英文 | 中文 |
So then Spencer said, | 然后Spencer跟我说 |
"Are you coming to my party tonight?" | “你今晚要不要来参加我的派对” |
And inside I was like, "Waah!" | 我当时心里是在大叫“哇” |
But on the outside I was like, "Sure, whatevs." | 但表面上我很淡定地说 “行啊无所谓” |
So then I said, "What should I bring?" | 然后我问他“我应该带点什么去呢” |
And he said, "Just your cute self." | 他说 “打扮得漂漂亮亮就足够了” |
And that time I did say, "Waah!" | 那时我忍不住叫了出来 “哇” |
Hi, honey. | 我回来了宝贝 |
Oh, hey, mom. | 嘿妈 |
Homework call. | 在讨论功课 |
Sorry. Where's charlie? | 抱歉看见Charlie吗 |
Kitchen, with Gabe. | 她跟Gabe在厨房 |
Charlie did it. | Charlie干的 |
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What in the world? | 发生什么事啦 |
Well, charlie asked for a milkshake. | Charlie想喝奶昔 |
Like a good big brother, I decided to make one. | 身为她的好哥哥所以我决定去弄一杯 |
Then she forgot to put the top on the blender. | 但她忘了盖上搅拌器的盖子 |
So you put your baby sister in charge of an electrical appliance? | 你竟然让还是个幼儿的小妹妹使用电器 |
And she let me down. | 她太让我失望了 |
Teddy, get in here. | Teddy过来 |
Mom, I'm on the-- wow. | 妈我在聊喔 |
Gotta call you back. | 回头打给你 |
Care to explain what's going on here? | 可以解释一下这里发生了什么事吗 |
Uh, a chocolate bomb went off? | 呃巧克力炸弹爆炸吧 |
I asked if we could make milkshakes | 我问过Teddy我们能不能做奶昔 |
And teddy did this. | 然后她这样打发了我 |
And then she started talking about her party again. | 然后她就继续讨论她那个派对的事了 |
That's what we call homework sometimes-- a party-- 'cause it's so fun. | 我们有时候会把功课叫作派对因为做功课太有意思了 |
Okay, you know what? That's it. | 够了你们知道吗我受够了 |
No T.V., no computer, no video games | 罚你不许看电视不许用电脑也不许打游戏 |
For the rest of the day. | 接下来一整天都必须这样 |
I think that's fair. | 我觉得很公平 |
And you're watching him. | 而你要负责看着他 |
That's so unfair! | 太不公平了 |
And Charlie. | 还要看管好Charlie |
Mom, I have to get ready for my party. | 妈我需要为我的派对作准备啊 |
That's just too bad. And what did I tell you about lying? | 太可惜了关于说谎记得我是怎么跟你说的吗 |
It only works on dad. | 老爸才会信我的谎话 |
Now both of you, clean this mess up. | 现在你们两个快把这里清理好 |
My poor little baby. | 我可怜的小宝贝喔 |
I gotta give you a bath. Mwah. | 要给你洗个澡才行 |
Or I could just lick you clean. | 或者我把你舔干净也行 |
Today's all burnt toast | 生活搞得一团糟 |
running late, and dad jokes | 就要迟到爸爸在叫 |
Has anybody seen my left shoe | 我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 |
I close my eyes, take a bite | 我闭上双眼咬口早餐 |
Grab a ride, laugh out loud | 跳上车子放声大笑 |
There it is up on the roof | 就在这里我们的家 |
I've been there, I've survived | 我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过 |
So just take my advice | 所以听取我的建议 |
Hang in there, baby, | 宝贝不要放弃 |
Things are crazy | 世界有很多疯狂无奈 |
But I know your future is bright | 可是我知道你会有美好未来 |
Hang in there, Baby | 宝贝不要放弃 |
There is no maybe | 不要怀疑 |
Eveything turns out all right | 一切终会如你所愿 |
Sure life is up and down | 生活有悲有喜 |
But trust me, it comes back all around | 可是请相信我坚持就有好结果 |
You're gonna love who you turn out to be | 你会喜欢将来的你 |
Hang in there, Baby | 宝贝不要放弃 |
Good morning, dad. | 早安爸 |
you gonna get to that lawn today? | 你今天可以把草坪的草割好了吧 |
You know, when someone says "Good morning," | 你知吗通常听到别人跟你说“早安” |
The traditional response is "Good morning" back. | 你应该说回一句“早安” |
Sorry. | 抱歉 |
You gonna get to that lawn today? | 你今天可以把草坪的草割好了吧 |
So where you off to? | 你要去哪儿 |
I'm meeting with some jingle writers, | 准备跟几位广告歌作曲人见面 |
Getting ready to shoot a new commercial for bob's bugs be gone. | Bob灭虫公司的新广告快要开拍了 |
A jingle? That's like a song, right? | 广告歌那也算歌对吧 |
That's right, a catchy little tune that sticks in your head | 没错一段朗朗上口的小调 |
And drives you just a little bit crazy. | 一旦听过便忘不了整天在脑子里转悠 |
You know emmett and I have a band, right? | 你还记得Emmett跟我有一个乐队吧 |
You know we have a lawn mower, right? | 你记得我们有个割草机吧 |
Don't you think you should give us a shot at writing your jingle? | 难道你不觉得你应该给我们一个机会去写你们的广告歌吗 |
P.J., come on, music's a great hobby for you, | P.J.老实说音乐是一个很不错的兴趣 |
but I need a professional. | 但我需要专业人士 |
Come on, just give us a chance. | 不要这样吧就给我们一个机会嘛 |
All right, okay. | 好吧 |
If you guys wanna take a shot at it, knock yourselves out. | 如果你们是真的想要个机会那就尽力一试吧 |
You will not be sorry. | 你不会后悔这个决定的 |
And then one day when I accept my grammy for best exterminator jingle, | 将来当我上台接受我的格莱美奖最佳除虫广告歌奖项时 |
I'm gonna say, | 我一定会说 |
"This one's for you, dad. | “这个奖是为你而获得的老爸” |
And my girlfriend Taylor Swift. | “还有我的女朋友Taylor Swift” |
What up, Tay-tay?" | “好啊Tay-tay” |
What's wrong with you? | 你怎么啦 |
No t.V., no computer, no video games. | 没有电视没有电脑没有电子游戏 |
I'm freaking out. | 我快疯了 |
Why don't you read a book? | 你为什么不看看书呢 |
Sure, right after I clean my room. | 我会看的但在我清理好我的房间才可以看 |
Do you even know me? | 你难道还不了解我吗 |
You're a strange little dude. | 你是个奇怪的小子 |
Where are you going? | 你去哪儿啊 |
To the store. We're out of diapers. | 商店纸尿片用光了 |
Please take me with you. | 我也想去 |
You wanna go shopping for diapers? | 你想去买纸尿片吗 |
No, but I will not stay here and have these machines mock me. | 不是但是呆在这儿看着那些电视电脑却不能用太煎熬了 |
Again, a strange little dude. | 果然是个奇怪的小子 |
Okay, read back what we have so far. | 好现在看看我们写了点什么 |
Okay. "Jingle number one, | 听着 “第一首广告歌” |
Written by P.J. And emmett." | "P.J.和Emmett作" |
That's it. | 就是这些了 |
Think. Gotta think. | 想想吧努力想想吧 |
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Oh, hey, my dad's name is bob. | 对了我爸的名字是Bob |
Maybe we should think of things that rhyme with "Bob." | 或者我们可以想些跟Bob押韵的字 |
How about blob, glob and slob? | blob(一滴)glob(一团)和slob(懒蛋)如何 |
I'm doing a load of his whites. | 我在洗他的这一堆白衬衣 |
Man, writing a jingle is harder than I thought. | 广告歌比我想像的难写得多 |
Mom, we need some inspiration. | 妈我们需要些灵感 |
Well, lucky for you, | 你们问对人了 |
I wrote quite a bit of poetry in high school. | 我在中学时写过好几首诗的 |
Published five times in the school's literary magazine-- | 在学校的文学杂志上刊登了五次 |
Whatever. | 其实也没什么了不起啦 |
Actually, I was thinking | 其实我在想 |
You could inspire us with some sandwiches. | 或者你也可以做些三明治来激励一下我们 |
My first piece or-- back it up-- | 我的第一篇作品是不对 |
Should I say my first published piece | 我应该说说我第一篇被刊登的作品 |
Is called simply "Locker." | 标题就叫“储物柜” |
That's great. I'll take a ham and cheese-- | 嗯听起来不错我去弄些火腿和奶酪来 |
"Hey there, locker, | 你好储物柜 |
Filled with my books and papers | 装满我的书和论文 |
And secrets. | 还有秘密 |
I can't remember your combination. | 我记不起你的密码 |
37 right, 17 left, | 左37右17 |
But then what? | 接下的密码是什么啦 |
Am I locked out | 到底是我被关在外面 |
Or are you locked in?" | 还是你被关在里面 |
So good. So good. | 真好真好 |
It's still so good. | 仍然感觉这么好 |
You wanna do this at my house? | 不如到我家继续写吧 |
Well well well, | 看看谁来了 |
Gabriel B. Duncan Gabriel B. Duncan. | |
Afternoon, hugo. | 午安Hugo |
The manager knows you? | 经理认识你吗 |
We have a history, yes. | 我跟他有过节我们认识 |
A word of advice, Duncan-- | Ducan给你一点忠告 |
You knock over a display or joy-ride a shopping cart, | 如果你再敢弄倒一辆手推车或坐在上面兜风 |
And I will personally open a can of Reddi Mart's finest butt-kick. | 我就亲自用雷迪大卖场的独门招数对付你 |
Hey, have you lost weight? | 喂你减肥了吗 |
Just kidding. | 说笑而已 |
I'm watching you, punk. | 小心点儿吧小屁孩 |
Soda and mints? What are these for? | 汽水和薄荷糖买这些干嘛 |
I'm gonna make a soda geyser. | 我准备做一个汽水喷泉 |
You drop a mint into the bottle | 当你把薄荷糖扔进汽水时 |
And it makes this huge explosion. | 就会引发一个大爆炸 |
Wow, that sounds so cool. | 听起来很酷 |
Put them back. | 把它们放回原位 |
How come you get to buy lip gloss and I can't buy this stuff? | 为什么你能买唇膏而我却不能买这些呢 |
It's completely different. | 这完全是两码事 |
Soda and mints won't make you look totally cute at a party. | 汽水和薄荷糖不会令你在派对上显得更可爱 |
Thank you very much. | 非常感谢 |
What's going on? | 怎么了 |
Why, it's gabe. I must be getting psychic. | 看啊果然是Gabe我的超能力越来越强劲了 |
I didn't do anything. | 我什么也没有做过 |
Mm-hmm, come on. | 过来吧 |
Receipt. | 把收据给我 |
There you go. | 给你 |
Huh, I'm seeing diapers, | 收据写着你们买了纸尿片 |
But I'm not seeing sunglasses. Explain. | 但没有买太阳眼镜请解释 |