
In 2003 three talented and creative individuals came together in Copenhagen, Denmark based on a shared vision about making their own game engine, one that they felt would quite literally change the game. They began to make that vision a reality while living the life of starving up-and-coming developers, working long hours and late nights with the hope that they would one day be able to share their dream with the world. Roughly two years later they did that and Unity was officially born. The first step came when Unity 1.0 was unveiled on stage at Apple’s WWDC conference on June 6, 2005. The second step came a day later when the first ever Unity license purchase was recorded on June 7, 2005, exactly five years ago today.

2003年,三位才华横溢且富有创造力的人聚集在丹麦的哥本哈根,他们基于共同的愿景来打造自己的游戏引擎,他们认为这确实会改变游戏规则。 他们开始将这一愿景变为现实,同时过着挨饿的新兴开发者的生活,长时间工作和深夜,希望他们有一天能够与世界分享自己的梦想。 大约两年后,他们做到了,Unity正式诞生。 第一步是在2005年6月6日的Apple WWDC大会上宣布Unity 1.0的舞台上。第二天是在2005年6月7日,即五年前的今天,记录了有史以来第一次Unity许可证购买。

To help capture a bit of the feeling and emotion from those earliest of days I’d like to share some thoughts from David Helgason, our CEO. The following is taken from a blog post he made late at night on June 6th, the eve of Unity’s official release upon the world, titled “Last Day In This Life” (permalink):

为了帮助您从最早的日子中获得一点感觉和情感,我想分享一下我们首席执行官David Helgason的一些想法。 以下摘自他在6月6日深夜发表的一篇博客文章,这是Unity正式发布世界的前夕,标题为“生命中的最后一天”( 永久链接 ):

I sincerely love my life.


It’s late again now, I’m listening to Xploding Plastix’ Amateur Girlfriends Go Proskirt Agents of the hateful genre nu-jazz… however it’s completely lovable like anything which is insanely too much.

现在又来晚了,我在听Xploding Plastix的nu-jazz讨厌类型的业余女友围裙经纪人……但是,像任何疯狂的东西一样,它是完全可爱的。

… yeah… last day of what life? We’re wrapping up the last stuff for Unity, due to be released tomorrow, probably 2pm Pacific Standard Time (utc-8 if I recall correctly)… it’ll be out for the world to enjoy.

……是的……人生的最后一天? 我们正在为Unity打包最后的内容,该内容将于明天发布,大概是太平洋标准时间下午2点(如果我没记错的话,utc-8)…世界将会享受。

Keli is finishing off the webshop so people can actually buy Unity, I’m wrapping up the new Conception designed website, and Joe? He’s fixing bugs at what seems to be an average speed of 0.42 bugs per minute.

凯利(Keli)正在完成网上商店的销售,以便人们可以实际购买Unity。我正在包装新的Conception设计的网站,乔? 他正在以平均每分钟0.42个错误的平均速度修复错误。

Most of the guys have gone home now – they know it’ll be a long day.


I need coffee. Now.

我需要咖啡。 现在。

Little did he know just how much his life, and the lives of many thousands of others would actually change…


Fast forward to today, June 7th, 2010, there are now in excess of 170000 developers out there with Unity installed and that user base includes everyone from students and hobbyists on up to major studios like Electronic Arts. Additionally, the founders’ vision involved not just the creation of a new engine, but one that would empower developers to reach everyone, everywhere. As such Unity has grown from a tool that at first let developers target the desktop and web, to one that now allows them to target the desktop, web, mobile devices and consoles. Needless to say it’s been an incredibly exciting five years and we can only dream about what the next five (and beyond!) will be like. So today we celebrate and honor the 5th birthday of Unity. Please take a look at the press release we put out as it includes a number of interesting key facts about our company as well as a timeline of key milestones showing our progress over the last five years:

快进到今天,2010年6月7日,安装了Unity的开发人员超过了17万,用户群包括从学生,业余爱好者到主要工作室(如Electronic Arts)的所有人。 此外,创始人的愿景不仅涉及创建新引擎,还涉及使开发人员能够遍及任何地方的所有人。 正因为如此,Unity已从最初允许开发人员针对桌面和Web的工具发展到现在允许他们针对台式机,Web,移动设备和控制台的工具。 毋庸置疑,这已经是令人难以置信的五年了,我们只能梦想下一个五年(甚至更远)将会是什么样。 因此,今天我们庆祝并纪念Unity成立5周年。 请查看我们发布的新闻稿,其中包含有关我们公司的许多有趣的关键事实,以及显示我们过去五年的进展的关键里程碑时间表:

Unity Technologies Celebrates Five Years of Continual Leadership and Innovation in Making Cutting Edge Game Technology

Unity Technologies庆祝制作尖端游戏技术连续五年的领导力和创新

Thanks to everyone at Unity Technologies for all the hard work and incredible passion you put into your work, we would never have this awesome thing called Unity without the blood, sweat and tears you’ve given. And thanks to everyone out there for your love, support and use of the product, without users out there creating cool content there is no Unity, period. So always remember that Unity isn’t just a product name, it’s a mission we’re all on together to democratize game development so we can all bring our digital dreams to life, and I for one couldn’t be happier to be a part of it.

多亏了Unity Technologies的每个人辛勤工作和投入到工作中的超乎寻常的热情,如果没有您付出的所有血汗和泪水,我们将永远不会拥有一个称为Unity的出色产品。 还要感谢大家对产品的热爱,支持和使用,而没有用户在那里创造很酷的内容,就没有Unity时期。 因此,请始终记住,Unity不仅仅是一个产品名称,这是我们所有人共同致力于使游戏开发民主化的使命,以便我们所有人都能实现我们的数字梦想,而我一个人更乐于参与其中它的。

Happy Birthday Unity!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/06/07/unity-turns-5-happy-birthday/
