在estIntraPredChromaQT函数中执行getIntraChromaCandModes函数进行色度模式列表初始化的工作,将当前列表初始化为PLANAR,VER, HOR,DC,LM_CHROMA,MDLM_L,MDLM_T,DM_CHROMA。
其中DM(derived mode)模式是一种色度预测特有的模式。在进行色度预测的时候,亮度预测已经完成,此时当前块的色度预测模式可以参考已经完成的亮度预测模式。对于亮度块和色度块相同划分方式,则直接使用亮度块的预测模式;对于亮度块和色度块不同的划分方式时,使用色度块对应的亮度块的中心位置处的亮度预测模式作为当前色度块的预测模式。
注意,此时存在一个问题,即如果色度块对应亮度块的预测模式是色度模式列表前四种预测模式之一(PLANAR,VER, HOR,DC),那么后续的RD模式选择就会重复进行一次选择。为了解决该问题,色度列表会进行微调,将四种传统模式与DM预测出的模式冲突的位置换成66,用以占位。获取色度模式列表不单单在预测过程中会启用,在CABAC编解码中也会启用,用于编码色度信息。色度列表如下表,其中横行的亮度指的是色度块对应亮度块中间块的预测方向,第一纵行表示色度模式列表的索引,中间列表每个纵行都是对应其亮度方向的一个色度模式列表。
Chroma prediction mode index |
Corresponding luma intra prediction mode |
0 |
50 |
18 |
1 |
X ( 0 <= X <= 66 ) |
0 |
66 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
50 |
66 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
2 |
18 |
18 |
66 |
18 |
18 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
66 |
1 |
4 |
0 |
50 |
18 |
1 |
X |
5 |
81 |
81 |
81 |
81 |
81 |
6 |
82 |
82 |
82 |
82 |
82 |
7 |
83 |
83 |
83 |
83 |
83 |
void PU::getIntraChromaCandModes( const PredictionUnit &pu, unsigned modeList[NUM_CHROMA_MODE] )
modeList[ 0 ] = PLANAR_IDX;
modeList[ 1 ] = VER_IDX;
modeList[ 2 ] = HOR_IDX;
modeList[ 3 ] = DC_IDX;
modeList[4] = LM_CHROMA_IDX;
modeList[5] = MDLM_L_IDX;
modeList[6] = MDLM_T_IDX;
modeList[7] = DM_CHROMA_IDX;
// If Direct Mode is MIP, mode cannot be already in the list.
// 如果亮度和色度相同划分方式且色度对应亮度块是MIP模式且是4:4:4视频格式,不需要对列表进行微调
if (isDMChromaMIP(pu))
const uint32_t lumaMode = getCoLocatedIntraLumaMode(pu);//获取对应亮度块的预测模式
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
if( lumaMode == modeList[i] )//当DM预测的模式与四种传统的色度预测模式相同时
modeList[i] = VDIA_IDX;//使用斜对角,即模式66替代传统的色度预测模式,起到占位作用,选中几率很小
uint32_t PU::getCoLocatedIntraLumaMode(const PredictionUnit &pu)
return PU::getIntraDirLuma(PU::getCoLocatedLumaPU(pu));
uint32_t PU::getIntraDirLuma( const PredictionUnit &pu )
if (isMIP(pu))
return PLANAR_IDX;
return pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA];
const PredictionUnit &PU::getCoLocatedLumaPU(const PredictionUnit &pu)
Position topLeftPos = pu.blocks[pu.chType].lumaPos();//亮度块的左上角
Position refPos = topLeftPos.offset(pu.blocks[pu.chType].lumaSize().width >> 1,
pu.blocks[pu.chType].lumaSize().height >> 1);//亮度块的中心位置
const PredictionUnit &lumaPU = pu.cu->isSepTree() ? *pu.cs->picture->cs->getPU(refPos, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA)//亮度和色度单独划分时,获取亮度块中间的预测模式
: *pu.cs->getPU(topLeftPos, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);//亮度和色度相同划分模式,获取亮度块左上角的预测模式
return lumaPU;
void IntraSearch::estIntraPredChromaQT( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner, const double maxCostAllowed )
const ChromaFormat format = cu.chromaFormat;
const uint32_t numberValidComponents = getNumberValidComponents(format);
CodingStructure &cs = *cu.cs;
const TempCtx ctxStart ( m_CtxCache, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() );
cs.setDecomp( cs.area.Cb(), false );
double bestCostSoFar = maxCostAllowed;
bool lumaUsesISP = !cu.isSepTree() && cu.ispMode;//亮度使用ISP标志
PartSplit ispType = lumaUsesISP ? CU::getISPType( cu, COMPONENT_Y ) : TU_NO_ISP;//ISP类型
CHECK( cu.ispMode && bestCostSoFar < 0, "bestCostSoFar must be positive!" );
auto &pu = *cu.firstPU;
uint32_t uiBestMode = 0;//最佳模式
Distortion uiBestDist = 0;//最佳失真
double dBestCost = MAX_DOUBLE;//最佳Cost
int32_t bestBDPCMMode = 0;
//----- init mode list ----
int32_t uiMinMode = 0;
int32_t uiMaxMode = NUM_CHROMA_MODE;
//----- check chroma modes -----
uint32_t chromaCandModes[ NUM_CHROMA_MODE ];
PU::getIntraChromaCandModes( pu, chromaCandModes );
// create a temporary CS
// 创建一个临时CS
CodingStructure &saveCS = *m_pSaveCS[0];
saveCS.pcv = cs.pcv;
saveCS.picture = cs.picture;
saveCS.area.repositionTo( cs.area );
if( !cu.isSepTree() && cu.ispMode )
if( cu.isSepTree() )
if( partitioner.canSplit( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs ) )
partitioner.splitCurrArea( TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs );
cs.addTU( CS::getArea( cs, partitioner.currArea(), partitioner.chType ), partitioner.chType ).depth = partitioner.currTrDepth;
} while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) );
cs.addTU( CS::getArea( cs, partitioner.currArea(), partitioner.chType ), partitioner.chType );
std::vector orgTUs;
if( lumaUsesISP )// 如果亮度是ISP,记录当前cu,pu信息
CodingUnit& auxCU = saveCS.addCU( cu, partitioner.chType );
auxCU.ispMode = cu.ispMode;
saveCS.sps = cu.cs->sps;
saveCS.addPU( *cu.firstPU, partitioner.chType );
// create a store for the TUs
// 保存tu进orgTUs中以备后续处理
for( const auto &ptu : cs.tus )
// for split TUs in HEVC, add the TUs without Chroma parts for correct setting of Cbfs
// 对于HEVC中的拆分TU,请添加不包含色度部分的TU,以正确设置Cbfs
if( lumaUsesISP || pu.contains( *ptu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ) )
saveCS.addTU( *ptu, partitioner.chType );
orgTUs.push_back( ptu );
if( lumaUsesISP )
// SATD pre-selecting.SATD预选
int satdModeList[NUM_CHROMA_MODE];//色度基于SATD的模式列表
int64_t satdSortedCost[NUM_CHROMA_MODE];//保存SATD对应Cost
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHROMA_MODE; i++)
satdSortedCost[i] = 0; // for the mode not pre-select by SATD, do RDO by default, so set the initial value 0.
satdModeList[i] = 0;
bool modeIsEnable[NUM_INTRA_MODE + 1]; // use intra mode idx to check whether enable使用帧内模式idx检查是否启用
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INTRA_MODE + 1; i++)
modeIsEnable[i] = 1;
DistParam distParamSad;
DistParam distParamSatd;
// 这里将pu模式设置为MDLM模式,为了在下面对luma重建信号进行下采样
pu.intraDir[1] = MDLM_L_IDX; // temporary assigned, just to indicate this is a MDLM mode. for luma down-sampling operation.
initIntraPatternChType(cu, pu.Cb());// 获取Cb分量参考像素
initIntraPatternChType(cu, pu.Cr());// 获取Cr分量参考像素
xGetLumaRecPixels(pu, pu.Cb());// CCLM预测模式亮度重建参考像素获取
/***********进行第一次选择,利用SATD进行粗选DC VER HOR LM_T LM_L五种模式*******************/
for (int idx = uiMinMode; idx <= uiMaxMode - 1; idx++)//遍历所有模式
int mode = chromaCandModes[idx];
satdModeList[idx] = mode;
if (PU::isLMCMode(mode) && !PU::isLMCModeEnabled(pu, mode))
if ((mode == LM_CHROMA_IDX) || (mode == PLANAR_IDX) || (mode == DM_CHROMA_IDX)) // only pre-check regular modes and MDLM modes, not including DM ,Planar, and LM
pu.intraDir[1] = mode; // temporary assigned, for SATD checking.
int64_t sad = 0;
int64_t sadCb = 0;
int64_t satdCb = 0;
int64_t sadCr = 0;
int64_t satdCr = 0;
CodingStructure& cs = *(pu.cs);
CompArea areaCb = pu.Cb();
PelBuf orgCb = cs.getOrgBuf(areaCb);//获取Cb原始值
PelBuf predCb = cs.getPredBuf(areaCb);//获取Cb预测值
m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParamSad, orgCb, predCb, pu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA), COMPONENT_Cb, false);
m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParamSatd, orgCb, predCb, pu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA), COMPONENT_Cb, true);
distParamSad.applyWeight = false;
distParamSatd.applyWeight = false;
if (PU::isLMCMode(mode))// CCLM,LM_T,LM_L模式,进行跨分量预测
predIntraChromaLM(COMPONENT_Cb, predCb, pu, areaCb, mode);
initPredIntraParams(pu, pu.Cb(), *pu.cs->sps);
predIntraAng(COMPONENT_Cb, predCb, pu);
sadCb = distParamSad.distFunc(distParamSad) * 2;//计算Cb的SAD
satdCb = distParamSatd.distFunc(distParamSatd);//计算Cb的SATD
sad += std::min(sadCb, satdCb);//选取Cb的SAD和SATD的最小值
CompArea areaCr = pu.Cr();
PelBuf orgCr = cs.getOrgBuf(areaCr);
PelBuf predCr = cs.getPredBuf(areaCr);
m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParamSad, orgCr, predCr, pu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA), COMPONENT_Cr, false);
m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(distParamSatd, orgCr, predCr, pu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA), COMPONENT_Cr, true);
distParamSad.applyWeight = false;
distParamSatd.applyWeight = false;
if (PU::isLMCMode(mode))
predIntraChromaLM(COMPONENT_Cr, predCr, pu, areaCr, mode);
initPredIntraParams(pu, pu.Cr(), *pu.cs->sps);
predIntraAng(COMPONENT_Cr, predCr, pu);
sadCr = distParamSad.distFunc(distParamSad) * 2;
satdCr = distParamSatd.distFunc(distParamSatd);
sad += std::min(sadCr, satdCr);
satdSortedCost[idx] = sad;//保存Cb和Cr的SATD
// sort the mode based on the cost from small to large.
// 根据成本从小到大对模式进行排序。
int tempIdx = 0;
int64_t tempCost = 0;
for (int i = uiMinMode; i <= uiMaxMode - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j <= uiMaxMode - 1; j++)
if (satdSortedCost[j] < satdSortedCost[i])
tempIdx = satdModeList[i];
satdModeList[i] = satdModeList[j];
satdModeList[j] = tempIdx;
tempCost = satdSortedCost[i];
satdSortedCost[i] = satdSortedCost[j];
satdSortedCost[j] = tempCost;
int reducedModeNumber = 2; // reduce the number of chroma modes 减少色度模式的数量
for (int i = 0; i < reducedModeNumber; i++)
{ //禁用最后reducedModelNumber个模式,即将SATD最大的两个模式排除
modeIsEnable[satdModeList[uiMaxMode - 1 - i]] = 0; // disable the last reducedModeNumber modes
// save the dist
// 保存失真
Distortion baseDist = cs.dist;
bool testBDPCM = true;
testBDPCM = testBDPCM && CU::bdpcmAllowed(cu, COMPONENT_Cb) && cu.ispMode == 0 && cu.mtsFlag == 0 && cu.lfnstIdx == 0;
/***********进行第二次选择,把SATD小的三种和未比较的三种共六种模式,编码后计算RDcost *******************/
for (int32_t uiMode = uiMinMode - (2 * int(testBDPCM)); uiMode < uiMaxMode; uiMode++)
int chromaIntraMode = chromaCandModes[uiMode];
if (uiMode < 0)//如果是BDPCM模式
cu.bdpcmModeChroma = -uiMode;
#if JVET_Q0110_Q0785_CHROMA_BDPCM_420
chromaIntraMode = cu.bdpcmModeChroma == 2 ? chromaCandModes[1] : chromaCandModes[2];
chromaIntraMode = chromaCandModes[0];
cu.bdpcmModeChroma = 0;
if( PU::isLMCMode( chromaIntraMode ) && ! PU::isLMCModeEnabled( pu, chromaIntraMode ) )
if (!modeIsEnable[chromaIntraMode] && PU::isLMCModeEnabled(pu, chromaIntraMode)) // when CCLM is disable, then MDLM is disable. not use satd checking
cs.setDecomp( pu.Cb(), false );
cs.dist = baseDist;
//----- restore context models -----
// 重置上下文
m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
//----- chroma coding -----
pu.intraDir[1] = chromaIntraMode;
xRecurIntraChromaCodingQT( cs, partitioner, bestCostSoFar, ispType );
if( lumaUsesISP && cs.dist == MAX_UINT )
if (cs.sps->getTransformSkipEnabledFlag())
m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
uint64_t fracBits = xGetIntraFracBitsQT( cs, partitioner, false, true, -1, ispType );
Distortion uiDist = cs.dist;
double dCost = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( fracBits, uiDist - baseDist );//计算RD Cost
//----- compare -----
if( dCost < dBestCost )
if( lumaUsesISP && dCost < bestCostSoFar )
bestCostSoFar = dCost;
for( uint32_t i = getFirstComponentOfChannel( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ); i < numberValidComponents; i++ )
const CompArea &area = pu.blocks[i];
saveCS.getRecoBuf ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getRecoBuf ( area ) );
saveCS.getPredBuf ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf ( area ) );
saveCS.getResiBuf ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getResiBuf ( area ) );
saveCS.getPredBuf ( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf (area ) );
cs.picture->getPredBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf (area ) );
cs.picture->getRecoBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.getRecoBuf( area ) );
for( uint32_t j = 0; j < saveCS.tus.size(); j++ )
saveCS.tus[j]->copyComponentFrom( *orgTUs[j], area.compID );
dBestCost = dCost;
uiBestDist = uiDist;
uiBestMode = chromaIntraMode;
bestBDPCMMode = cu.bdpcmModeChroma;
// 将最优信号,更新在picture buffer
for( uint32_t i = getFirstComponentOfChannel( CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA ); i < numberValidComponents; i++ )
const CompArea &area = pu.blocks[i];
cs.getRecoBuf ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getRecoBuf( area ) );
cs.getPredBuf ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getPredBuf( area ) );
cs.getResiBuf ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getResiBuf( area ) );
cs.getPredBuf ( area ).copyFrom( saveCS.getPredBuf( area ) );
cs.picture->getPredBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs.getPredBuf ( area ) );
cs.picture->getRecoBuf( area ).copyFrom( cs. getRecoBuf( area ) );
for( uint32_t j = 0; j < saveCS.tus.size(); j++ )
orgTUs[ j ]->copyComponentFrom( *saveCS.tus[ j ], area.compID );
pu.intraDir[1] = uiBestMode;//保存最佳色度模式
cs.dist = uiBestDist;//保存最佳失真
cu.bdpcmModeChroma = bestBDPCMMode;
//----- restore context models -----
m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = ctxStart;
if( lumaUsesISP && bestCostSoFar >= maxCostAllowed )
cu.ispMode = 0;