL证书可用于单个主机名+域名。 为了解决此限制,创建了Subject Alternative Name 。 SAN用于在SSL证书中定义多名称或多通用名称。 SAN在SSL证书中显示为单独的属性。 这是示例主题备用名称或SAN。

ssl证书 友好名称_什么是SSL证书CN(通用名称)和用法?_第3张图片 Subject Alternative Name 使用者替代名称

在Firefox中检查通用名称(Check Common Name In Firefox)

Click tot the lock icon which can be yellow or red.


ssl证书 友好名称_什么是SSL证书CN(通用名称)和用法?_第4张图片

Then we will click to the Secure Connection

然后我们将单击“ Secure Connection

ssl证书 友好名称_什么是SSL证书CN(通用名称)和用法?_第5张图片 Secure Connection 安全连接

Click More Information

点击More Information

ssl证书 友好名称_什么是SSL证书CN(通用名称)和用法?_第6张图片 Click `More Information` 点击`更多信息`

Click View Certificate

点击View Certificate

ssl证书 友好名称_什么是SSL证书CN(通用名称)和用法?_第7张图片 Click `View Certificate` 点击“查看证书”

Then we can see the line Common Name like below.

然后,我们可以看到“ Common Name ”行,如下所示。

ssl证书 友好名称_什么是SSL证书CN(通用名称)和用法?_第8张图片 Common Name 通用名


ssl证书 友好名称
