
Hello. Rarely do I post publicly on matters of the world, but this weekend the world changed… again. 

你好。 我很少公开发布有关世界事务的信息,但是这个周末世界发生了变化……再次。

Below is a message I sent to the company Sunday morning. I’d like to share it with the Unity community so you know how we’re thinking about recent events at Unity.

以下是我周日上午发送给公司的消息。 我想与Unity社区分享它,以便您了解我们如何考虑Unity上的近期活动。

In honor of #BlackOutTuesday, we’re suspending all social media today, and have pushed out all news announcements until next week.  






We’re not in anything even approaching a normal time. I find I wake up these last few days feeling sad, disappointed, and angry with my fellow humans. We’re better than this.

我们什至没有接近正常的时间。 我发现最近这几天醒来时,我对同胞感到悲伤,失望和愤怒。 我们比这更好。

What happened last week in Minneapolis is simply horrible. It should not have happened. It seems the result of decades of inattention to racism and lack of protection for the Black community. As a nation, and perhaps as a planet, we’ve not even begun to tackle the tough, underlying problems that make these horrible incidents possible, and sadly, all too frequent.  

上周在明尼阿波利斯发生的事情简直太可怕了。 它不应该发生。 这似乎是数十年来对种族主义漠不关心和对黑人社区缺乏保护的结果。 作为一个国家,甚至可能是一个星球,我们甚至还没有开始解决那些棘手的,根本的问题,这些问题使这些可怕的事件成为可能,而不幸的是,这太频繁了。  

I know we all stand in solidarity with George Floyd, his family, and for those who have suffered a similar fate in the past.

我知道我们所有人都支持乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd),他的家人以及过去遭受同样命运的人。

Disappointed, sad, angry. We are better than this.

失望,悲伤,愤怒。 我们比这更好。

I am sure many of you feel the same. Feeling betrayed by this happening again, and worried this incident will be swept under the rug of history, like so many similar tragedies in the past. 

我敢肯定,你们中的许多人都有同样的感觉。 再次发生这种事情使人感到背叛,并担心这一事件会像过去的许多悲剧一样席卷历史。

But, I think we can do something. First, we can reach out inside of Unity. Reach out to your colleagues to talk about it. Consider joining one of Unity’s Employee Resource Groups as a member or supporter and ally. You can also make use of some of Unity’s EAP programs. At Unity, we’ve launched programs on Diversity and Inclusion. We talk about Empathy, Respect, and Opportunity. And, of these, Empathy and Respect are most critical when we’re going through a time of crisis. I know we’re all dedicated to ensuring that happens at Unity, in the right way. We’ll be setting up meetings this week to provide a safe place for people to talk, and find support. 

但是,我认为我们可以做些事。 首先,我们可以深入了解Unity。 与您的同事讨论。 考虑作为成员或支持者和盟友加入Unity的员工资源组之一。 您还可以使用Unity的一些EAP程序。 在Unity,我们启动了有关多元化和包容性的计划。 我们谈论同情,尊重和机会。 其中,当我们度过危机时期时,同理心和尊重是最关键的。 我知道我们都致力于以正确的方式在Unity上实现这一目标。 我们将在本周召开会议,为人们进行交谈和寻求支持提供安全的场所。

I don’t have any answers today. I wish I did. As you enter this week, I have one request: A moment of silence and recognition for George Floyd, his family, and for those that suffered a similar fate in the past. And, as you go about your week inside of Unity, take an extra moment to be sure to show the empathy and respect all our colleagues deserve.

我今天没有任何答案。 但愿我做了,可惜我没有。 在您进入本周时,我有一个要求:对乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd),他的家人以及过去遭受同样命运的人们表示沉默和赞赏。 而且,当您在Unity内度过一周时,请花点时间确保表现出同理心并尊重我们所有同事应得的。



翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/06/02/thoughts-on-recent-events-2/
