Plant Simulation与Python交互的3种方式之(三)

上一篇波哥讲到了Plant Simulation通过ActiveX控件调用Python开发的API,这种方式只能是Plant Simulation调用Python的函数,不能反向通信。

如果要实现Python操作Plant Simulation,通过COM接口也是可以的,先看看Plant Silumulation对COM接口的描述。

With the COM Interface you can control Plant Simulation from other applications by entering Tecnomatix.PlantSimulationRemoteControl. 

You might, for example, start a simulation run in Plant Simulation from Microsoft Excel and then write the results into an Excel table. You can use the COM Interface to control Plant Simulation from any application that can address COM objects. This includes all Office applications, the Windows Scripting Host, and many other applications.

Plant Simulation提供的接口如下所示:

interface IRemoteControl : IDispatch{
       HRESULT NewModel();     HRESULT LoadModel(BSTR);     HRESULT SaveModel(BSTR);     HRESULT CloseModel();
