Lesson 47 Too high price

1. Sheer 用来强调事物的大小、程度、数量

The sheer of volume 大量的

2. Voluminous 肥大的;冗长的;很大的

A voluminous skirt 肥大的裙子

A voluminous sofa 宽大的沙发

3. pesticide 杀虫剂

herbicide 除草剂

pester 打扰

4. fertilizer 肥料

fertile 肥沃的

hostile 敌对的

5. insidious 潜伏的

6. incessantly 不停的

synonym: constantly

7. make sb's contribution to

e.g. She makes her own contribution to this program.

8. Serve 产生…的效果

e.g. Her plan didn't work out, and it only served tobackfire on herself.

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