北海的ScalersTalk第六轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 4 20210104



Never too old to learn

I have just received a letter from my old school/ informing me

/aɪ/ /hæv/ /ʤʌst/ /rɪˈsiːvd/ /ə/ /ˈlɛtə/ /frɒm/ /maɪ/ /əʊld/ /skuːl/ /ɪnˈfɔːmɪŋ/ /miː/ 

that my former headmaster, Mr. Stuart Page, willberetiring

/ðæt/ /maɪ/ /ˈfɔːmə/ /ˌhɛdˈmɑːstə/, /Mr/. /ˈstjʊət/ /peɪʤ/, /wɪl/ /biː/ /rɪˈtaɪərɪŋ/ 

next week. Pupils of the school, old and new, willbesending

/nɛkst/ /wiːk/. /ˈpjuːplz/ /ɒv/ /ðə/ /skuːl/, /əʊld/ /ænd/ /njuː/, /wɪl/ /biː/ /ˈsɛndɪŋ/

him a present to mark theoccasion.All those whohave

/hɪm/ /ə/ /ˈprɛznt/ /tuː/ /mɑːk/ /ði/ /əˈkeɪʒən/. /ɔːl/ /ðəʊz/ /huː/ /hæv/

contributed towards the gift will sign their namesin a large

/kənˈtrɪbju(ː)tɪd/ /təˈwɔːdz/ /ðə/ /gɪft/ /wɪl/ /saɪn/ /ðeə/ /neɪmz/ /ɪn/ /ə /lɑːʤ/ 

album which willbesent to the headmaster'shome.We shall

/ˈælbəm/ /wɪʧ/ /wɪl/ /biː/ /sɛnt/ /tuː/ /ðə/ ˌ/hɛdˈmɑːstəz/ /həʊm/. /wiː/ /ʃæl/ 

all remember Mr. Page forhispatience and understanding

/ɔːl/ /rɪˈmɛmbə/ /Mr/. /peɪʤ/ /fɔː/ /hɪz/ /ˈpeɪʃəns/ /ænd/ ˌ/ʌndəˈstændɪŋ/ 

and forthekindly encouragementhegave us whenwewent

/ænd/ /fɔː/ /ðə/ /ˈkaɪndli/ /ɪnˈkʌrɪʤmənt/ /hiː/ /geɪv/ /ʌs/ /wɛn/ /wiː/ /wɛnt /

so unwillinglytoschool. A great manyformerpupilswillbe

/səʊ/ /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋli/ /tuː/ /skuːl/. /ə/ /greɪt/ /ˈmɛni ˈfɔːmə/ /ˈpjuːplz/ /wɪl/ /biː/ 

attending a farewelldinner/ in his honour nextThursday. It is a

/əˈtɛndɪŋ/ /ə/ /feəˈwɛl/ /ˈdɪnər/ /ɪn/ /hɪzˈɒnə/ /nɛkst/ /ˈθɜːzdeɪ/. /ɪt/ /ɪz/ /eɪ/ 

curious coincidence that the day before his retirement, Mr.

/ˈkjʊərɪəs/ /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ /ðæt/ /ðə/ /deɪ/ /bɪˈfɔː/ /hɪz/ /rɪˈtaɪəmənt/, /Mr/

Page will have beenteaching foratotal offorty years.Afterhe

/peɪʤ/ /wɪl/ /hæv/ /biːn/ /ˈtiːʧɪŋ/ /fɔːr/ /ə/ /ˈtəʊtl/ /ɒv/ /ˈfɔːti/ /jɪəz/. /ˈɑːftə/ /hiː/ 

has retired,hewill devote himselftogardening. For him, this

/hæz/ /rɪˈtaɪəd/, /hiː/ /wɪl/ /dɪˈvəʊt/ /hɪmˈsɛlf/ /tuː/ /ˈgɑːdnɪŋ/. /fɔː/ /hɪm/, /ðɪs/ 

willbean entirely newhobby. But this does notmatter, for,as

/wɪl/ /biː/ /ən/ /ɪnˈtaɪəli/ /njuː/ /ˈhɒbi/. /bʌt/ /ðɪs/ /dʌz/ /nɒt/ /ˈmætə/, /fɔː/, /æz/

hehasoften remarked, one isnever toooldtolearn.

/hiː/ /hæz/ /ˈɒf(ə)n/ /ˈrɪˈmɑːkt/, /wʌn/ /ɪz/ /ˈnɛvə/ /tuː/ /əʊld/ /tuː/ /lɜːn/



1/ 單詞

devote  /di'vəvt/ v. 致力于


複習音標中的重音/'/ 用法,並以紅色標記在單詞上

複習音標中的變音/t/ 用法,並以藍色標記在單詞上

複習音標中的重音/z/ 用法,並以黃色標記在單詞上

複習音標中的長音/ː/ 用法,並以紫色標記在單詞上



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