

Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror?How often?

Well for me, I almost look at myself in the mirror probably on a daily basis. Before I am heading out, I get used to looking at myself in the mirror in order to check whether I look okay today or my clothes are tidy and suitable.

Have you ever bought mirrors?

Of course. I bought a makeup mirror with LED lighting online when I was a freshman. Although it costs me about 200 yuan, it is always so clear, providing with excellent lighting, that I can put on my makeup.

Do you usually take a mirror with you?

I don't usually carry a mirror with me. Mainly because I prefer to use different bags to match my outfit of the day. So I always forget which bag my small mirror is in. Also, if I want to look myself in the mirror when I am outside, I can go to the WC.

Would you use mirrors to decorate your room?

Personally speaking, I wouldn't use mirror to decorate my room. Because I tend to use paintings or my idol's posters to decorate my room. For me, mirror is just a tool to check myself.


Can you remember the dreams you had?

I think I would only remember my dreams within a short period of time, like 5 minutes, after I wake up. Then I go to brush my teeth, wash my face and have breakfast, I probably won't be able to remember my dreams anymore.

Do you share your dreams with others?(or:Are you interested in others' dreams?

I never share my dreams with others. On the one hand, I always forget my dreams. On the other hand, I think no matter how funny or scary dreams are, they are still not real, so there is no need to share.

Do you think dreams have special meanings?

Well, maybe my words about the previous question has answered it. In my mind, no matter the dreams are good or bad, they don't really necessarily carry any special meanings, just like stories in the book. As a result, I won't be influenced by my dreams.

Do you want to make your dreams come true?

It all depends on whether they are good for me. If I dream of achieving my academic goals, I would want it comes true. However, if I dream of something sad, obviously, I don't want it comes true.


Do you often send emails?

Not frequently. Email is more often used in the workplace for formal communication. You know, I am a student, I prefer to use instant messaging apps, like Wechat, to chat with my friends and family.

When would you send emails to others?

I only send emails to my professors when I have academic questions to ask. Apart from that, I rarely use emails for communicating.

Is sending emails popular in China?

I guess so. Emails are really popular among office workers, because they send emails to colleagues and clients on a daily basis. In our college, professors are used to checking whether they receive new emails every morning.

Do you think sending emails will be more or less popular in the future?

Actually emails can be less popular in the future. Oftentimes, sending emails is frustrating because we are not sure when the receiver will reply us. Sending emails is not an immediate way of communication and will be replaced by other messaging apps like wechat.


Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?

Yeah I'd say so. There was a big theatre in my primary school. So at that time, my school always arranged for students to watch movie once a month.

Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends?

Yeah at weekends, I usually go with my friends to watch films in the cinema. We'd sometimes exchange ideas about the film and have a good meal after watching the film.

Do you still enjoy watching the movies you loved as a child?

Yes. Some cartoons I watched when I was a child can still attract me to watch again. My favorite movie was Ice Age. It not only tells the stories of glacial animals, but also emphasizes the value of love, family and friendship.

Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema?

It depends on what kind of movies we are talking about. For some blockbusters that are newly released, l prefer going to the cinema to watch them. For some old movies which are available on the internet, I'II probably choose to watch them with my family at home. That makes me feel happiness and comfortable.


Do you like drawing?

I do, indeed. Painting is the best meditation tool. It makes my mind relax and helps me improve my concentration, so I always draw a picture.

Do you like to go to the gallery?

Well, the art gallery is absolutely my thing. Being around art makes me happy, and I can be more creative, I can enjoy the peace, nothing carries me away like visiting art galleries.

Do you want to learn more about art?

For sure! If I'm given more golden opportunities to get the hang of art, I will grab those chances. Because art is worthy of paying attention since it's food for the soul for each individual who sees its beauty.

Did you learn drawing when you were a kid?

Of course, my mom sent me to the studio to learn drawing when I was a kid. Besides, drawing is a part of the primary to high school curriculum.

6.Taking photos

Do you like taking photos?

Of course. My father sent me a digital camera as my birthday present and I often use it to take pictures of scenic places. I also love to share these pictures on Wechat.

Do you like taking selfies?

Yeah definitely. I always enjoy taking photos of myself or my friends when we are hanging together. I sometimes post them on social media as a reminder of the good time we spent together.

What is your favourite family photo?

To be honest, I haven't had a family photo for so many years. I always thought it is a pity, so I decide to take a family photo with all of us after I graduate from the university.

Do you want to improve your photography skills?

Definately yes. I have a plan to take the course professional photography because I want to know the techniques in photography. I want to understand how to use my camera well in order to capture perfect shots.


Do you like watching sport programs on TV?

During my holiday, I often watch sports programs on TV at home. It is a convenient and comfortable way to enjoy the sport games. I can see strong willed athletes and enthusiastic fans.

Do you like to watch live sports games?

Sure. Most sports are super competitive and it's all about losing and winning. I mean if you don't watch live games, chances are you'II be spoiled with the final score. Then there be no point in watching the game at all.

Who do you like to watch sports games with?

My brother definately. Because he knows a lot about sports, even all the drama in athletic world. When I can't understand the rules of the game, he'd be the one who patiently explains to me.

What kinds of games do you expect to watch in the future?

The Summer Olympic Games. It will be held in Paris France in 2024. And I will be enjoying table tennis matches, I think I can learn a lot from our country's athletes.

8.Mobile phone

What was your first mobile phone?

Well, I think it was probably about eleven years ago. It was a really cute little phone, and I forget the exact color of it. But I still remember that it was stolen by a woman beside me when I was reading in a bookshop.

Do you often use your mobile phone for texting or calls?

Sure. There is no single day that I can live without my phone. I usually make a phone call with my little brother, he is just 10 years old. And I send messages and text a lot with my friends and parents.

Will you buy a new one in the future?

Sure but not in a very near future. I bought my phone 2 years ago. I never play games, just use it to communicate and watch videos. So the battery of it is still healthy.

How has your mobile phone changed your life?

Mobile phones have become a part and parcel of our life, I mean almost every adult can't live without mobile phone. It brings us convenience and happiness, since we can use it for paying and entertainment.

9.Street market

What do people usually buy on the street market?

Well actually people can buy a variety of products, like the fresh fruit, small handicrafts and also some souvenirs.

Do you prefer to go shopping in the shopping mall or on the street market?

It depends on the thing I want to shop for. I will choose to buy fruit on the street market, because fruits there are always cheap and fresh. If I want to buy clothes or jewelry, I will go to the shopping mall.

When was the last time you went to a street market?

Just five or four days ago. There are several street markets not away from the west gate of my school. I prefer to buy fruits there. On that day I bought some oranges and cherry tomatos.

Are there many street markets in China?

Yes. It is common to see street markets in China and the markets are usually divided by wooden booths. Opposite to the shopping mall, customers can haggle prices with the vendor there.

10.Time management

How do you plan your time in a day?

I feel like my days are highly dependent on my personal schedule. I usually list out everything that I have to do on my plan book. And I love being organized and being able to know what I have to accomplish in a day.

Is it easy to manage time for you?

Yeah, I have been in the habit of doing things according to a schedule since I was in junior high. Now, it is easy for me to balance my studying and everything else that I have to do.

When do you find it hard to allocate time?

Well, it can be challenging to allocate my time when I have a lot of different things on my plate. Also, if I'm just being overly ambitious, in terms of the things I want to accomplish, and so I definitely struggle a little bit there.

Do you like being busy?

Definitely. I love keeping myself occupied throughout the day without getting too burned out. Being busy can help me become more efficient and allocate my time well.


What kinds of websites do you often visit?

All sorts, but the regular one is bilibili. I watch interesting videos on bilibili. It can be counted as an online community, where people would share different kinds of videos, such as daily life, cooking and ootd.

What is your favourite website?

Um, apart from the site that I mentioned before, my favourite website is jianshu. It is an writing website, where you can write articles about something like diary, story and so on. I often post what I have learnt about the day.

Are there any changes about the websites you often visit?

Yes, absolutely. Most websites are constantly changing. Bilibili, I mentioned before, has updated many versions. Now it can recommend related videos on the home page based on those you often watch.

What kinds of websites are popular in your country?

Well, I guess, some video-sharing websites are really prevailing. Such websites provide a great way for people to access new information and also to kill time.

12.Lost and found

What will you do if you find something lost by others?

It all depends on where I find it. Like if I'm in a library or classroom, I will ask people around if the item is theirs or take the item to the staff.

Do you report to the police when finding something lost by others?Why?

Yeah, I do. If it seems valuable or important, like cash, id card or wallet, I will report to the police immediately. Because police can quickly get in touch with the owner through the information of the item.

Have you ever lost things?

Absolutely yes. One time I lost my airpods and couldn't remember when I used them last time. Luckily, my roommate told me that iphone has the positioning function. So I checked on my phone and found them in a classroom.

Will you post on social media if you lose your item?

I think I will. I mean I have't done it before, but l've seen several these kinds of posts on my wechat moment every now and then. People on the social media platform normally are willing to help out like to repost or to offer tips.


Did you enjoy traveling by car when you were a kid?

Probably not. When I was a kid, I could not get used to sitting in a car for quite a long time and easily get carsick. That made me feel dizzy and really uncomfortable.

What types of cars do you like?

I know little about cars. If I am going to purchase a car, I will probably go for a small-sized one which is cheap and easy to park.

Do you prefer to be a driver or a passenger?

Definitely passenger. I am not good at driving and can't help being nervous as a driver. So why not be a passenger and enjoy the car music. That pretty great!

What do you usually do when there is a traffic jam?

Well, when I get stuck in a traffic jam, I will turn up the volume of the car music. Maybe many people will choose to use their mobile phone to kill time, but I think it is still dangerous. So I prefer to enjoy music at that time.

14.Daily routine

What is your daily study routine?

I have 3 to 5 lessons everyday, costing me around three hours. Then I spend 2 hours on English learning and 1 hour on something I'm interested in. After all of these, I will watch videos for relax.

Have you ever changed your routine?

Yeah, on weekends, I may sleep and get up later. Since there is no course on weekends, I will spend more time on something I'm interested in. I also go to the cinema or park to spend my vacation.

Do you think it is important to have a daily routine for your study?

Yes, it’s obviously necessary to develop a daily routine. It helps us organize our time during the day, feel more in control of everything, and cope with changes, form healthy habits and reduce our stress levels.

What part of your day do you like best?

Emm, I enjoy evening most during the day. When the sky gets dark, there are not many people outside, I prefer to go walking with my friends on the playground. We talk and laugh. It makes me feel relaxed.

15.TV program

What kinds of TV program do you often watch?

The kinds of TV programs I enjoy watching are things that make me laugh, like comedy shows. Such TV programs can always make me burst out laughing. After that, I will feel relax and be able to study in a good state.

Do you think kids are watching too much television?

No, I don't think so. Children have always watched a lot of TV. Just take my 10-year-old brother for example, he often spends much time watching TV on weekends. And I don't think it is a problem to be concerned, because he always watches TV after finishing all his homework.

What are the impact of watching TV programs on children?

I think the positive impact of watching TV outweighs the negative. My brother often tells me something that I feel really incredible, like chewing gum can open coconuts. It is just a truth, and he learns from the TV programs.

What kinds of TV programs do you think should be broadcast more?

I would like to see more educational programs. My family often watch nature documentaries together on holiday. These kind of program is interesting and can teach us new information about the world.


Why do some people have good memory while others just don't?

Well, It has to be admitted that some people are just born with excellent memory, like my deskmate in junior school. Apart from this factor, the key reason that people remember anything is that they pay attention to what is happening around them as opposed to being absorbed by their own thoughts.

Why do more people rely on cellphones to memorize things?

Because it's super handy. You know there are many apps can help us record something on cellphones. If we set the deadline, it will also remind us in time.

Are you good at memorizing things?

No, I am always forgetful. I often forget what I'm going to do next. I am always in such situation, I decide to find a pair of pants, but when I got to the closet I forget and confuse that why I stand here.

Have you ever forgotten something that was important?

No, it is lucky that I haven't meet such situation. Because I tend to write down the important thing on the paper and stick it on my desk. And I will repeat the important thing in my mind many times in case I forget it.


What apps have you recently used?

I have been using the app called bilibili. People share different kinds of videos on bilibili. I prefer to watch the videos about my idols' daily life or latest stage.

What kinds of apps are you usually interested in?

I am interested in productivity apps, which help get work done, organize my personal life, collaborate with others. I am using one of them called Forest. It helps me beat my phone addiction and manage my time in an interesting and pleasant way.

What was the first app you used?

It might be QQ. It is an instant messaging software service and can be used on computers and smart phones.

What kinds of apps would you like to use in the future?

I want to try more workout apps in the future. I am thinking about doing some physical exercises at home. Because summer is coming, I want to be silmmer to fit different styles of clothes.


Did you have barbecue when you were a child?


Do Chinese people like barbecue?

Chinese people are crazy about barbecue. We can have barbecue at anytime, during the day, at night, or even after midnight. The street market will never be shortage of meat-laden carts. There are various types of chuans, or skewers, like lamb, chicken, pork, you name it.中国人喜欢吃烧烤吗?中国人对烧烤是狂热爱好的。我们任何时间都可以吃烧烤,白天晚上甚至午夜之后。街市里从来不乏堆满着肉的小车,有各种各样的chuan, 或者叫肉串,有羊肉鸡肉猪肉,应有尽有。

What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

My favorite is chicken skin, and I also love chicken wings and chicken hearts. For the vegetables, I prefer thinly sliced potatoes and lotus root. As some of the ingredients have already been marinated for hours before being grilled, the skewers would always be more flavorful and juicier.烧烤你最喜欢吃什么食物?我最喜欢鸡皮,鸡翅和鸡心我也喜欢。蔬菜的话,我喜欢切成薄片的土豆和藕。因为有些食材在烤之前就已经在酱汁中浸泡过几个小时了,所以这些串儿会更美味多汁。

Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?

I enjoy having barbecue with my friends. Sometimes, we barbecue for hours, along with plenty of chatting and laughter. It is one of ourfavorite ways to relax and socialize. And I seldom have barbecue with my family sincethey think it’s a not healthy diet.你喜欢和家人还是朋友一起烧烤?我喜欢和朋友一起烧烤。有时,我们吃烧烤会持续数小时,一起聊天一起开心。这是我们最爱的放松和社交的方式之一。我很少和家人一起吃烧烤,因为他们觉得这不是健康的饮食。


What do you usually do on weekends?

I usually spend my weekends at home watching videos all day. After a whole week’s busy study, I would rather stay alone than go out because weekends are the only free time of my own.

Did you do anything special last weekend?

What will you do next weekend?

What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?

For the elderly, they always hold some activities in the urban parks, like dancing or playing chess. While the younger generation prefer hanging out with friends to watch a movie or do something interesting.


What’s your favorite color?

For me, I like purple most. I think purple is the most elegant colour. As a result, I tend to choose purple one when buying clothes with different colour types.

What’s the color you dislike? Why? + What color makes you uncomfortable in your room?

I dislike pink and green. I mean when they appear at the same time in someone's outfit, I would feel uncomfortable. It is a very strange match I think.

What colors do your friends like most?

One of my best friends love blue very much. While I am not sure what colors the other friend like best. She never tells me, and I’ve never paid any attention to that.


Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something? + What may distract you when you’re trying to stay focused?

Yes, I definitely have difficulties focusing on my study. I sometimes feel so frustrated when I have loaded schedules but are unable to focus. The top distractions must be talking or texting on the phone, browsing the Internet and playing on social media.

What do you do to help you concentrate?

I tend to turn on silent mode on my phone so that the sounds of messages won’t interrupt me. Besides, I believe that someone who has enough resting time can focus their attention easily, so I also try to go to sleep before 11 o'clock in the evening.

When do you need to be focused?

When the deadline for submissions of my tasks or assignments is approaching, I need to be focused. The reason is obvious. If I fail to submit in time, I will be deducted part of the points.

22.Getting lost

Have you ever lost your way?

Yeah, absolutely. Since my sense of direction is poor, I usually get lost when I am going for some places alone.Although I have went there several times before, I still get lost.

How can you find your way when you are lost?

Using Apple Maps must be my first choice. The e-maps direct me in different ways, by car, bus, or subways, or on foot, and I can know the time to get to my destination clearly.

Can you read a map when you get lost?

Not really, I seldom read a paper map even if I get lost. I cannot read a paper map, I don’t know how to tell which way is the north, which is the east.

Have you ever helped someone who got lost?

Actually not, I am the one who needs help. I’ve been asked for help in the streets for some times, but I couldn’t offer any useful suggestions.


Do you like handwriting? + Which do you prefer, handwriting or typing?

I like handwriting very much. I enjoy using pens to write on the paper because I have a beautiful handwriting. I can't get used to writing with Apple Pencil, since most students in my university are using it now.

Do you think handwriting is important?

Absolutely. I do admit that typing is a convenient way to record and can save some time. But handwriting can exercise my patience and can strengthen my memory of what I have written.

What are the differences between handwriting and typing?

Typing is faster and more convenient than writing by hand; however, there are still some people who prefer writing things out since handwriting activates parts of your brain involved in the thinking and working memory, and allows you to store and manage information.


Do you use headphones?

Yes, I use headphones more often than earbuds, though they are light weight, handy and portable enough to fit in literally anywhere.Over-the-ear headphones, however, provide a better listening experience and are also comfortable to wear because of the cushioning which doesn’t hurt the ears.

What type of headphones do you use?

The model of my headphone is beats solo3. The size of it is medium and is comfortable to wear. I use them when having online course.

When would you use headphones?

I use them when watching videos, listening to music and having online courses. Due to the ongoing Corona virus, I’ve had classes at home for over half a year and headphones are necessary for me when communicating with my teachers and classmates.

In what conditions would you not use headphones?

When I am at home or stay indoors alone, I’d rather use a Bluetooth speaker than headphones, which enables me to enjoy rich, room-filling sound quality while not disturbing others.

25.Pets and Animals

What’s your favorite animal? Why?

I like Border Collie most. Because my idol has a dog of this breed. From his videos and pictures posted on his social media, I find Border Collie is so cute and clever.

Where do you prefer to keep your pet, indoors or outdoors?

I prefer to keep my pet indoors. Since I can't be at home all the time, it is safe to keep my pet indoors, avoiding the potential danger of traffic outside.

Have you ever had a pet before?

No, I never have a pet at home. Because my mother is allergic to the hair from pets and she thinks pets may let our home become messy.

What is the most popular animal in China?

It must be panda. A plush panda toy can be found in everyone’s home in China. Since it is native and unique to China, Giant Panda is the national treasure in our country.

26.Public gardens and parks

Would you like to play in a public garden or park?

Yes, of course, I find myself drawn to green spaces. I get more than simple enjoyment out of these parks and gardens. Being surrounded by flowers and plants in parks, I feel refreshed, peaceful and relaxed.

What do you like to do when visiting a park?

I am so into riding bicycles with my friends or family in the park near to my house, where there is a long road for running and bicycling.

How are the parks today different from those you visited as a kid?

Parks have been enlarged a lot these years. When I was little, there were just a few tiny public parks dotted around the city, offering small lawn areas for picnics. But now, there are more areas for bike riding, fishing, having barbecues, camping, you name it.

Would you prefer to play in a personal garden or public garden?

I like both. Public gardens are always free to residents, and personal gardens sometimes have novel and creative design, so both are good.


Do you like science?

Yeah, I have been into science since I was a little girl. When I was a child, the channel CCTV14 often broadcast interesting science program. The small science experiment attracted me a lot at that time.

When did you start to learn about science?

I started learning about science in physics class in junior high school. I learnt why I could float in the hot tub, why I felt even colder when the snow was beginning to melt and I finally figured out how the pair of glasses on my nose helped me to see clearly.

Which science subject is interesting to you?

I like physics the most. Physics often use systematical theory to explain something we are confused about, like why planes can fly in the sky.

What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?

In the winter holiday, I used a chewing gum to open the coconut. I first watched the experiment on TV and couldn't believe that, then I planned to prove it. I shaped the chewing gum into a cone, put it on the table, and quickly smash the coconut on it.


Do you like buying shoes? How often?

Yeah, I am keen on buying shoes. I buy shoes, approximately, once in two months. Maybe I am suffering from shopping addiction of shoes.

Have you ever bought shoes online?

Of course, almost all my shoes were bought online. There are more styles online than those in physical stores. Plus, with the free and easy return policy, I don’t need to worry if my order is right for me.

How much money do you usually spend on shoes?

Around 1000 yuan for each pair of shoes. I prefer to wear canvas shoes in my daily life, because they match with my style of clothes. And the brand of the shoes I like is a little bit expensive.

Which do you prefer, fashionable shoes or comfortable shoes?

For me, I prefer the fashion and comfortable shoes. As I just mentioned, I wear canvas shoes every day. Most canvas shoes are fashionable. Although someone may feel uncomfortable wearing canvas shoes, I get used to wearing it and feel comfortable.

29.Spending time with others

Do you like talking with people?

Yes, I enjoy talking with others. I still remember that I was often reminded by the monitor for talking with my deskmate when I was in self-study class in senior high school.

How do you like spending time with your friends?

My friends and I have the same idol. We often sit together to watch the videos about our idols, like latest stage or the record of their daily life. We will talk about the videos and laugh together.

Would you prefer to study alone or with others?

I definitely choose to study with others, in a library or a quiet classroom. Being surrounded by people who also need to read and concentrate, I feel a sense of invisible power to force me to study.

Do you remember a time when you need to cooperate with others?

Yes, of course. I still remember the experience of participating in the Challenge Cup with 3 schoolmates last year. We sat together and stayed up to wrote the project proposal. And we achieved good results finally.


What kind of weather do you like most?

I pretty like sunny days in autumn. The temperatures in the sunny days in sutumn are more pleasant and moderate. I can finally say goodbye to the hot summer and enjoy the transition before a cold winter kicks in.

What’s the weather like in your hometown?

Since my hometown is Jiangsu, lies in the south of China, the weather there is much wetter with warmer temperatures than places in the north of China. It’s typically very cold in winter, but I can seldom see the snowy days in Jiangsu.

Do you like the weather in your hometown?

Not really, the weather in my city makes my allergy even worse. I sneeze every morning, every time I go outdoors and every transition between two seasons. I suffer from a snotty nose.

Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

To be honest, I can’t stand neither of them. If I have to choose one, I prefer dry weather. Because wet weather is too annoying, especially when I find mold in the clothes in my closet.
