
“candidate”是名词,意思是“候选人、应试者、求职者、人选”,具体意思要取决于上下文。英英释义:a person who applies for a job or is nominated for election. 比如竞选总统的人就叫 presidential candiate;上完了博士阶段的课程,正在写博士论文的学生一般被叫做 doctoral candidate 或 PhD candidate;找工作的也可以叫 candidate。


① 比如前不久美国前副总统 Joe Biden 决定竞选下一届美国总统,我们可以说:

Joe Biden decided to run for president in 2020.

用 candidate 来改写:

Joe Biden recently decided to join others as a presidential candiate.

② 好几个博士候选人都放弃了博士学位,跑到硅谷去创业:

Quite a few PhD candidates gave up their doctoral degree and moved to Silicon Valley to start start-ups.

③ 目前只有五个人对这个销售职位感兴趣,我们就可以说:

So far only five candidates have shown interest in this sales position.



There are far more candidates than jobs in the competitive job market.

In the cut-throat job market, there are too many candidates and not nearly enough jobs.


场景: 他是这部电影男主角的最佳候选人

造句:He is the perfect candidate for a lead actor of the movie.
