
▒ 目录 ▒

    • 导读
      • 开发环境
    • 1️⃣ 第8关:多级指针
      • 翻译
      • 操作
      • 验证
      • 其它方案
    • 文章小结
    • 参考资料



版本号 描述
文章日期 2023-03-
操作系统 MacOS Big Sur 11.5
Cheat Engine 7.4.3

1️⃣ 第8关:多级指针



Step 8: Multilevel pointers: (PW=525927)
This step will explain how to use multi-level pointers.
In step 6 you had a simple level-1 pointer, with the first address found already being the real base address.
This step however is a level-4 pointer. It has a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to the health.

You basicly do the same as in step 6. Find out what accesses the value, look at the instruction and what probably is the base pointer value, and what is the offset, and already fill that in or write it down. But in this case the address you'll find will also be a pointer. You just have to find out the pointer to that pointer exactly the same way as you did with the value. Find out what accesses that address you found, look at the assembler instruction, note the probable instruction and offset, and use that.
and continue till you can't get any further (usually when the base address is a static address, shown up as green)

Click Change Value to let the tutorial access the health.

If you think you've found the pointer path click Change Register. The pointers and value will then change and you'll have 3 seconds to freeze the address to 5000

Extra: This problem can also be solved using a auto assembler script, or using the pointer scanner
Extra2: In some situations it is recommended to change ce's codefinder settings to Access violations when 
Encountering instructions like mov eax,[eax] since debugregisters show it AFTER it was changed, making it hard to find out the the value of the pointer

Extra3: If you're still reading. You might notice that when looking at the assembler instructions that the pointer is being read and filled out in the same codeblock (same routine, if you know assembler, look up till the start of the routine). This doesn't always happen, but can be really useful in finding a pointer when debugging is troublesome

8关 多级指针









额外2:在某些情况下,建议更改ce的代码检查设置,以在遇到像mov eax,[eax]这样的指令时,显示访问违规,因为debugregisters在指针被更改后显示,这使得很难找出指针的值。



  1. 定位目标值
    点击《Change value》按钮,多次扫描精确值,定位目标值地址
  1. 查看目标值被访问代码。
  1. 查看访问地址
  1. 查看并分析汇编代码
    第3步中打开Memory Viewer窗口,查看汇编代码。


tutorial-x86_64+2C344 - 48 89 54 24 58        - mov [rsp+58],rdx
tutorial-x86_64+2C349 - 85 C0                 - test eax,eax
tutorial-x86_64+2C34B - 0F85 84010000         - jne tutorial-x86_64+2C4D5
tutorial-x86_64+2C351 - 48 8D 05 406A2F00     - lea rax,[tutorial-x86_64+322D98] { (1010D7F80) }
tutorial-x86_64+2C358 - 4C 8B 20              - mov r12,[rax]
tutorial-x86_64+2C35B - 4C 89 E0              - mov rax,r12
tutorial-x86_64+2C35E - 8B 50 04              - mov edx,[rax+04]
tutorial-x86_64+2C361 - 3B 10                 - cmp edx,[rax]
tutorial-x86_64+2C394 - 49 83 7C 24 10 00     - cmp qword ptr [r12+10],00 { 0 }
tutorial-x86_64+2C39A - 0F84 35010000         - je tutorial-x86_64+2C4D5
tutorial-x86_64+2C3A0 - 4D 8B 64 24 10        - mov r12,[r12+10]
tutorial-x86_64+2C3A5 - 4C 89 E0              - mov rax,r12
tutorial-x86_64+2C3A8 - 8B 50 04              - mov edx,[rax+04]
tutorial-x86_64+2C3AB - 3B 10                 - cmp edx,[rax]
tutorial-x86_64+2C3D4 - E8 27AE1900           - call tutorial-x86_64+1C7200
tutorial-x86_64+2C3D9 - E9 F7000000           - jmp tutorial-x86_64+2C4D5
tutorial-x86_64+2C3DE - 49 83 7C 24 18 00     - cmp qword ptr [r12+18],00 { 0 }
tutorial-x86_64+2C3E4 - 0F84 EB000000         - je tutorial-x86_64+2C4D5
tutorial-x86_64+2C3EA - 4D 8B 64 24 18        - mov r12,[r12+18]
tutorial-x86_64+2C3EF - 4C 89 E0              - mov rax,r12
tutorial-x86_64+2C3F2 - 8B 50 0C              - mov edx,[rax+0C]
tutorial-x86_64+2C3F5 - 3B 50 08              - cmp edx,[rax+08]
tutorial-x86_64+2C429 - 49 83 3C 24  00       - cmp qword ptr [r12],00 { 0 }
tutorial-x86_64+2C42E - 0F84 A1000000         - je tutorial-x86_64+2C4D5
tutorial-x86_64+2C434 - 4D 8B 24 24           - mov r12,[r12]
tutorial-x86_64+2C438 - 4C 89 E0              - mov rax,r12
tutorial-x86_64+2C43B - 8B 50 04              - mov edx,[rax+04]
tutorial-x86_64+2C473 - E8 1814FEFF           - call tutorial-x86_64+D890
tutorial-x86_64+2C478 - 41 89 44 24 18        - mov [r12+18],eax

  1. 添加指针


  1. 按照如下步骤操作上一小节中创建的指针地址。
  1. 点击《Change pointer》按钮,等待3秒,即可过关。



  • 一级一级的指针扫描,直到找到基址(参考《第6关:指针》https://blog.csdn.net/kinghzking/article/details/129848329)
  • CE提供的指针扫描器工具。




  • 【CE】Mac下的CE教程Tutorial:基础篇(第6关:指针) https://blog.csdn.net/kinghzking/article/details/129848329

ps: 文章中内容仅用于技术交流,请勿用于违规违法行为。
