托福写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is easier to become educated today ...

20200104 上午场 Independent Writing

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is easier to become educated today than it is in past. (Agree)

1.People today have easier access to various education resources. Besides traditional schools, people can take advantage of a wide range of online teaching platforms or training schools/ institutions to receive education.


1)have easier access to 更轻易地接触到……

2)take advantage of a wide range of online teaching platforms 利用各种线上教育平台

3)training institutions 培训机构

2.With the living conditions improved, people have more freedom and better financial support to get educated at present. In the past, people have to struggle for survival due to a lack of daily necessities such as food. Seldom do they have chances to receive education. In contrast, nowadays education is more affordable for most families.‍


1)get educated/ receive education 接受教育

2)struggle for survival 为生存而奋斗

3)due to a lack of daily necessities 因为缺少日用必需品

4)be more affordable 更能负担得起的

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