Select elements by their type A Selects all elements of type A. Type refers to the type of tag, so
, and
are all different element types. Examples
selects all div elements. selects all p elements.
第2关:Type Selector
Select elements by their type A Selects all elements of type A. Type refers to the type of tag, so
, and
are all different element types. Examples div selects all div elements. selects all p elements.
第3关:ID Selector
Select elements with an ID #id Selects the element with a specific id. You can also combine the ID selector with the type selector. Examples #cool selects any element with id="cool" ul#longselects
第4关:Descendant Selector
Select an element inside another element A B Selects all B inside of A. B is called a descendant because it is inside of another element. Examples p strongselects all elements that are inside of any #fancy span selects any elements that are inside of the element with id="fancy"
plate > apple
第5关:Combine the Descendant & ID Selectors
#id A You can combine any selector with the descendent selector. Examples #cool spanselects all elements that are inside of elements withid="cool"
#fancy > pickle
第6关:Class Selector
Select elements by their class .classname The class selector selects all elements with that class attribute. Elements can only have one ID, but many classes. Examples .neatoselects all elements with class="neato"
第7关:Combine the Class Selector
A.className You can combine the class selector with other selectors, like the type selector. Examples ul.importantselects all
elements that have class="important" #big.wideselects all elements with id="big"that also haveclass="wide"
Combine, selectors, with… commas! A, B Thanks to Shatner technology, this selects all A and B elements. You can combine any selectors this way, and you can specify more than two. Examples p, .funselects all elements as well as all elements with class="fun" a, p, div selects all ,< p> and
第10关:The Universal Selector
You can select everything! * You can select all elements with the universal selector! Examples p *selects any element inside all elements.
第11关:Combine the Universal Selector
A * This selects all elements inside of A Examples p *selects every element inside all elements. ul.fancy *selects every element inside all
plate *
第12关:Adjacent Sibling Selector
Select an element that directly follows another element A + B This selects allB elements that directly followA. Elements that follow one another are called siblings. They’re on the same level, or depth.
In the HTML markup for this level, elements that have the same indentation are siblings. Examples p + .introselects every element with class="intro"that directly follows a div + aselects every a element that directly follows a
plate + apple
第13关:General Sibling Selector
Select elements that follows another element A ~ B You can select all siblings of an element that follow it. This is like the Adjacent Selector(A + B)except it gets all of the following elements instead of one. Examples A ~ Bselects all B that follow a A
bento ~ pickle
第14关:Child Selector
Select direct children of an element A > B You can select elements that are direct children of other elements.A child element is any element that is nested directly in another element.
Elements that are nested deeper than that are called descendant elements. Examples A > Bselects allBthat are a direct children A 参考答案:
plate > apple
第15关:First Child Pseudo-selector
Select a first child element inside of another element :first-child You can select the first child element. A child element is any element that is directly nested in another element. You can combine this pseudo-selector with other selectors. Examples :first-childselects all first child elements. p:first-childselects all first child elements. div p:first-childselects all first child elements that are in a
. 参考答案:
plate orange:first-child
第16关:Only Child Pseudo-selector
Select an element that are the only element inside of another one. :only-child You can select any element that is the only element inside of another one.
plate apple:only-child,plate pickle:only-child
第17关:Last Child Pseudo-selector
Select the last element inside of another element :last-child You can use this selector to select an element that is the last child element inside of another element. Pro Tip → In cases where there is only one element, that element counts as the first-child, only-child and last-child! Examples :last-childselects all last-child elements. span:last-childselects all last-child span elements. ul li:last-childselects the lastelements inside of any
第18关:Nth Child Pseudo-selector
Select an element by its order in another element :nth-child(A) Selects the nth (Ex: 1st, 3rd, 12th etc.) child element in another element. Examples :nth-child(8) selects every element that is the 8th child of another element. div p:nth-child(2)selects the second p in every
第19关:Nth Last Child Selector
Select an element by its order in another element, counting from the back :nth-last-child(A) Selects the children from the bottom of the parent. This is like nth-child, but counting from the back! Examples :nth-last-child(2)selects all second-to-last child elements.
第20关:First of Type Selector
Select the first element of a specific type :first-of-type Selects the first element of that type within another element. Examples span:first-of-type selects the first span in any element.
第21关:Nth of Type Selector
:nth-of-type(A) Selects a specific element based on its type and order in another element - or even or odd instances of that element. Examples div:nth-of-type(2) selects the second instance of a
. .example:nth-of-type(odd)selects all odd instances of a the example class.
第22关:Nth-of-type Selector with Formula
:nth-of-type(An+B) The nth-of-type formula selects every nth element, starting the count at a specific instance of that element. Examples span:nth-of-type(6n+2)selects every 6th instance of a, starting from (and including) the second instance.
第23关:Only of Type Selector
Select elements that are the only ones of their type within of their parent element :only-of-type Selects the only element of its type within another element. Examples span:only-of-type selects a span within anyif it is the only in there.
第24关:Last of Type Selector
Select the last element of a specific type :last-of-type Selects each last element of that type within another element. Remember type refers the kind of tag, so and span are different types.
I wonder if this is how the last dinosaur was selected before it went extinct. Examples div:last-of-type selects the last div in every element.
span:last-of-type selects the last span in every
第25关:Empty Selector
Select elements that don’t have children :empty Selects elements that don’t have any other elements inside of them. Examples div:empty selects all empty
第26关:Negation Pseudo-class
Select all elements that don’t match the negation selector :not(X) You can use this to select all elements that do not match selector "X". Examples :not(#fancy) selects all elements that do not have id="fancy". div:not(:first-child) selects every
that is not a first child. :not(.big, .medium) selects all elements that do not have class="big"or class="medium".
第27关:Attribute Selector
Select all elements that have a specific attribute [attribute] Attributes appear inside the opening tag of an element, like this: span attribute=“value”. An attribute does not always have a value, it can be blank! Examples a[href]selects all a elements that have a href="anything" attribute. [type]selects all elements that have a type="anything". attribute
第28关:Attribute Selector
Select all elements that have a specific attribute A[attribute] Combine the attribute selector with another selector (like the tag name selector) by adding it to the end. Examples [value] selects all elements that have a value="anything" attribute. a[href] selects all a elements that have ahref="anything"attribute. input[disabled]selects all input elements with the disabled attribute
第29关:Attribute Value Selector
Select all elements that have a specific attribute value [attribute="value"] Attribute selectors are case sensitive, each character must match exactly. Examples input[type="checkbox"] selects all checkbox input elements.
第30关:Attribute Starts With Selector
Select all elements with an attribute value that starts with specific characters [attribute^="value"] Examples .toy[category^="Swim"]selects elements with class toy and eithercategory="Swimwear or category="Swimming".
第31关:Attribute Ends With Selector
Select all elements with an attribute value that ends with specific characters [attribute$="value"] Examples img[src$=".jpg"]selects all images display a.jpgimage.
第32关:Attribute Wildcard Selector
Select all elements with an attribute value that contains specific characters anywhere [attribute*="value"] A useful selector if you can identify a common pattern in things like class, href or src attributes. Examples img[src*="/thumbnails/"]selects all image elements that show images from the"thumbnails"folder. [class*="heading"]selects all elements with "heading" in their class, likeclass="main-heading"and class="sub-heading".
Traits are a fundamental unit of code reuse in Scala. A trait encapsulates method and field definitions, which can then be reused by mixing them into classes. Unlike class inheritance, in which each c
版本:WebLogic Server 10.3
说明:%DOMAIN_HOME%:指WebLogic Server 域(Domain)目录
例如我的做测试的域的根目录 DOMAIN_HOME=D:/Weblogic/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain
1.为了保证操作安全,备份%DOMAIN_HOME%/security/Defa 文中提到相关超时问题,但是又出现了一个问题,我把min和max都设置成了180000,但是仍然出现了以下的异常信息:
Client session timed out, have not heard from server in 154339ms for sessionid 0x13a3f7732340003
在Mysql 众多表中查找一个表名或者字段名的 SQL 语句:
方法一:SELECT table_name, column_name from information_schema.columns WHERE column_name LIKE 'Name';
方法二:SELECT column_name from information_schema.colum