雅思G类写作 - 绝不停止练习 - 8

Task 1

Your friend has just moved to a new house, you want to send him a gift. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should tell:
· what you will send to him as gift
· why you chose it as gift
· how you will send it to him.

Dear Tim,

Congratulations! I'm really happy for you to finally move into a new house in Pasadena.

In order to help you get started with the new home, I've prepared a very useful gift for you, a sweeping robot. It only creates minor noise while cleaning your floor automatically. Besides you can wake it up when you are out, just with the iRobot Application on your phone.

There's another iRobot in my parents' house and after I moved in with them, this one has been put back into box. I think it'll be a big help considering the large size of your new house. And it's almost impossible for you to clean the house everyday after getting off work so late.

My brother is going to a party in Pasadena this Saturday, so if you are home that day, I can have him delivery the iRobot to you. Hope you enjoy it.

Speak soon.


Task 2

Some people think that companies and individuals, rather than the government, should pay for cleaning up pollution. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is sometimes argued that it is the individual people and the enterprises' responsibility to make up for pollution. While each human being should reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet, I believe government plays an indispensable role in environmental problems.

Individuals and factories should take responsibility for the impact they have on the environment. For example, consumers can choose products with less packaging and recycle as much as possible. By reusing and recycling, we can help to reduce waste. Instead of driving to work, we could take public transport, therefore reducing emissions. Renewable energy from solar, wind and water power should be applied to factories. And they certainly need to upgrade their equipments if the waste can be optimized.

Governments could make more efforts to tackle pollution issues. Part of the taxes collected from each citizen should go to the advanced technology development for renewable energy efficiency and pollution reduction. Only the governments are authorized to introduce laws to limit emissions from factories and promote reusable bags in supermarkets. Public transportation system should also be supported by government fund to cover more areas so that more people are able to avoid driving.

In conclusion, it seems impossible to me that government can stop paying for pollution problems and only let individuals and companies deal with it.

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