Python 3.7 -- 数据结构--Tuple

# 我会推荐你总是使用括号
# 来指明元组的开始与结束
# 尽管括号是一个可选选项。
# 明了胜过晦涩,显式优于隐式。
zoo = ('python','elephant','penguin')

print('Number of animals in the zoo is ',len(zoo))

new_zoo = 'monkey','camel',zoo;
print('Number of cages in the new zoo is', len(new_zoo))

print('All animals in new zoo are',new_zoo)
print('Animals brought from old zoo are',new_zoo[2])
print('Last animal brought from old zoo is ',new_zoo[2][2])
print('Number of animals in the new zoo is', len(new_zoo)-1+len(new_zoo[2]))

Number of animals in the zoo is  3
Number of cages in the new zoo is 3
All animals in new zoo are ('monkey', 'camel', ('python', 'elephant', 'penguin'))
Animals brought from old zoo are ('python', 'elephant', 'penguin')
Last animal brought from old zoo is  penguin
Number of animals in the new zoo is 5

你可能感兴趣的:(Python 3.7 -- 数据结构--Tuple)