MySql 语句练习50题

MySql 语句练习50题


Student(s_id,s_name,s_birth,s_sex) –学生编号,学生姓名, 出生年月,学生性别
Course(c_id,c_name,t_id) – –课程编号, 课程名称, 教师编号
Teacher(t_id,t_name) –教师编号,教师姓名
Score(s_id,c_id,s_score) –学生编号,课程编号,分数


`s_id` VARCHAR(20),
`s_birth` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`c_id` VARCHAR(20),
`t_id` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
`t_id` VARCHAR(20),
`s_id` VARCHAR(20),
`c_id` VARCHAR(20),
`s_score` INT(3),
PRIMARY KEY(`s_id`,`c_id`)
insert into Student values('01' , '赵雷' , '1990-01-01' , '男');
insert into Student values('02' , '钱电' , '1990-12-21' , '男');
insert into Student values('03' , '孙风' , '1990-05-20' , '男');
insert into Student values('04' , '李云' , '1990-08-06' , '男');
insert into Student values('05' , '周梅' , '1991-12-01' , '女');
insert into Student values('06' , '吴兰' , '1992-03-01' , '女');
insert into Student values('07' , '郑竹' , '1989-07-01' , '女');
insert into Student values('08' , '王菊' , '1990-01-20' , '女');
insert into Course values('01' , '语文' , '02');
insert into Course values('02' , '数学' , '01');
insert into Course values('03' , '英语' , '03');

insert into Teacher values(‘01’ , ‘张三’);
insert into Teacher values(‘02’ , ‘李四’);
insert into Teacher values(‘03’ , ‘王五’);

insert into Score values(‘01’ , ‘01’ , 80);
insert into Score values(‘01’ , ‘02’ , 90);
insert into Score values(‘01’ , ‘03’ , 99);
insert into Score values(‘02’ , ‘01’ , 70);
insert into Score values(‘02’ , ‘02’ , 60);
insert into Score values(‘02’ , ‘03’ , 80);
insert into Score values(‘03’ , ‘01’ , 80);
insert into Score values(‘03’ , ‘02’ , 80);
insert into Score values(‘03’ , ‘03’ , 80);
insert into Score values(‘04’ , ‘01’ , 50);
insert into Score values(‘04’ , ‘02’ , 30);
insert into Score values(‘04’ , ‘03’ , 20);
insert into Score values(‘05’ , ‘01’ , 76);
insert into Score values(‘05’ , ‘02’ , 87);
insert into Score values(‘06’ , ‘01’ , 31);
insert into Score values(‘06’ , ‘03’ , 34);
insert into Score values(‘07’ , ‘02’ , 89);
insert into Score values(‘07’ , ‘03’ , 98);


student 学生表:

s_id s_name s_birth s_sex
01 赵雷 1990-01-01
02 钱电 1990-12-21
03 孙凤 1990-05-20
04 李云 1990-08-06
05 周梅 1991-12-12
06 吴兰 2017-12-13
07 郑竹 1989-07-01
08 王菊 1990-01-20
09 赵雷 1990-01-21
10 赵雷 1990-01-22

score 分数表:

s_id c_id s_score
01 01 80
01 02 90
01 03 99
02 01 70
02 02 60
02 03 80
03 01 80
03 02 80
03 03 80
04 01 50
04 02 30
04 03 20
05 01 76
05 03 87
06 01 31
06 03 34
07 03 89
07 01 98

course 课程表

c_id c_name t_id
01 语文 02
02 数学 01
03 英语 03

teacher 老师表:

t_id t_name
01 张三
02 李四
03 王五
-- 准备条件,去掉 sql_mode 的 ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY 否则此种情况下会报错:
-- Expression #1 of select list is not in group by clause and contains nonaggregated column 'userinfo.
-- 原因:
-- MySQL 5.7.5和up实现了对功能依赖的检测。如果启用了only_full_group_by SQL模式(在默认情况下是这样),
-- 那么MySQL就会拒绝选择列表、条件或顺序列表引用的查询,这些查询将引用组中未命名的非聚合列,而不是在功能上依赖于它们。
-- (在5.7.5之前,MySQL没有检测到功能依赖项,only_full_group_by在默认情况下是不启用的。关于前5.7.5行为的描述,请参阅MySQL 5.6参考手册。)
-- 执行以下个命令,可以查看 sql_mode 的内容。
select @@sql_mode;
-- 更改


-- 1、查询"01"课程比"02"课程成绩高的学生的信息及课程分数 
select st.*,sc.s_score as '语文' ,sc2.s_score '数学' 
from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id and sc.c_id='01' 
left join score sc2 on sc2.s_id=st.s_id and sc2.c_id='02'  
where sc.s_score>sc2.s_score

select st.*,sc.s_score ‘语文’,sc2.s_score ‘数学’ from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id and sc.c_id=‘01’
left join score sc2 on sc2.s_id=st.s_id and sc2.c_id=‘02’
where sc.s_score

select st.s_id,st.s_name,ROUND(AVG(sc.s_score),2) cjScore from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
group by st.s_id having AVG(sc.s_score)>=60

– (包括有成绩的和无成绩的)
select st.s_id,st.s_name,(case when ROUND(AVG(sc.s_score),2) is null then 0 else ROUND(AVG(sc.s_score)) end ) cjScore from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id
group by st.s_id having AVG(sc.s_score)<60 or AVG(sc.s_score) is NULL

– 5、查询所有同学的学生编号、学生姓名、选课总数、所有课程的总成绩
select st.s_id,st.s_name,count(c.c_id),( case when SUM(sc.s_score) is null or sum(sc.s_score)="" then 0 else SUM(sc.s_score) end) from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id =st.s_id
left join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id
group by st.s_id

select t.t_name,count(t.t_id) from teacher t
group by t.t_id having t.t_name like “李%”;

select st.* from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
left join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id
left join teacher t on t.t_id=c.t_id
where t.t_name=“张三”

– 张三老师教的课
select c.* from course c left join teacher t on t.t_id=c.t_id where t.t_name=“张三”
– 有张三老师课成绩的st.s_id
select sc.s_id from score sc where sc.c_id in (select c.c_id from course c left join teacher t on t.t_id=c.t_id where t.t_name=“张三”)
– 不在上面查到的st.s_id的学生信息,即没学过张三老师授课的同学信息
select st.* from student st where st.s_id not in(
select sc.s_id from score sc where sc.c_id in (select c.c_id from course c left join teacher t on t.t_id=c.t_id where t.t_name=“张三”)


– 9、查询学过编号为"01"并且也学过编号为"02"的课程的同学的信息
select st.* from student st
inner join score sc on sc.s_id = st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id and c.c_id=“01”
where st.s_id in (
select st2.s_id from student st2
inner join score sc2 on sc2.s_id = st2.s_id
inner join course c2 on c2.c_id=sc2.c_id and c2.c_id=“02”

– 10、查询学过编号为"01"但是没有学过编号为"02"的课程的同学的信息
select st.* from student st
inner join score sc on sc.s_id = st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id and c.c_id=“01”
where st.s_id not in (
select st2.s_id from student st2
inner join score sc2 on sc2.s_id = st2.s_id
inner join course c2 on c2.c_id=sc2.c_id and c2.c_id=“02”

– 11、查询没有学全所有课程的同学的信息
– 太复杂,下次换一种思路,看有没有简单点方法
– 此处思路为查学全所有课程的学生id,再内联取反面
select * from student where s_id not in (
select st.s_id from student st
inner join score sc on sc.s_id = st.s_id and sc.c_id=“01”
where st.s_id in (
select st2.s_id from student st2
inner join score sc2 on sc2.s_id = st2.s_id and sc2.c_id=“02”
and st.s_id in (
select st2.s_id from student st2
inner join score sc2 on sc2.s_id = st2.s_id and sc2.c_id=“03”

– 12、查询至少有一门课与学号为"01"的同学所学相同的同学的信息
select distinct st.* from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
where sc.c_id in (
select sc2.c_id from student st2
left join score sc2 on sc2.s_id=st2.s_id
where st2.s_id =‘01’

– 13、查询和"01"号的同学学习的课程完全相同的其他同学的信息
select st.* from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
group by st.s_id
having group_concat(sc.c_id)
select group_concat(sc2.c_id) from student st2
left join score sc2 on sc2.s_id
where st2.s_id =‘01’

select st.s_name from student st
where st.s_id not in (
select sc.s_id from score sc
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id
inner join teacher t on t.t_id=c.t_id and t.t_name=“张三”

– 15、查询两门及其以上不及格课程的同学的学号,姓名及其平均成绩
select st.s_id,st.s_name,avg(sc.s_score) from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
where sc.s_id in (
select sc.s_id from score sc
where sc.s_score<60 or sc.s_score is NULL
group by sc.s_id having COUNT(sc.s_id)
group by st.s_id

select st.*,sc.s_score from student st
inner join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id and sc.c_id=“01” and sc.s_score<60
order by sc.s_score desc

– 可加round,case when then else end 使显示更完美
select st.s_id,st.s_name,avg(sc4.s_score) “平均分”,sc.s_score “语文”,sc2.s_score “数学”,sc3.s_score “英语” from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id and sc.c_id=“01”
left join score sc2 on sc2.s_id=st.s_id and sc2.c_id=“02”
left join score sc3 on sc3.s_id=st.s_id and sc3.c_id=“03”
left join score sc4 on sc4.s_id=st.s_id
group by st.s_id
order by SUM(sc4.s_score) desc

– 18.查询各科成绩最高分、最低分和平均分:以如下形式显示:课程ID,课程name,最高分,最低分,平均分,及格率,中等率,优良率,优秀率
– 及格为>=60,中等为:70-80,优良为:80-90,优秀为:>=90
select c.c_id,c.c_name,max(sc.s_score) “最高分”,MIN(sc2.s_score) “最低分”,avg(sc3.s_score) “平均分”
,((select count(s_id) from score where s_score>=60 and c_id=c.c_id )/(select count(s_id) from score where c_id=c.c_id)) “及格率”
,((select count(s_id) from score where s_score>=70 and s_score<80 and c_id=c.c_id )/(select count(s_id) from score where c_id=c.c_id)) “中等率”
,((select count(s_id) from score where s_score>=80 and s_score<90 and c_id=c.c_id )/(select count(s_id) from score where c_id=c.c_id)) “优良率”
,((select count(s_id) from score where s_score>=90 and c_id=c.c_id )/(select count(s_id) from score where c_id=c.c_id)) “优秀率”
from course c
left join score sc on sc.c_id=c.c_id
left join score sc2 on sc2.c_id=c.c_id
left join score sc3 on sc3.c_id=c.c_id
group by c.c_id

– mysql没有rank函数
– 加@score是为了防止用union all 后打乱了顺序
select c1.s_id,c1.c_id,c1.c_name,@score:=c1.s_score,@i:=@i+1 from (select c.c_name,sc.* from course c
left join score sc on sc.c_id=c.c_id
where c.c_id=“01” order by sc.s_score desc) c1 ,
(select @i:=0) a
union all
select c2.s_id,c2.c_id,c2.c_name,c2.s_score,@ii:=@ii+1 from (select c.c_name,sc.* from course c
left join score sc on sc.c_id=c.c_id
where c.c_id=“02” order by sc.s_score desc) c2 ,
(select @ii:=0) aa
union all
select c3.s_id,c3.c_id,c3.c_name,c3.s_score,@iii:=@iii+1 from (select c.c_name,sc.* from course c
left join score sc on sc.c_id=c.c_id
where c.c_id=“03” order by sc.s_score desc) c3;
set @iii=0;

select st.s_id,st.s_name
,(case when sum(sc.s_score) is null then 0 else sum(sc.s_score) end)
from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id
group by st.s_id order by sum(sc.s_score) desc

– 21、查询不同老师所教不同课程平均分从高到低显示
select t.t_id,t.t_name,c.c_name,avg(sc.s_score) from teacher t
left join course c on c.t_id=t.t_id
left join score sc on sc.c_id =c.c_id
group by t.t_id
order by avg(sc.s_score) desc

– 22、查询所有课程的成绩第2名到第3名的学生信息及该课程成绩
select a.* from (
select st.,c.c_id,c.c_name,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id =sc.c_id and c.c_id=“01”
order by sc.s_score desc LIMIT 1,2 )
union all
select b. from (
select st.,c.c_id,c.c_name,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id =sc.c_id and c.c_id=“02”
order by sc.s_score desc LIMIT 1,2)
union all
select c. from (
select st.*,c.c_id,c.c_name,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id =sc.c_id and c.c_id=“03”
order by sc.s_score desc LIMIT 1,2)

– 23、统计各科成绩各分数段人数:课程编号,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[0-60]及所占百分比
select c.c_id,c.c_name
,((select count(1) from score sc where sc.c_id=c.c_id and sc.s_score<=100 and sc.s_score>80)/(select count(1) from score sc where sc.c_id=c.c_id )) “100-85”
,((select count(1) from score sc where sc.c_id=c.c_id and sc.s_score<=85 and sc.s_score>70)/(select count(1) from score sc where sc.c_id=c.c_id )) “85-70”
,((select count(1) from score sc where sc.c_id=c.c_id and sc.s_score<=70 and sc.s_score>60)/(select count(1) from score sc where sc.c_id=c.c_id )) “70-60”
,((select count(1) from score sc where sc.c_id=c.c_id and sc.s_score<=60 and sc.s_score>=0)/(select count(1) from score sc where sc.c_id=c.c_id )) “60-0”
from course c order by c.c_id

set @i=0;
select a.*,@i:=@i+1 from (
select st.s_id,st.s_name,round((case when avg(sc.s_score) is null then 0 else avg(sc.s_score) end),2) “平均分” from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id
group by st.s_id order by sc.s_score desc) a

select a.* from (
select st.s_id,st.s_name,c.c_id,c.c_name,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id and c.c_id=‘01’
order by sc.s_score desc LIMIT 0,3) a
union all
select b.* from (
select st.s_id,st.s_name,c.c_id,c.c_name,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id and c.c_id=‘02’
order by sc.s_score desc LIMIT 0,3) b
union all
select c.* from (
select st.s_id,st.s_name,c.c_id,c.c_name,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id and c.c_id=‘03’
order by sc.s_score desc LIMIT 0,3) c

select c.c_id,c.c_name,count(1) from course c
left join score sc on sc.c_id=c.c_id
inner join student st on st.s_id=c.c_id
group by st.s_id

select st.s_id,st.s_name from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id
group by st.s_id having count(1)=2

select st.s_sex,count(1) from student st group by st.s_sex

select st.* from student st where st.s_name like “%风%”;

select st.*,count(1) from student st group by st.s_name,st.s_sex having count(1)>1

– 31、查询1990年出生的学生名单
select st.* from student st where st.s_birth like “1990%”;

select c.c_id,c.c_name,avg(sc.s_score) from course c
inner join score sc on sc.c_id=c.c_id
group by c.c_id order by avg(sc.s_score) desc,c.c_id asc

– 33、查询平均成绩大于等于85的所有学生的学号、姓名和平均成绩
select st.s_id,st.s_name,avg(sc.s_score) from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
group by st.s_id having avg(sc.s_score)>=85

select st.s_id,st.s_name,sc.s_score from student st
inner join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id and sc.s_score<60
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id and c.c_name =“数学”

select st.s_id,st.s_name,c.c_name,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
left join course c on c.c_id =sc.c_id
order by st.s_id,c.c_name

select st2.s_id,st2.s_name,c2.c_name,sc2.s_score from student st2
left join score sc2 on sc2.s_id=st2.s_id
left join course c2 on c2.c_id=sc2.c_id
where st2.s_id in(
select st.s_id from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
group by st.s_id having min(sc.s_score)
order by s_id

select st.s_id,c.c_name,st.s_name,sc.s_score from student st
inner join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id and sc.s_score<60
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id

select st.s_id,st.s_name,sc.s_score from student st
inner join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id and sc.c_id=“01” and sc.s_score>=80

select c.c_id,c.c_name,count(1) from course c
inner join score sc on sc.c_id=c.c_id
group by c.c_id

select st.*,c.c_name,sc.s_score,t.t_name from student st
inner join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id
inner join teacher t on t.t_id=c.t_id and t.t_name=“张三”
order by sc.s_score desc
limit 0,1

select st.s_id,st.s_name,sc.c_id,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
left join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id
where (
select count(1)
from student st2
left join score sc2 on sc2.s_id
left join course c2 on c2.c_id=sc2.c_id
where sc.s_score=sc2.s_score and c.c_id!=c2.c_id

select a.* from (select st.s_id,st.s_name,c.c_name,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id and c.c_id=“01”
order by sc.s_score desc limit 0,2) a
union all
select b.* from (select st.s_id,st.s_name,c.c_name,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id and c.c_id=“02”
order by sc.s_score desc limit 0,2) b
union all
select c.* from (select st.s_id,st.s_name,c.c_name,sc.s_score from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
inner join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id and c.c_id=“03”
order by sc.s_score desc limit 0,2) c

– 借鉴(更准确,漂亮):
select a.s_id,a.c_id,a.s_score from score a
where (select COUNT(1) from score b where b.c_id
=a.c_id and b.s_score>=a.s_score)<=2 order by a.c_id

– 若人数相同,按课程号升序排列
select sc.c_id,count(1) from score sc
left join course c on c.c_id=sc.c_id
group by c.c_id having count(1)>5
order by count(1) desc,sc.c_id asc

– 44、检索至少选修两门课程的学生学号
select st.s_id from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
group by st.s_id having count(1)>=2

select st.* from student st
left join score sc on sc.s_id=st.s_id
group by st.s_id having count(1)=(select count(1) from course)

– 46、查询各学生的年龄
select st.*,timestampdiff(year,st.s_birth,now()) from student st

– 47、查询本周过生日的学生
– 此处可能有问题,week函数取的为当前年的第几周,2017-12-12是第50周而2018-12-12是第49周,可以取月份,day,星期几(%w),
– 再判断本周是否会持续到下一个月进行判断,太麻烦,不会写
select st.* from student st
where week(now())=week(date_format(st.s_birth,’%Y%m%d’))

select st.* from student st
where week(now())+1

select st.* from student st
where month(now())

– 注意:当 当前月为12时,用month(now())+113而不是1,可用timestampadd()函数或mod取模
select st.* from student st
where month(timestampadd(month,1,now()))
– 或
select st.* from student st where (month(now()) + 1) mod 12 = month(date_format(st.s_birth,’%Y%m%d’))
