

  • 查看lint报错的错误类型
  • 追踪到代码处,确定是否代码自身问题
  • 分析该类错误影响范围
  • 确定解决方式(规范代码、添加注解、添加规则)




@SuppressLint("xxxx") // xxxx代表某种lint检测类型
public void test(){


namespace xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"












1. Missing commit() on SharedPreference editor


public void test(){
        SharedPreferencesUtils.apply(dataStore.edit() .putString(xxx, xxx));
public static void apply(SharedPreferences.Editor editor) {



2. Use apply() on SharedPreferences


3. Mismatched Styleable/Custom View Name

建议在自定义View的时候,尽量保证View名称与 若有特殊需求需要对指定进行添加注解.


4. Duplicate ids across layouts combined with include tags


5. Using android.media.ExifInterface

Avoid using android.media.ExifInterface;use android.support.media.ExifInterface from the support library instead.

6. Hardcoded reference to /sdcard

Do not hardcode "/data/"; use Context.getFilesDir().getPath() instead
lint 给出的修改建议是使用Context.getFilesDir().getPath() 替换直接通过路径拼接,但是根据场景可以自变吧;若不想通过这种方式可以直接忽略,添加注解

public class DbCopyHelper {
public static final String DB_PATH = "/data/data/" + BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + "/databases/";
public static void copy(Context context, String dbName, boolean force) throws Exception {
        File dir = new File(DB_PATH);

@SuppressLint(“ SdCardPath")

7. Attribute unused on older versions



8. Appcompat Custom Widgets

This custom view should extend android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatTextView instead



9. Restricted API

xxx can only be called from within the same library group
方法只能在同一个library group中调用


10. Invalid format string

在进行字符串格式化处理的时候,需要注意formatted=“false” 的影响


11. Insecure HostnameVerifier

HostnameVerifier hnv = new HostnameVerifier() {
          public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {                    
              return true;




12. Insecure TLS/SSL trust manager

public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws 
       CertificateException {



13. Obsolete layout params

Invalid layout param in a LinearLayout: layout_centerInParent

14. Static Field Leaks


15. Node can be replaced by a TextView with compound drawables


16. View Holder Candidates

Unconditional layout inflation from view adapter: Should use View Holder pattern (use recycled view passed into this method as the second parameter) for smoother scrolling

17. Missing baselineAligned attribute


18. Inefficient layout weight

在使用layout weight属性的时候,应保持相应属性为0dp;或者是在copy代码的时候忘记删除layout_weight代码导致lint检测报错

19. Nested layout weights


20. Useless parent layout


21. Unused namespace


22. Hyphen can be replaced with dash

Replace "-" with an "en dash" character (–, –)

23. H Ellipsis string can be replaced with ellipsis character


24. Duplicated icons under different names


25. Missing accessibility label

根据需要进行忽略 或者添加android:labelfor

26. Keyboard inaccessible widget


27. Usage of showAsAction=always


28. Missing inputType

This text field does not specify an inputType

29. Overdraw: Painting regions more than once

Possible overdraw: Root element paints background @color/actionbar_color with a theme that also paints a background (inferred theme is @style/ActionTheme_NoTitle)

30. Hardware Id Usage


31. Incompatible Gradle Versions


贴出常见的lint issueid和秒速,以供对照

"ContentDescription": Image without contentDescription
"AddJavascriptInterface": addJavascriptInterface Called
"ShortAlarm": Short or Frequent Alarm
"AllCaps": Combining textAllCaps and markup
"AllowAllHostnameVerifier": Insecure HostnameVerifier
"AlwaysShowAction": Usage of showAsAction=always
"InvalidUsesTagAttribute": Invalid name attribute for uses element.
"MissingIntentFilterForMediaSearch": Missing intent-filter with action
"MissingMediaBrowserServiceIntentFilter": Missing intent-filter with action
"MissingOnPlayFromSearch": Missing onPlayFromSearch.
"ImpliedTouchscreenHardware": Hardware feature touchscreen not explicitly
      marked as optional
"MissingTvBanner": TV Missing Banner
"MissingLeanbackLauncher": Missing Leanback Launcher Intent Filter.
"MissingLeanbackSupport": Missing Leanback Support.
"PermissionImpliesUnsupportedHardware": Permission Implies Unsupported
"UnsupportedTvHardware": Unsupported TV Hardware Feature
"SupportAnnotationUsage": Incorrect support annotation usage
"ShiftFlags": Dangerous Flag Constant Declaration
"LocalSuppress": @SuppressLint on invalid element
"SwitchIntDef": Missing @IntDef in Switch
"UniqueConstants": Overlapping Enumeration Constants
"InlinedApi": Using inlined constants on older versions
"Override": Method conflicts with new inherited method
"ObsoleteSdkInt": Obsolete SDK_INT Version Check
"NewApi": Calling new methods on older versions
"UnusedAttribute": Attribute unused on older versions
"AppCompatMethod": Using Wrong AppCompat Method
"AppCompatCustomView": Appcompat Custom Widgets
"AppCompatResource": Menu namespace
"GoogleAppIndexingApiWarning": Missing support for Firebase App Indexing Api
"GoogleAppIndexingWarning": Missing support for Firebase App Indexing
"AppLinksAutoVerifyError": App Links Auto Verification Failure
"AppLinksAutoVerifyWarning": Potential App Links Auto Verification Failure
"AppLinkUrlError": URL not supported by app for Firebase App Indexing
"TestAppLink": Unmatched URLs
"InconsistentArrays": Inconsistencies in array element counts
"Assert": Assertions
"BadHostnameVerifier": Insecure HostnameVerifier
"BatteryLife": Battery Life Issues
"BackButton": Back button
"ButtonCase": Cancel/OK dialog button capitalization
"ButtonOrder": Button order
"ButtonStyle": Button should be borderless
"ByteOrderMark": Byte order mark inside files
"MissingSuperCall": Missing Super Call
"AdapterViewChildren": AdapterViews cannot have children in XML
"ScrollViewCount": ScrollViews can have only one child
"PermissionImpliesUnsupportedChromeOsHardware": Permission Implies Unsupported
      Chrome OS Hardware
"UnsupportedChromeOsHardware": Unsupported Chrome OS Hardware Feature
"GetInstance": Cipher.getInstance with ECB
"CommitTransaction": Missing commit() calls
"Recycle": Missing recycle() calls
"CommitPrefEdits": Missing commit() on SharedPreference editor
"ApplySharedPref": Use apply() on SharedPreferences
"ClickableViewAccessibility": Accessibility in Custom Views
"EasterEgg": Code contains easter egg
"StopShip": Code contains STOPSHIP marker
"MissingConstraints": Missing Constraints in ConstraintLayout
"VulnerableCordovaVersion": Vulnerable Cordova Version
"CustomViewStyleable": Mismatched Styleable/Custom View Name
"CutPasteId": Likely cut & paste mistakes
"SimpleDateFormat": Implied locale in date format
"SetTextI18n": TextView Internationalization
"Deprecated": Using deprecated resources
"MissingPrefix": Missing Android XML namespace
"MangledCRLF": Mangled file line endings
"DuplicateIncludedIds": Duplicate ids across layouts combined with include
"DuplicateIds": Duplicate ids within a single layout
"DuplicateDefinition": Duplicate definitions of resources
"ReferenceType": Incorrect reference types
"StringEscaping": Invalid string escapes
"UnpackedNativeCode": Missing android:extractNativeLibs=false
"UnsafeDynamicallyLoadedCode": load used to dynamically load code
"UnsafeNativeCodeLocation": Native code outside library directory
"EllipsizeMaxLines": Combining Ellipsize and Maxlines
"ExifInterface": Using android.media.ExifInterface
"ExtraText": Extraneous text in resource files
"FieldGetter": Using getter instead of field
"InvalidAnalyticsName": Invalid Analytics Name
"MissingFirebaseInstanceTokenRefresh": Missing Firebase Instance ID Token
"FontValidationError": Validation of font files
"FontValidationWarning": Validation of font files
"FullBackupContent": Valid Full Backup Content File
"ValidFragment": Fragment not instantiatable
"GetContentDescriptionOverride": Overriding getContentDescription() on a View
"PackageManagerGetSignatures": Potential Multiple Certificate Exploit
"AccidentalOctal": Accidental Octal
"UseOfBundledGooglePlayServices": Use of bundled version of Google Play
"GradleCompatible": Incompatible Gradle Versions
"GradleDependency": Obsolete Gradle Dependency
"GradleDeprecated": Deprecated Gradle Construct
"DevModeObsolete": Dev Mode Obsolete
"DuplicatePlatformClasses": Duplicate Platform Classes
"GradleGetter": Gradle Implicit Getter Call
"GradlePluginVersion": Incompatible Android Gradle Plugin
"HighAppVersionCode": VersionCode too high
"GradleIdeError": Gradle IDE Support Issues
"GradlePath": Gradle Path Issues
"GradleDynamicVersion": Gradle Dynamic Version
"NotInterpolated": Incorrect Interpolation
"StringShouldBeInt": String should be int
"NewerVersionAvailable": Newer Library Versions Available
"MinSdkTooLow": API Version Too Low
"GridLayout": GridLayout validation
"HandlerLeak": Handler reference leaks
"HardcodedDebugMode": Hardcoded value of android:debuggable in the manifest
"HardcodedText": Hardcoded text
"HardwareIds": Hardware Id Usage
"IconDuplicatesConfig": Identical bitmaps across various configurations
"IconDuplicates": Duplicated icons under different names
"GifUsage": Using .gif format for bitmaps is discouraged
"IconColors": Icon colors do not follow the recommended visual style
"IconDensities": Icon densities validation
"IconDipSize": Icon density-independent size validation
"IconExpectedSize": Icon has incorrect size
"IconExtension": Icon format does not match the file extension
"IconLauncherShape": The launcher icon shape should use a distinct silhouette
"IconLocation": Image defined in density-independent drawable folder
"IconMissingDensityFolder": Missing density folder
"IconMixedNinePatch": Clashing PNG and 9-PNG files
"IconNoDpi": Icon appears in both -nodpi and dpi folders
"IconXmlAndPng": Icon is specified both as .xml file and as a bitmap
"ConvertToWebp": Convert to WebP
"WebpUnsupported": WebP Unsupported
"IncludeLayoutParam": Ignored layout params on include
"DisableBaselineAlignment": Missing baselineAligned attribute
"InefficientWeight": Inefficient layout weight
"NestedWeights": Nested layout weights
"Orientation": Missing explicit orientation
"Suspicious0dp": Suspicious 0dp dimension
"InstantApps": Instant App Issues
"DuplicateDivider": Unnecessary Divider Copy
"TrustAllX509TrustManager": Insecure TLS/SSL trust manager
"InvalidImeActionId": Invalid imeActionId declaration
"InvalidPackage": Package not included in Android
"DrawAllocation": Memory allocations within drawing code
"UseSparseArrays": HashMap can be replaced with SparseArray
"UseValueOf": Should use valueOf instead of new
"JavascriptInterface": Missing @JavascriptInterface on methods
"JobSchedulerService": JobScheduler problems
"KeyboardInaccessibleWidget": Keyboard inaccessible widget
"LabelFor": Missing labelFor attribute
"InconsistentLayout": Inconsistent Layouts
"InflateParams": Layout Inflation without a Parent
"StaticFieldLeak": Static Field Leaks
"DefaultLocale": Implied default locale in case conversion
"LocaleFolder": Wrong locale name
"GetLocales": Locale crash
"InvalidResourceFolder": Invalid Resource Folder
"WrongRegion": Suspicious Language/Region Combination
"UseAlpha2": Using 3-letter Codes
"LogConditional": Unconditional Logging Calls
"LongLogTag": Too Long Log Tags
"LogTagMismatch": Mismatched Log Tags
"AllowBackup": AllowBackup/FullBackupContent Problems
"MissingApplicationIcon": Missing application icon
"DeviceAdmin": Malformed Device Admin
"DuplicateActivity": Activity registered more than once
"DuplicateUsesFeature": Feature declared more than once
"GradleOverrides": Value overridden by Gradle build script
"IllegalResourceRef": Name and version must be integer or string, not
"MipmapIcons": Use Mipmap Launcher Icons
"MockLocation": Using mock location provider in production
"MultipleUsesSdk": Multiple  elements in the manifest
"ManifestOrder": Incorrect order of elements in manifest
"MissingVersion": Missing application name/version
"OldTargetApi": Target SDK attribute is not targeting latest version
"UniquePermission": Permission names are not unique
"UsesMinSdkAttributes": Minimum SDK and target SDK attributes not defined
"WearableBindListener": Usage of Android Wear BIND_LISTENER is deprecated
"WrongManifestParent": Wrong manifest parent
"InvalidPermission": Invalid Permission Attribute
"ManifestResource": Manifest Resource References
"ManifestTypo": Typos in manifest tags
"FloatMath": Using FloatMath instead of Math
"MergeMarker": Code contains merge marker
"MergeRootFrame": FrameLayout can be replaced with  tag
"IncompatibleMediaBrowserServiceCompatVersion": Obsolete version of
"InnerclassSeparator": Inner classes should use $ rather than .
"Instantiatable": Registered class is not instantiatable
"MissingRegistered": Missing registered class
"MissingId": Fragments should specify an id or tag
"LibraryCustomView": Custom views in libraries should use res-auto-namespace
"ResAuto": Hardcoded Package in Namespace
"NamespaceTypo": Misspelled namespace declaration
"UnusedNamespace": Unused namespace
"NegativeMargin": Negative Margins
"NestedScrolling": Nested scrolling widgets
"NetworkSecurityConfig": Valid Network Security Config File
"MissingBackupPin": Missing Backup Pin
"PinSetExpiry": Validate  expiration attribute
"NfcTechWhitespace": Whitespace in NFC tech lists
"UnlocalizedSms": SMS phone number missing country code
"ObjectAnimatorBinding": Incorrect ObjectAnimator Property
"AnimatorKeep": Missing @Keep for Animated Properties
"ObsoleteLayoutParam": Obsolete layout params
"OnClick": onClick method does not exist
"Overdraw": Overdraw: Painting regions more than once
"DalvikOverride": Method considered overridden by Dalvik
"OverrideAbstract": Not overriding abstract methods on older platforms
"ParcelCreator": Missing Parcelable CREATOR field
"UnusedQuantity": Unused quantity translations
"MissingQuantity": Missing quantity translation
"ImpliedQuantity": Implied Quantities
"ExportedPreferenceActivity": PreferenceActivity should not be exported
"PrivateApi": Using Private APIs
"PackagedPrivateKey": Packaged private key
"PrivateResource": Using private resources
"ProguardSplit": Proguard.cfg file contains generic Android rules
"Proguard": Using obsolete ProGuard configuration
"PropertyEscape": Incorrect property escapes
"UsingHttp": Using HTTP instead of HTTPS
"SpUsage": Using dp instead of sp for text sizes
"InOrMmUsage": Using mm or in dimensions
"PxUsage": Using 'px' dimension
"SmallSp": Text size is too small
"ParcelClassLoader": Default Parcel Class Loader
"PendingBindings": Missing Pending Bindings
"RecyclerView": RecyclerView Problems
"Registered": Class is not registered in the manifest
"RelativeOverlap": Overlapping items in RelativeLayout
"RequiredSize": Missing layout_width or layout_height attributes
"AaptCrash": Potential AAPT crash
"ResourceCycle": Cycle in resource definitions
"ResourceName": Resource with Wrong Prefix
"ValidRestrictions": Invalid Restrictions Descriptor
"RtlCompat": Right-to-left text compatibility issues
"RtlEnabled": Using RTL attributes without enabling RTL support
"RtlSymmetry": Padding and margin symmetry
"RtlHardcoded": Using left/right instead of start/end attributes
"ScrollViewSize": ScrollView size validation
"SdCardPath": Hardcoded reference to /sdcard
"SecureRandom": Using a fixed seed with SecureRandom
"TrulyRandom": Weak RNG
"ExportedContentProvider": Content provider does not require permission
"ExportedReceiver": Receiver does not require permission
"ExportedService": Exported service does not require permission
"SetWorldReadable": File.setReadable() used to make file world-readable
"SetWorldWritable": File.setWritable() used to make file world-writable
"GrantAllUris": Content provider shares everything
"WorldReadableFiles": openFileOutput() or similar call passing
"WorldWriteableFiles": openFileOutput() or similar call passing
"ServiceCast": Wrong system service casts
"WifiManagerLeak": WifiManager Leak
"WifiManagerPotentialLeak": WifiManager Potential Leak
"SetJavaScriptEnabled": Using setJavaScriptEnabled
"SignatureOrSystemPermissions": signatureOrSystem permissions declared
"SQLiteString": Using STRING instead of TEXT
"SSLCertificateSocketFactoryCreateSocket": Insecure call to
"SSLCertificateSocketFactoryGetInsecure": Call to
"StateListReachable": Unreachable state in a 
"AuthLeak": Code might contain an auth leak
"StringFormatCount": Formatting argument types incomplete or inconsistent
"StringFormatMatches": "String.format string doesn't match the XML format
"StringFormatInvalid": Invalid format string
"PluralsCandidate": Potential Plurals
"UseCheckPermission": Using the result of check permission calls
"CheckResult": Ignoring results
"ResourceAsColor": Should pass resolved color instead of resource id
"MissingPermission": Missing Permissions
"Range": Outside Range
"ResourceType": Wrong Resource Type
"RestrictedApi": Restricted API
"WrongThread": Wrong Thread
"WrongConstant": Incorrect constant
"VisibleForTests": Visible Only For Tests
"ProtectedPermissions": Using system app permission
"TextFields": Missing inputType or hint
"TextViewEdits": TextView should probably be an EditText instead
"SelectableText": Dynamic text should probably be selectable
"MenuTitle": Missing menu title
"ShowToast": Toast created but not shown
"TooDeepLayout": Layout hierarchy is too deep
"TooManyViews": Layout has too many views
"ExtraTranslation": Extra translation
"MissingTranslation": Incomplete translation
"Typos": Spelling error
"TypographyDashes": Hyphen can be replaced with dash
"TypographyEllipsis": Ellipsis string can be replaced with ellipsis character
"TypographyFractions": Fraction string can be replaced with fraction
"TypographyOther": Other typographical problems
"TypographyQuotes": Straight quotes can be replaced with curvy quotes
"UnsafeProtectedBroadcastReceiver": Unsafe Protected BroadcastReceiver
"UnprotectedSMSBroadcastReceiver": Unprotected SMS BroadcastReceiver
"UnusedResources": Unused resources
"UnusedIds": Unused id
"UseCompoundDrawables": Node can be replaced by a TextView with compound
"UselessLeaf": Useless leaf layout
"UselessParent": Useless parent layout
"EnforceUTF8": Encoding used in resource files is not UTF-8
"VectorRaster": Vector Image Generation
"VectorDrawableCompat": Using VectorDrawableCompat
"VectorPath": Long vector paths
"InvalidVectorPath": Invalid vector paths
"ViewConstructor": Missing View constructors for XML inflation
"ViewHolder": View Holder Candidates
"ViewTag": Tagged object leaks
"WrongViewCast": Mismatched view type
"FindViewByIdCast": Add Explicit Cast
"Wakelock": Incorrect WakeLock usage
"WakelockTimeout": Using wakeLock without timeout
"InvalidWearFeatureAttribute": Invalid attribute for Wear uses-feature
"WearStandaloneAppFlag": Invalid or missing Wear standalone app flag
"WebViewLayout": WebViews in wrap_content parents
"WrongCall": Using wrong draw/layout method
"WrongCase": Wrong case for view tag
"InvalidId": Invalid ID declaration
"NotSibling": RelativeLayout Invalid Constraints
"UnknownId": Reference to an unknown id
"UnknownIdInLayout": Reference to an id that is not in the current layout
"SuspiciousImport": import android.R statement
"WrongFolder": Resource file in the wrong res folder
"WrongThreadInterprocedural": Wrong Thread (Interprocedural)


