
Fritillaria Wenhai


We Chat chat collision out of the sparks.


1.Learn to be a better self! Change, meet a better yourself! Learning and changing is not to show others, But in order to improve themselves, to happiness themselves, for the happiness of more people, do not live up to their own, live up this life!


2.Life is alive, High salaries are better than high officials, High salary is not as good as longevity, Happy is better than a long life!(人生在世,高官不如高薪,高薪不如高寿,高寿不如高兴!

3.For your own sake,For the people you love,And for the love of you,Be nice to yourself!(为了你自己,为了你愛的人,也为了愛你的人,对自己好点!

4.Men are machines.Women used as men,Clerks work as migrant workers.Tired to death, lying on the sofa like a dog!(男人当机器用,女人当男人用,文员当农民工用。累得要死,像狗一样卧在沙发上。

5.Money is good, but also good life; Fame is great, but health.

Human food, eat a bowl of less a bowl; The human face, see one side less. Life is a subtraction, the day is not long.

We only come to this world once! Eat what you want to eat, see who you want, see the scenery you like, do what you love, you never know tomorrow and accident which will come first! Cherish every minute now.

There is no quiet time. You are well, I am fine is the world's most quiet time! (钱财再好,也好不过生命;名利再大,大不过健康。




6.Gold tries with fire, men try with women, women try with money. In fact, men can also use money to try, so, gold with fire test, people try with money.(金用火试,男人用女人试,女人用钱试。其实,男人也可用钱试,所以,金用火试,人用钱试。

7.Accept what has happened with a normal mind; With a broad heart, the wrong person; Adhere to the correct idea with unchanging mind; With joy heart, pay sincere care; To put down the heart, facing the things that do not give up; With a good heart, enjoy life every day; With sincere heart, treat everyone; With a grateful heart, cherish the possession.(以平常心,接受已发生的事;以宽阔心,包容有错的人;以不变心,坚持正确的想法;以喜悦心,付出真心与关怀;以放下心,面对不舍的事物;以美好心,享受生命每一天;以真诚心,善待每个人;以感恩心,珍惜拥有。

8.Life is not easy, and line and cherish!(人生不易,且行且珍惜!

9.I'm glad to think of what you said.(想到你说的话我就高兴!

What you said makes me happy!(您那句话说的,我想想就高兴!
