\quad 离散MCDM问题表达如下:
c 1 c 2 ⋯ c n A = a 1 a 2 ⋮ a m ( p 11 p 12 ⋯ p 1 n p 21 p 22 ⋯ p 2 n ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ p m 1 p m 2 ⋯ p m n ) (1) \begin{array}{l} \begin{array}{llll} \qquad&&c_{1} & \ c_{2} & \ \cdots & \ c_{n} \end{array} \\ A = \begin{array}{c} a_{1} \\ a_{2} \\ \vdots \\ a_{m} \end{array}\left(\begin{array}{cccc} p_{11} & p_{12} & \cdots & p_{1 n} \\ p_{21} & p_{22} & \cdots & p_{2 n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ p_{m 1} & p_{m 2} & \cdots & p_{m n} \end{array}\right) \\ \end{array} \tag{1} c1 c2 ⋯ cnA=a1a2⋮am p11p21⋮pm1p12p22⋮pm2⋯⋯⋱⋯p1np2n⋮pmn (1)
其中, { a 1 , a 2 , … , a m } \left\{a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_m\right\} {a1,a2,…,am}为一组可行替代方案, { c 1 , c 2 , … , c n } \left\{c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n\right\} {c1,c2,…,cn}为一组决策准则, p i j p_{ij} pij为替代方案 i i i在准则 j j j上的得分。
\quad 目标是选择最佳(例如,最持久、最重要)的替代方案,即选择具有最高总体价值的替代方案。
\quad 若为每个准则分配权重 w j , ( w j ≥ 0 , ∑ w j = 1 ) , j = 1 , 2 , … , n w_j,\left(w_j \geq 0, \sum w_j=1\right),j=1,2,\ldots,n wj,(wj≥0,∑wj=1),j=1,2,…,n,则可行方案 i i i的加权价值函数为:
V i = ∑ j = 1 n w j p i j (2) V_i = \sum_{j=1}^n w_j p_{ij} \tag{2} Vi=j=1∑nwjpij(2)
\quad 假设有n个评价准则,并使用 1 / 9 1/9 1/9至 9 9 9对这些准则进行成对比较,从而得分判断矩阵 A A A:
A = ( a 11 a 12 … a 1 n a 21 a 22 … a 2 n ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ a n 1 a n 2 … a n n ) (3) A = \left(\begin {array}{c} a_{11} & a_{12} & \ldots & a_{1n} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} & \ldots & a_{2n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ a_{n1} & a_{n2} & \ldots & a_{nn} \\ \end{array}\right) \tag{3} A= a11a21⋮an1a12a22⋮an2……⋱…a1na2n⋮ann (3)
其中, a i j a_{ij} aij表示准则 i i i相对于准则 j j j的相对偏好, a i j = 1 a_{ij}=1 aij=1表示两者同等重要, a i j ≥ 1 a_{ij}\ge 1 aij≥1表示准则 i i i比准则 j j j更加重要, a i j = 9 a_{ij}=9 aij=9表示绝对重要。满足 a j i = 1 a i j , a i i = 1 a_{ji}=\frac{1}{a_{ij}},a_{ii}=1 aji=aij1,aii=1
为了获得完整的判断矩阵 A A A需要进行 n ( n − 1 ) / 2 n\left(n-1\right)/2 n(n−1)/2次成对比较。若满足以下条件,则认为判断矩阵 A A A是完全一致的:
a i k × a k j = a i j , ∀ i , j (4) a_{ik}\times a_{kj} = a_{ij}, \forall i,j \tag{4} aik×akj=aij,∀i,j(4)
将成对比较分为两类:(1)参考比较(Reference Comparisons)和(2)二次比较(Secondary Comparisons)
定义1 如果 i i i是最佳要素和/或 j j j是最差要素,则 a i j a_{ij} aij表示一个参考比较。
定义2 如果 i i i和 j j j都不是最佳或最差要素,且 a i j ≥ 1 a_{ij}\geq 1 aij≥1,则 a i j a_{ij} aij为一个二次比较。
\quad 采用准则 C = { c 1 , c 2 , … , c n } C=\{c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n\} C={c1,c2,…,cn}作为决策准则
\quad 由决策者从整体上确定最佳和最差的准则
A B = ( a B 1 , a B 2 , … , a B n ) A_B = \left(a_{B1},a_{B2},\ldots,a_{Bn}\right) AB=(aB1,aB2,…,aBn)
其中, a B j a_{Bj} aBj表示最佳准则 B B B相对于准则 j j j的偏好,显然, a B B = 1 a_{BB}=1 aBB=1
A W = ( a 1 W , a 2 W , … , a n W ) A_W = \left(a_{1W},a_{2W},\ldots,a_{nW}\right) AW=(a1W,a2W,…,anW)
其中, a j W a_{jW} ajW表示准则 j j j相对于最佳准则 W W W的偏好,显然, a W W = 1 a_{WW}=1 aWW=1
S5.找到最优权重 ( w 1 ∗ , w 2 ∗ , … , w n ∗ ) \left(w_{1}^*,w_{2}^*,\ldots,w_{n}^*\right) (w1∗,w2∗,…,wn∗)
对于每一对 w B / w j w_B/w_j wB/wj和 w j / w W w_j/w_W wj/wW,有 w B / w j = a B j w_B/w_j = a_{Bj} wB/wj=aBj和 w j / w W = a j W w_j/w_W = a_{jW} wj/wW=ajW。为了对所有 j j j都满足以上条件,需要找到一个对所有 j j j的最大绝对差 ∣ w B w j − a B j ∣ \left|\frac{w_B}{w_j}-a_{Bj}\right| wjwB−aBj 和 ∣ w j w W − a j W ∣ \left|\frac{w_j}{w_W}-a_{jW}\right| wWwj−ajW 最小。考虑到权重的非负性和和约束,有:
min max j { ∣ w B w j − a B j ∣ , ∣ w j w W − a j W ∣ } s . t . ∑ j w j = 1 w j ≥ 0 , ∀ j (5) \begin{array}{l} \min \max_{j}\left\{\left|\frac{w_B}{w_j}-a_{Bj}\right|,\left|\frac{w_j}{w_W}-a_{jW}\right|\right\} \\ s.t. \\ \sum_{j} w_j = 1 \\ w_j \geq 0, \forall j \\ \end{array} \tag{5} minmaxj{ wjwB−aBj , wWwj−ajW }s.t.∑jwj=1wj≥0,∀j(5)
min ξ s . t . ∣ w B w j − a B j ∣ ≤ ξ , ∀ j ∣ w j w W − a j W ∣ ≤ ξ , ∀ j ∑ j w j = 1 w j ≥ 0 , ∀ j (6) \begin{array}{l} \min \xi \\ s.t. \\ \left|\frac{w_B}{w_j}-a_{Bj}\right| \leq \xi, \forall j \\ \left|\frac{w_j}{w_W}-a_{jW}\right| \leq \xi, \forall j \\ \sum_{j} w_{j} = 1 \\ w_j \geq 0, \forall j \\ \end{array} \tag{6} minξs.t. wjwB−aBj ≤ξ,∀j wWwj−ajW ≤ξ,∀j∑jwj=1wj≥0,∀j(6)
求解问题(6),即可得到最优权重 ( w 1 ∗ , w 2 ∗ , … , w n ∗ ) \left(w_{1}^*,w_{2}^*,\ldots,w_{n}^*\right) (w1∗,w2∗,…,wn∗)和 ξ ∗ \xi^* ξ∗
\quad 当 a B j × a j W = a B W a_{Bj} \times a_{jW} = a_{BW} aBj×ajW=aBW对所有j都满足,则该比较是一致的。
\quad 不一致:
( a B j − ξ ) × ( a j W − ξ ) = ( a B W + ξ ) (7) \left(a_{Bj}-\xi\right) \times \left(a_{jW}-\xi\right) = \left(a_{BW}+\xi\right) \tag{7} (aBj−ξ)×(ajW−ξ)=(aBW+ξ)(7)
为了得到最小一致性 a B j = a j W = a B W a_{Bj}=a_{jW}=a_{BW} aBj=ajW=aBW,有:
( a B j − ξ ) × ( a j W − ξ ) = ( a B W + ξ ) ⇒ ξ 2 − ( 1 + 2 a B W ) ξ + ( a B W 2 − a B W ) = 0 (8) \left(a_{Bj}-\xi\right) \times \left(a_{jW}-\xi\right) = \left(a_{BW}+\xi\right) \Rightarrow \xi^2 - \left(1+2a_{BW}\right)\xi + \left({a_{BW}}^2 - a_{BW}\right)=0 \\ \tag{8} (aBj−ξ)×(ajW−ξ)=(aBW+ξ)⇒ξ2−(1+2aBW)ξ+(aBW2−aBW)=0(8)
为了求解 a B W ∈ { 1 , 2 , … , 9 } a_{BW}\in\left\{1,2,\ldots,9\right\} aBW∈{1,2,…,9},可以寻找最大可能 ξ \xi ξ( max ξ \max \xi maxξ)。使用这些最大值作为一致性指标,然后使用 ξ ∗ \xi^* ξ∗和对应的一致性指标计算一致率:
C R = ξ ∗ C I CR = \frac{\xi^*}{CI} CR=CIξ∗
import numpy as np
import math
import random
import os
## 灰狼优化求解算法
# Function
def target_function():
# Function: Initialize Variables
def initial_position(pack_size = 5, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], target_function = target_function):
position = np.zeros((pack_size, len(min_values)+1))
for i in range(0, pack_size):
for j in range(0, len(min_values)):
position[i,j] = random.uniform(min_values[j], max_values[j])
position[i,-1] = target_function(position[i,0:position.shape[1]-1])
return position
# Function: Initialize Alpha
def alpha_position(dimension = 2, target_function = target_function):
alpha = np.zeros((1, dimension + 1))
for j in range(0, dimension):
alpha[0,j] = 0.0
alpha[0,-1] = target_function(alpha[0,0:alpha.shape[1]-1])
return alpha
# Function: Initialize Beta
def beta_position(dimension = 2, target_function = target_function):
beta = np.zeros((1, dimension + 1))
for j in range(0, dimension):
beta[0,j] = 0.0
beta[0,-1] = target_function(beta[0,0:beta.shape[1]-1])
return beta
# Function: Initialize Delta
def delta_position(dimension = 2, target_function = target_function):
delta = np.zeros((1, dimension + 1))
for j in range(0, dimension):
delta[0,j] = 0.0
delta[0,-1] = target_function(delta[0,0:delta.shape[1]-1])
return delta
# Function: Updtade Pack by Fitness
def update_pack(position, alpha, beta, delta):
updated_position = np.copy(position)
for i in range(0, position.shape[0]):
if (updated_position[i,-1] < alpha[0,-1]):
alpha[0,:] = np.copy(updated_position[i,:])
if (updated_position[i,-1] > alpha[0,-1] and updated_position[i,-1] < beta[0,-1]):
beta[0,:] = np.copy(updated_position[i,:])
if (updated_position[i,-1] > alpha[0,-1] and updated_position[i,-1] > beta[0,-1] and updated_position[i,-1] < delta[0,-1]):
delta[0,:] = np.copy(updated_position[i,:])
return alpha, beta, delta
# Function: Updtade Position
def update_position(position, alpha, beta, delta, a_linear_component = 2, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], target_function = target_function):
updated_position = np.copy(position)
for i in range(0, updated_position.shape[0]):
for j in range (0, len(min_values)):
r1_alpha = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
r2_alpha = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
a_alpha = 2*a_linear_component*r1_alpha - a_linear_component
c_alpha = 2*r2_alpha
distance_alpha = abs(c_alpha*alpha[0,j] - position[i,j])
x1 = alpha[0,j] - a_alpha*distance_alpha
r1_beta = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
r2_beta = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
a_beta = 2*a_linear_component*r1_beta - a_linear_component
c_beta = 2*r2_beta
distance_beta = abs(c_beta*beta[0,j] - position[i,j])
x2 = beta[0,j] - a_beta*distance_beta
r1_delta = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
r2_delta = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
a_delta = 2*a_linear_component*r1_delta - a_linear_component
c_delta = 2*r2_delta
distance_delta = abs(c_delta*delta[0,j] - position[i,j])
x3 = delta[0,j] - a_delta*distance_delta
updated_position[i,j] = np.clip(((x1 + x2 + x3)/3),min_values[j],max_values[j])
updated_position[i,-1] = target_function(updated_position[i,0:updated_position.shape[1]-1])
return updated_position
# GWO Function
def grey_wolf_optimizer(pack_size = 5, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], iterations = 50, target_function = target_function, verbose = True):
count = 0
alpha = alpha_position(dimension = len(min_values), target_function = target_function)
beta = beta_position(dimension = len(min_values), target_function = target_function)
delta = delta_position(dimension = len(min_values), target_function = target_function)
position = initial_position(pack_size = pack_size, min_values = min_values, max_values = max_values, target_function = target_function)
while (count <= iterations):
if (verbose == True):
print('Iteration = ', count, ' f(x) = ', alpha[0][-1])
a_linear_component = 2 - count*(2/iterations)
alpha, beta, delta = update_pack(position, alpha, beta, delta)
position = update_position(position, alpha, beta, delta, a_linear_component = a_linear_component, min_values = min_values, max_values = max_values, target_function = target_function)
count = count + 1
return alpha
def BWM(dataset, mic, lic, size = 50, iterations = 150):
X = np.copy(dataset)/1.0
best = np.where(mic == 1)[0][0] #获得最优指标值为1的索引
worst = np.where(lic == 1)[0][0] #获得最差准则只为1的索引
# 建立Best-to-Others向量
pairs_b = [(best, i) for i in range(0, mic.shape[0])]
# 建立Others-to-Worst向量
pairs_w = [(i, worst) for i in range(0, mic.shape[0]) if (i, worst) not in pairs_b]
# 建立优化目标函数
def target_function(variables):
eps = [float('+inf')]
for pair in pairs_b: #与最佳准则比较
i, j = pair
diff = abs(variables[i] - variables[j]*mic[j]) #计算|a_Bj-w_b/w_j|
if ( i != j):
for pair in pairs_w: #与最差准则比较
i, j = pair
diff = abs(variables[i] - variables[j]*lic[j])
if ( i != j):
if ( np.sum(variables) == 0):
eps = float('+inf')
eps = max(eps[1:])
return eps
# 采用灰狼优化算法寻找最优权重
weights = grey_wolf_optimizer(pack_size = size, min_values = [0.01]*X.shape[1], max_values = [1]*X.shape[1], iterations = iterations, target_function = target_function)
# 权重归一化
weights = weights[0][:-1]/sum(weights[0][:-1])
return weights
# 数据集
dataset = np.array([
# g1 g2 g3 g4
[250, 16, 12, 5],
[200, 16, 8 , 3],
[300, 32, 16, 4],
[275, 32, 8 , 4],
[225, 16, 16, 2]
# 最优准则
mic = np.array([1, 3, 4, 7])
# 最差准则
lic = np.array([7, 5, 5, 1])
# 采用BWM计算最优权重
weights = BWM(dataset, mic, lic, size = 50, iterations = 150)
# 输出各个指标的最优权重
for i in range(0, weights.shape[0]):
print('w(g'+str(i+1)+'): ', round(weights[i], 3))
Iteration = 0 f(x) = inf
Iteration = 1 f(x) = 0.8225123652041643
Iteration = 2 f(x) = 0.26978730095302067
Iteration = 3 f(x) = 0.11575769796201554
Iteration = 4 f(x) = 0.11575769796201554
Iteration = 5 f(x) = 0.07244990479832858
Iteration = 6 f(x) = 0.07244990479832858
Iteration = 7 f(x) = 0.07244990479832858
Iteration = 8 f(x) = 0.07244990479832858
Iteration = 9 f(x) = 0.07244990479832858
Iteration = 10 f(x) = 0.07244990479832858
Iteration = 11 f(x) = 0.07244990479832858
Iteration = 12 f(x) = 0.0627512470203439
Iteration = 13 f(x) = 0.0627512470203439
Iteration = 14 f(x) = 0.0627512470203439
Iteration = 15 f(x) = 0.0627512470203439
Iteration = 16 f(x) = 0.0627512470203439
Iteration = 17 f(x) = 0.0627512470203439
Iteration = 18 f(x) = 0.0627512470203439
Iteration = 19 f(x) = 0.0627512470203439
Iteration = 20 f(x) = 0.0613258458509815
Iteration = 21 f(x) = 0.0416184489289983
Iteration = 22 f(x) = 0.0416184489289983
Iteration = 23 f(x) = 0.0416184489289983
Iteration = 24 f(x) = 0.04043851330583073
Iteration = 25 f(x) = 0.04043851330583073
Iteration = 26 f(x) = 0.03839692794308719
Iteration = 27 f(x) = 0.03839692794308719
Iteration = 28 f(x) = 0.03839692794308719
Iteration = 29 f(x) = 0.03839692794308719
Iteration = 30 f(x) = 0.03839692794308719
Iteration = 31 f(x) = 0.03839692794308719
Iteration = 32 f(x) = 0.03362197238350268
Iteration = 33 f(x) = 0.03362197238350268
Iteration = 34 f(x) = 0.027563216968690428
Iteration = 35 f(x) = 0.027563216968690428
Iteration = 36 f(x) = 0.027563216968690428
Iteration = 37 f(x) = 0.027563216968690428
Iteration = 38 f(x) = 0.027563216968690428
Iteration = 39 f(x) = 0.027563216968690428
Iteration = 40 f(x) = 0.02521773272774567
Iteration = 41 f(x) = 0.02521773272774567
Iteration = 42 f(x) = 0.02521773272774567
Iteration = 43 f(x) = 0.02521773272774567
Iteration = 44 f(x) = 0.02521773272774567
Iteration = 45 f(x) = 0.02521773272774567
Iteration = 46 f(x) = 0.02521773272774567
Iteration = 47 f(x) = 0.02521773272774567
Iteration = 48 f(x) = 0.02521773272774567
Iteration = 49 f(x) = 0.021877679478816078
Iteration = 50 f(x) = 0.021877679478816078
Iteration = 51 f(x) = 0.021877679478816078
Iteration = 52 f(x) = 0.017349379506246702
Iteration = 53 f(x) = 0.017349379506246702
Iteration = 54 f(x) = 0.017349379506246702
Iteration = 55 f(x) = 0.017349379506246702
Iteration = 56 f(x) = 0.016814330101299044
Iteration = 57 f(x) = 0.016814330101299044
Iteration = 58 f(x) = 0.016814330101299044
Iteration = 59 f(x) = 0.016814330101299044
Iteration = 60 f(x) = 0.016814330101299044
Iteration = 61 f(x) = 0.016814330101299044
Iteration = 62 f(x) = 0.01664986899457347
Iteration = 63 f(x) = 0.012419697076621149
Iteration = 64 f(x) = 0.012419697076621149
Iteration = 65 f(x) = 0.012419697076621149
Iteration = 66 f(x) = 0.012419697076621149
Iteration = 67 f(x) = 0.012419697076621149
Iteration = 68 f(x) = 0.012419697076621149
Iteration = 69 f(x) = 0.012419697076621149
Iteration = 70 f(x) = 0.01200555185181644
Iteration = 71 f(x) = 0.011952061481401982
Iteration = 72 f(x) = 0.011952061481401982
Iteration = 73 f(x) = 0.011952061481401982
Iteration = 74 f(x) = 0.008761657912284386
Iteration = 75 f(x) = 0.008761657912284386
Iteration = 76 f(x) = 0.008761657912284386
Iteration = 77 f(x) = 0.008761657912284386
Iteration = 78 f(x) = 0.008761657912284386
Iteration = 79 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 80 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 81 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 82 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 83 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 84 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 85 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 86 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 87 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 88 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 89 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 90 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 91 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 92 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 93 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 94 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 95 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 96 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 97 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 98 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 99 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 100 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 101 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 102 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 103 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 104 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 105 f(x) = 0.008419538595294263
Iteration = 106 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 107 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 108 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 109 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 110 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 111 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 112 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 113 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 114 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 115 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 116 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 117 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 118 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 119 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 120 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 121 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 122 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 123 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 124 f(x) = 0.008175882927208215
Iteration = 125 f(x) = 0.00809499667967843
Iteration = 126 f(x) = 0.00809499667967843
Iteration = 127 f(x) = 0.00809499667967843
Iteration = 128 f(x) = 0.00809499667967843
Iteration = 129 f(x) = 0.00809499667967843
Iteration = 130 f(x) = 0.00809499667967843
Iteration = 131 f(x) = 0.00809499667967843
Iteration = 132 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 133 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 134 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 135 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 136 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 137 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 138 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 139 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 140 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 141 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 142 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 143 f(x) = 0.00808352974904726
Iteration = 144 f(x) = 0.008060349193135287
Iteration = 145 f(x) = 0.008060349193135287
Iteration = 146 f(x) = 0.008060349193135287
Iteration = 147 f(x) = 0.008060349193135287
Iteration = 148 f(x) = 0.008019470478954472
Iteration = 149 f(x) = 0.008019470478954472
Iteration = 150 f(x) = 0.008004493940747618
w(g1): 0.578
w(g2): 0.168
w(g3): 0.162
w(g4): 0.093