


root@uos-PC:/home/uos/Downloads/log/var/log/tuned# dmidecode -h
Usage: dmidecode [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-d, --dev-mem FILE Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem)
-h, --help Display this help text and exit
-q, --quiet Less verbose output
-s, --string KEYWORD Only display the value of the given DMI string
-t, --type TYPE Only display the entries of given type
-H, --handle HANDLE Only display the entry of given handle
-u, --dump Do not decode the entries
–dump-bin FILE Dump the DMI data to a binary file
–from-dump FILE Read the DMI data from a binary file
–no-sysfs Do not attempt to read DMI data from sysfs files
–oem-string N Only display the value of the given OEM string
-V, --version Display the version and exit


$ dmidecode > /tmp/hardware.log
$ grep -ni "system power" /tmp/hardware.log

551:System Power Supply
## 可以进入/tmp/hardware.log 查看具体内容
System Power Supply
        Power Unit Group: 1
        Location: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Name: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Manufacturer: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Serial Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Asset Tag: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Model Part Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Revision: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Max Power Capacity: Unknown
        Status: Present, OK
        Type: Switching
        Input Voltage Range Switching: Auto-switch
        Plugged: Yes
        Hot Replaceable: No
        Input Voltage Probe Handle: 0x0035
        Cooling Device Handle: 0x0037
        Input Current Probe Handle: 0x0038




1 System
2 Base Board
3 Chassis
4 Processor
5 Memory Controller
6 Memory Module
7 Cache
8 Port Connector
9 System Slots
10 On Board Devices
11 OEM Strings
12 System Configuration Options
13 BIOS Language
14 Group Associations
15 System Event Log
16 Physical Memory Array
17 Memory Device
18 32-bit Memory Error
19 Memory Array Mapped Address
20 Memory Device Mapped Address
21 Built-in Pointing Device
22 Portable Battery
23 System Reset
24 Hardware Security
25 System Power Controls
26 Voltage Probe
27 Cooling Device
28 Temperature Probe
29 Electrical Current Probe
30 Out-of-band Remote Access
31 Boot Integrity Services
32 System Boot
33 64-bit Memory Error
34 Management Device
35 Management Device Component
36 Management Device Threshold Data
37 Memory Channel
38 IPMI Device
39 Power Supply
40 Additional Information
41 Onboard Device


dmidecode -t 编码


$ /usr/sbin/dmidecode -t 39
# dmidecode 3.2
Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
SMBIOS 3.2.0 present.

Handle 0x0039, DMI type 39, 22 bytes
System Power Supply
        Power Unit Group: 1
        Location: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Name: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Manufacturer: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Serial Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Asset Tag: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Model Part Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Revision: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
        Max Power Capacity: Unknown
        Status: Present, OK
        Type: Switching
        Input Voltage Range Switching: Auto-switch
        Plugged: Yes
        Hot Replaceable: No
        Input Voltage Probe Handle: 0x0035
        Cooling Device Handle: 0x0037
        Input Current Probe Handle: 0x0038


# lshw --help
Hardware Lister (lshw) - 
usage: lshw [-format] [-options ...]
       lshw -version

        -version        print program version ()

format can be
        -html           output hardware tree as HTML
        -xml            output hardware tree as XML
        -json           output hardware tree as a JSON object
        -short          output hardware paths
        -businfo        output bus information

options can be
        -class CLASS    only show a certain class of hardware
        -C CLASS        same as '-class CLASS'
        -c CLASS        same as '-class CLASS'
        -disable TEST   disable a test (like pci, isapnp, cpuid, etc. )
        -enable TEST    enable a test (like pci, isapnp, cpuid, etc. )
        -quiet          don't display status
        -sanitize       sanitize output (remove sensitive information like serial numbers, etc.)
        -numeric        output numeric IDs (for PCI, USB, etc.)
        -notime         exclude volatile attributes (timestamps) from output

lshw > hardware.txt
