

The business of quantum computers Uncertainty principals(不确定性原理)

来源:每日英语听力,经济学人-科技(The Economist-Science and technology)


She compares this to the early days of classical computing, when the development of compilers and early programming languages freed human beings from the need to think in the ones and zeros of raw machine code.她将这一工作与经典计算的早期开发做了类比正是有了那些开发工作,编译器和早期编程语言的发展才将人类从1和0这样的原始机器代码中解放了出来。

compare to 类比

The big question is what all this is leading up to.最关键的问题是:这一切努力最终的归宿。

lead up to    v.  1.使话题逐渐转向;为...作准备    to prepare the way for something

                        2.设法引出    to approach a subject gradually or indirectly

Despite the excitement, the industry's commercial pioneers have their work cut out for them.尽管前景令人期待,该行业的商业先驱们依然还有很多工作要做。

cut out    割掉;除去;剪下;开辟

There is plenty of promise, but, as yet, no certainty.未来充满了希望,但就目前来看,没有一种希望是板上钉钉的。

Microsoft(whose own topological machines are still at an early stage of development) offers access via Azure ,its cloud-computing service, to machines from lonQ, Honeywell and a company called Quantum Circuits.微软(该公司自己的拓扑量子计算机仍处于开发的早期阶段)通过其云计算服务平台Azure提供了访问lonQ、霍尼韦尔以及一家名为“量子电路”的量子计算公司机器的接口

Amazon hosts machines from Rigetti, lonQ and D-Wave, a Canadian company that builds specialised, fixed-purpose computers called quantum annealers.亚马逊则群集了来自Rigetti、lonQ和 D-Wave的机器,D-Wave是一家制造固定用途的专用计算机,也即所谓的“量子退火炉”的加拿大公司。

host    vt.  host sth

1. 主办,主持(活动)to organize an event to which others are invited and make all the arrangements for them

2.主持(电视或广播节目等)to introduce a television or radio programme, a show, etc.

3.作为主人组织(聚会);做东to organize a party that you have invited guests to

4.(通常收费在与互联网连接的计算机上)存储网站to store a website on a computer connected to the Internet, usually in return for payment

specialised    adj. 专用的;专业的;专门的designed or developed for a particular purpose or area of knowledge

fixed-purpose  固定用途/固定目标

annealer    n.    1.〔冶〕退火炉    2.退火装置

Rather than have hardware-makers come up with useful algorithms, the hope is that existing businesses, by being given access to the machines in this way, will invent such algorithms for themselves.相比让硬件制造商提供有用的算法,微软和亚马逊选择了寄希望于现有企业, 通过以这种方式为他们提供访问量子计算机的权限,现有企业能够自主开发这类算法。

come up with    na.1.想出(一个主意或计划);提出    2.提供;筹措    3.赶上


With that in mind, says Krysta Svore, who leads Microsoft's quantum-computing research,  one task is to make those machines as easy as possible to use.如此一来,微软量子计算研究负责人克里 斯塔·斯沃尔表示,现有企业面临的任务之一便是尽可能提高这些量子计算机的易用性。

With that in mind  考虑到这一点

It has also developed software intended to smooth over differences between machines from different makers, so that programmers do not have to worry about whether they are marshalling ions or electrons.微软还开发了旨在消除不同制造商不同机器差异的软件,如此一来,程序员便不必再担心他们在编组的究竟是离子还是电子。

smooth over  (“smooth away”的变体)消除;缓和;克服  to remove or lessen difficulties or tensions

marshalling    编组;封送处理;列车编组

这里“如此一来”的表达和上句“With that in mind”不通,用的是“so that”。

Finding algorithms that are both commercially useful and simple enough to work within a NISQ machine's limitations is not easy.要探索出既有商业用途,又能在NISQ机器的各种局限性下实现简单操作的算法并不容易。

A report published last year by America's National Academy of Sciences reminded readers that no commercial applications are currently known to exist.美国国家科学院去年发表的一份报告提醒读者,这类算法目前尚不具备商业应用能力

The first step, then, is to go looking.那么,如今的第一步就是去看看。

The industry has been cheered by Google's demonstration last year of "quantum supremacy", in which it used a NISQ machine to perform, with minutes of computing time,  a calculation that would have taken thousands of years on classical hardware. 去年,该行业迎来了一大振奋人心的消息:谷歌展示了“量子(计算)的优越性”,该企业真的利用一台NISQ机器,只用了几分钟的计算时间,完成了一项传统硬件需要数干年才能完成的计算任务。

supremacy    n.    至高无上;最大权力;最高权威;最高地位a position in which you have more power, authority or status than anyone else

Google's calculation was highly contrived and of little use in the real world.尽管谷歌的计算任务人为痕迹较重,在现实生活中并没有多大用处。

But it proved a point.但至少说明了问题。

contrived    adj.    预谋的;不自然的;人为的;矫揉造作的;做作的planned in advance and not natural or genuine; written or arranged in a way that is not natural or realistic
