解决 These dependencies were not found: * core-js/modules/es6.array.fill in xxx 之类的问题


presets: [ [ "@vue/app", { useBuiltIns: "entry" } ] ]

module.exports = {
  presets: [
    // https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/tree/master/packages/@vue/babel-preset-app
    [['@vue/app', { useBuiltIns: 'entry' }]]
  'env': {
    'development': {
      // babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node plugin only does one thing by converting all import() to require().
      // This plugin can significantly increase the speed of hot updates, when you have a large number of pages.
      // https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/guide/advanced/lazy-loading.html
      'plugins': ['dynamic-import-node']


你可能感兴趣的:(解决 These dependencies were not found: * core-js/modules/es6.array.fill in xxx 之类的问题)