
Qt 6.4.3 Released


March 16, 2023 by Jani Heikkinen | Comments

2023年3月16日:Jani Heikkinen |评论

We have released Qt 6.4.3 today. As a patch release, Qt 6.4.3 does not introduce any new features but contains more than 300 bug fixes, security updates, and other improvements to the top of the Qt 6.4.2 release. See more information about the most important changes and bug fixes from Qt 6.4.3 release note.

我们今天发布了Qt 6.4.3。作为一个补丁版本,Qt 6.4.3没有引入任何新功能,但在Qt 6.4.2版本的基础上包含了300多个错误修复、安全更新和其他改进。请参阅Qt 6.4.3发行说明中有关最重要更改和错误修复的更多信息。

Get Qt 6.4.3


As earlier, you can add Qt 6.4.3 to the existing online installation by using the maintenance tool or do a clean installation by using the Qt Online Installer which can be downloaded from the Qt Account Portal (for commercial users) and from the opensource download area (for opensource users).

如前所述,您可以使用维护工具将Qt 6.4.3添加到现有的在线安装中,也可以使用Qt在线安装程序进行清洁安装,该安装程序可以从Qt帐户门户(针对商业用户)和开源下载区(针对开源用户)下载。

In addition, Qt 6.4.3 source packages are available in the opensource download area for opensource users. For commercial users, the Qt 6.4.3 offline installers and Qt 6.4.3 source packages are available in the Qt Account Portal.

此外,Qt 6.4.3源代码包在开源下载区可供开源用户使用。对于商业用户,Qt 6.4.3离线安装程序和Qt 6.4.30源程序包可在Qt帐户门户中获得。

Qt 6.4 release plan


Qt 6.4.3 will be the last release from Qt 6.4 series.

Qt 6.4.3将是Qt 6.4系列的最后一个版本。
