1. 语境最大原则。
即要有whole picture的格局。在不同的情景中, “重音-节奏-语调”均有所不同。可谓心中有曲自然High!英语语流有特殊节奏,重音也分散开来。
2. 高效沟通原则。
因为人们在交流时可以脑补有关信息,因此不重读旧信息(如 How much is it? 中it不重读),需要读快或弱读不重要的信息(如:be的不同形式在句中经常被弱读),忌疑问词与人称代词发音过重导致头重脚轻的问题等等。
3. 问题反馈原则。
利用好熟悉的go-to phrases,建立在掌握一定数量的发音准确的词的基础上,对陌生词可以拆分成已知的词去读。如when可以拆分成wet和end,去掉t;children拆分为chill、dren;milk拆分为mill、k。
汉语发音的特色在于鼻音重,我们难免会将母语的发音实践植入英语语音中。但事实上,英语的鼻音仅限于/m/ /n/ /ŋ/。也就是说,在发英语其他的语音时,鼻子都不应该振动。
但是此鼻音非彼鼻音~ 例如,在“See you soon.”中,/n/ 这个鼻音需要轻读,前面/s/需要重读。类似的情况也出现在done的发音中,元音较重。而在汉语中,鼻音一般糅合在发音中,字字珠玑,音调较高,声如豌豆落铜盘。
/h/:发音太弱以致于常常被drop掉。如was he 听起来像"wuzzy"!掌握这一规律这对于听力非常有用。
/m/的发音:Simply made by pressing the lips together lightly.
参考 https://rachelsenglish.com/english-pronounce-m-consonant/。
/n/的发音: Jaw drops and the tongue goes to the roof of the mouth just behind the teeth for the N.
参考 https://rachelsenglish.com/english-pronounce-n-consonant/。
/ŋ/的发音:The front part of the tongue is lightly touching behind the bottom front teeth. The teeth are parted and the lips as well.
参考 https://rachelsenglish.com/english-pronounce-ng-consonant/。
/n/ 与 /ŋ/ 的区别:如上所述,发/n/ 时舌尖在上牙齿后面,而发 /ŋ/——类似/g/去掉元音/e/。但是,在V-ing形式中,黑人英语常常省略g,如going on读为goin'on。
nasal vowels 鼻化元音,如on, song。参考:https://rachelsenglish.com/soft-palate-exercises-vocal-exercises/。
/t/ /d/ :
1. 元音的作用:sid与sit的区分在于中间元音的长短之分;2. 连读的情况:forget about;sort of;3. 弱读的情况:forgot our /d//ar/ (其中虚词要弱读did/have,相对应地,单独字母重音落在末尾的字母上——CD DVD VOA BBC PDF,不发音的情况有gnaw/nɔː/咬、折磨,gnarled /nɑːld/ 粗糙的);4.人名的音节联系性:David /ei/ Diana /aijæ/。
/s/ /z/:
1. 连读变音的情况:has to、as can be shown应读作 /s/ ,have to 应读作/f/ ;these are /ðiːzər/; 2. 重读的情况:'post office,'deliveryman,'bus driver。Take compound word stress, for example. For compound nouns such as blackbird, the primary stress falls on the first part: blackbird. In a phrase made up of the same parts, the stress falls on the second part (black bird). Reference: www.redlinels.com/compound-word-stress/
/f/ /v/:
这一组音既有转换,也有同流。如:of course,当/f/与/k/联结,发/v/。但是它们都有弱读的趋向,只是词过留“元音”之痕:
可见,一组内的两个音是transferable的~ 同组相对的音,在实际应用时并非是泾渭分明的,而是需要我们用联系思维去观照的。
/θ/与 /ð/这一组音。参考https://rachelsenglish.com/english-pronounce-th-consonants/,有以下发音要点:
位置相同成一对。These sounds are paired together because they take the same mouth position.
气流声音分两途。Th is unvoiced, meaning, only air passes through the mouth, and th is voiced, meaning you make a sound with the vocal cords.
舌穿双齿发准音。The very tip of the tongue comes through the teeth, th, th, thanks, th, th, this.
th类同d。The TH consonant ends up sounding like an American English D or T consonant.
因为要为发r音做准备,且时间有限,因此th发音时舌头不用伸出口腔。这一规律一般用于非重读单词。For the THR consonant cluster, the lips will begin to move into position for the R while the TH is being made. Three, three. In some cases, these sounds will be replaced with a similar sound, when the tongue does not quite come through the teeth. Instead it presses against the closed teeth. This will happen in an unstressed word only, when there isn’t enough time given to the word for teeth to part and the tongue to come through. For example, ‘What’s in the car?’ What’s in the car? The tongue isn’t coming all the way through the teeth.
词性:breath n. /brɛθ/ breathe v. /brið/;bath n./v. /bæθ/ bathe n./v. /beð/
/ðə/ the 在一般语流中会弱读。
/ðiː/当 the重读成/ðiː/时,会表示强调或特指。比如说我想要那个工作,别的工作不要:I don't wanna just a job, I want THE job. 这里指的是 it job,非常喜欢,非常棒的工作。the不仅变音,还会重读。
/ðiː/ the后接以元音开头的单词时。
当l位于词首时,称为light L,正常念(舌头在上鄂)或 夸张念(舌头在上齿尖下 );
当l位于词尾或辅音前时,称为dark L,省力念,舌头向后缩。
L的连读较为常见,如:LA、LOL (el lou el)。
1、当前后两个单词的首尾字母是同一个辅音时,两个辅音合并成一个音读,音程稍微拖长一点,但是不要断开或隔成两个音,例如:Bill likes swimming。事实上,如果不连读,听起来会象是舌头打结或是“口吃”了。
2、当前后两个单词的首尾字母的发音点相同、也就是刚好是一对辅音时,比如p和b,t和d,k和g,f和v等,只读出后面的辅音,例如:I have a bigkitchen.
3、当前面单词的尾字母是爆破音、比如/b/, /p/, /d/, /t/, /k/, /g/时,爆破音不发音(不发音不等于直接吞掉,而是要摆出舌位并空出相应的时间),直接读后面的辅音。如:I wish she would talk to me.
4. /ʃ/+/ʃ/说成一个长/ʃ/音;/s/ or /z/+/ʃ/ 需要将二者结合成为一个长/ʃ/音。
5. 一般单词以l/n/r结尾,多与后词连读。如:can I,不要将重音放到句首第一个词,连读是一个自然而非刻意而为的事情。
辅音不仅能够自我团结,还能够起到滑音的作用,团结元音。/j/ /w/发音短促而弱,无法成为音节的核心,故多用来辅助随后元音构成的音节。作为润滑剂,让语言机器更流畅地运转起来~
选择部分老师强调的发音,而这些恰好是我发音的中枪点。 谨记谨记!
I am going to=I'm gonna=Im na
What are/do/have you=watcha
call /kɔl/ 不噘嘴。英美音区别,aw不是au。同理,all也是如此。
your的弱读 /jər/,类似还有should(类book的元音)、would(我的)。
thirtieth /θɜːrtiiθ/,th前面有一个i,可以发成滑音j。
尤其是长音节词,要break into pieces,一个音节一个音节来练。
greasy /'griːsɪ/ 多油的多脂的;gnaw /nɔ/;gnarled /nɑrld/ (gn一起,g 不发音)
use两种读法:/z/ Can I use your …;/s/ used to。
leisure /'liʒɚ/ 注意元音的读法;leather /'fɛðɚ/, feather /'fɛðɚ/。
collar /'kɑlɚ/ ; color /'kʌlɚ/。
English [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] 其实无/j/音。
lived /'laɪvd/。
将来进行时的口语使用,会达到增强画面感,如:She'll be taking calls from listeners. 会显得语气委婉。如:How will you be paying? I'll be talking about…
爽约:stand...up,didn't show up,no-show(n.)
feel like doing = want to do
play cards不仅仅是指大牌,还有:play your card=use your advantage,play her cards right发挥优势,play the XX card使那一招,put/lay cards on the table摊牌。
如:You are playing the "I love you"/"I don't have time"/"I'm late"/stupid card. Don't play the "I love you" card, I won't buy it.
理智:Be sensible(Sense and Sensibility理智与情感)= wise up。
恶心: It's gross/disgusting;Ew...;Yikes!/jaɪks/
smell funny/ fishy:闻起来怪怪的
fishy adj.
be, look, seem, smell, sound 可疑;看上去靠不住;好像可疑;闻起来可疑;听起来靠不住:It all sounds very fishy to me. 所有这些在我听起来都很可疑。
very 很可疑definitely, distinctly 绝对可疑;显然可疑 a bit 有点可疑
something fishy 可疑的东西:There was definitely something fishy going on. 肯定当时有可疑的事情在进行中。
sack 袋子,解职。如:I got sacked/ got the sack.我被开除了
喝醉的不同程度:tipsy(微醺)buzzed(喝飘了) hammered(大醉) drunk,tanked (烂醉)wasted(喝断片了) plastered (酩酊大醉)。
wonder /'wʌndɚ/ verb
little wonder / no wonder...怪不得/难怪...
hazily, idly, vaguely 隐约感到奇怪;毫无缘由地纳闷;有点儿纳闷:I wondered vaguely whether Robert could be the murderer. 我有点儿纳闷,不知道罗伯特是不是杀人凶手。
briefly, fleetingly 感到一丝惊奇;一阵纳闷
apprehensively, uneasily 担心地想知道;忐忑不安地想弄明白:I wondered uneasily if anything had happened to the children. 我忐忑不安地揣测孩子们是不是出了什么事。
bleakly, despairingly 无望地揣度;绝望地揣测
irritably 性急想知道
aloud 说出内心的疑惑:‘Where’s Natasha?’ she wondered aloud. “娜塔莎在哪?”她纳闷地说。
just 只不过想知道:‘Why do you ask?’ ‘I just wondered.’“你为什么要问?”“我只不过是好奇。 ”
often, sometimes 经常纳闷;有时感到疑惑:I sometimes wonder who’s crazier, him or me. 我有时候想搞清楚他和我之间哪一个更疯狂。
begin to 开始纳闷:I was just beginning to wonder where you were. 我刚才正琢磨你去哪儿了呢。
cannot/could not help but, can only 禁不住纳闷:I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking. 我忍不住想知道他在想些什么。
make sb 使某人纳闷:His obvious hunger made her wonder how long he had been up and about. 他明显是飢肠辘辘,这使她纳闷他究竟下床活动多长时间了。
about 对…感到惊讶:We’d wondered about you as a possible team member. 我们曾经对你可能入选该队表示疑惑。
杂乱无章:messy, all over the place。
I feel well. 一般指身体健康。 I'm good. 一般指整体状态。
That's another story. 那就是另外一回事了。
委婉地说我得走了。I'm sorry. I have to run now. I'm late for (my train). But I'm really glad I ran into you./ I'm really have a great time talking with you.
向他人问好。 Give my regards to everybody!
practical= pragmatic 实际的
sail through:顺利通过,如:sail through the test/exam。
If I remember/recall correctly= If my memory serves me correctly 如果我没有记错的话
四则运算:add, subtract, multiply and divide。
乘或除以;In arithmetic, you use by before the second number in a multiplication or division sum. 如:230cm divided by 22cm is 10.45cm.230厘米除以22厘米等于10.45厘米。
乘表示长乘宽得出的居室等的面积;You use by to talk about measurements of area. For example, if a room is twenty feet by fourteen feet, it measures twenty feet in one direction and fourteen feet in the other direction. 如:Three prisoners were sharing one small cell 3 metres by 2 metres.3个囚犯关在一个3米长2米宽的小牢房里。
表示增减的幅度;If something increases or decreases by a particular amount, that amount is gained or lost. 如:Violent crime has increased by 10 percent since last year.暴力犯罪自去年以来增加了10%。Their pay has been cut by one-third.他们薪水降低了1/3。
以…计;按…计;Things that are made or sold by the million or by the dozen are made or sold in those quantities. 如:Parcels arrived by the dozen from America.包裹成打地从美国运来。
pay tuition 付学费,pay一般用于付特殊的费用。
buy one get one free. 买一送一。
注意get done的形式。We'll never get finished. The place got trashed.
研究生:美国称graduate,英国称post graduate。刚刚毕业称:fresh graduate。
sleep = 在睡着的状态(不是去睡觉的动作)。因此:
Sleep late 睡过头,起得晚 睡得晚
很早就上床 = get to bed early
很晚才睡着 = get to sleep late
sleep over=借宿,在别人家过夜(一般指孩子的在外借宿)睡过头
bask in the sun:沐浴在阳光中。
canned (广播、电视节目中的音乐、笑声、掌声)预先录制好的;Canned music, laughter, or applause on a television or radio programme has been recorded beforehand and is added to the programme to make it sound as if there is a live audience.
别换台,敬请期待:Stay tuned.
谢谢收听:Thank you for tuning in.
in tune / out of tune 着调/跑调
stay hungry/ foolish/warm
stay hydrated(多喝水)
prize, treasure v. 珍视,重视
交通事故:迎面撞车 head-on collision/crash;逆行撞车 wrong way collision;追尾rear-end collision(rear-end还可以做动词,如:A few days earlier somebody had rear-ended him.)。
来啊,互相伤害。 Let's trash.
你可以尽情的作。You can trash.
on one's way home from work 在某人下班回家的路上。
exhausted= wiped=wiped out=worn-out=burn-out 精疲力竭的
unharmed=intact=safe and sound 毫发无损的
书籍的护封,书套;The jacket of a book is the paper cover that protects the book.
唱片套;A record jacket is the cover in which a record is kept.
zipper 拉链,zip up拉上,zip it保证,不把秘密说出去:Don't worry. I'll zip it.
衣领:turtle neck 高领;crew neck 圆领;V-neck V领。
英文Goger that,多为无线电中的答复用语。译为:收到了!确认!类似于Got it./ Copy it.
the whole/ total package 形容一个人完美,非常的棒
a good catch 如意的人选
They want someone who's energetic and enjoys challenges.
Know-how (or knowhow) is a term for practical knowledge on how to accomplish something, as opposed to "know-what" (facts), "know-why" (science), or "know-who" (communication). Know-how is often tacit knowledge, which means that it is difficult to transfer to another person by means of writing it down or verbalising it.
...though 虽然我没有采纳,但是你的主意很不错。This is a good idea, though. 读起来需要和前句连接起来,不要刻意断开。
knockout,简写KO。可以指someone or something that is very attractive or successful,比如她的裙子太漂亮了:Her evening gown was a knockout. 他曾经和一个大美女约会过:He used to date a knockout.
knock off. 停止。
legit /lɪ'dʒɪt/ = legitimate
born 的用法,“生在xx家庭”常用born into a/an xx family,比如@高晓松 was born into an intellectual/academic family;“孩子的父亲/母亲是xx”,常用 born to a/an xx father/mother,比如@王思聪 was born to a rich father.
menial job 报酬低又枯燥的工作
decent job 体面的工作
demanding job 劳力的动作
rewarding job 高回馈的工作
cushy job 美差
plum job 称心的工作
taxing job 繁重的工作
dead-end job 没前途的工作