《原则》3.3 学会欣赏不同意见

3.3Appreciate the art of thoughtfuldisagreement.


When two people believeopposite things, chances are that one of them is wrong. It pays to find out ifthat someone is you. That’s why I believe you must appreciate and develop theart of thoughtful disagreement. In thoughtful disagreement, your goal is not toconvince the other party that you are right—it is to find out which view istrue and decide what to do about it. In thoughtful disagreement, both partiesare motivated by the genuine fear of missing important perspectives. Exchangesin which you really see what the other person is seeing and they really seewhat you are seeing—with both your “higher-level yous” trying to get to thetruth—are immensely helpful and a giant source of untapped potential.

To do this well, approach theconversation in a way that conveys that you’re just trying to understand.26Use questions rather than makestatements. Conduct the discussion in a calm and dispassionate manner, andencourage the other person to do that as well. Remember, you are not arguing;you are openly exploring what’s true. Be reasonable and expect others to bereasonable. If you’re calm, collegial, and respectful you will do a lot betterthan if you are not. You’ll get better at this with practice.

To me, it’s pointless when people getangry with each other when they disagree because most disagreements aren’tthreats as much as opportunities for learning. People who change their mindsbecause they learned something are the winners, whereas those who stubbornlyrefuse to learn are the losers. That doesn’t mean that you should blindlyaccept others’ conclusions. You should be what I call open-minded and assertiveat the same time—you should hold and explore conflicting possibilities in yourmind while moving fluidly toward whatever is likely to be true based on whatyou learn. Some people can do this easily while others can’t. A good exerciseto make sure that you are doing this well is to describe back to the person youare disagreeing with their own perspective. If they agree that you’ve got it,then you’re in good shape. I also recommend that both parties observe a“two-minute rule” in which neither interrupts the other, so they both have timeto get all their thoughts out.

Some people worry that operating this wayis time consuming. Working through disagreements does take time but it’s justabout the best way you can spend it. What’s important is that you prioritizewhat you spend time on and who you spend it with. There are lots of people whowill disagree with you, and it would be unproductive to consider all theirviews. It doesn’t pay to be open-minded with everyone. Instead, spend your timeexploring ideas with the most believable people you have access to.

If you find you’re at an impasse, agreeon a person you both respect and enlist them to help moderate the discussion.What’s really counterproductive is spinning in your own head about what’s goingon, which most people are prone to do—or wasting time disagreeing past thepoint of diminishing returns. When that happens, move on to a more productiveway of getting to a mutual understanding, which isn’t necessarily the samething as agreement. For example, you might agree to disagree.

Why doesn’t thoughtful disagreement likethis typically occur? Because most people are instinctively reluctant todisagree. For example, if two people go to a restaurant and one says he likesthe food, the other is more likely to say “I like it too” or not say anythingat all, even if that’s not true. The reluctance to disagree is the “lower-levelyou’s” mistaken interpretation of disagreement as conflict. That’s why radicalopen-mindedness isn’t easy: You need to teach yourself the art of havingexchanges in ways that don’t trigger such reactions in yourself or others. Thiswas what I had to learn back when Bob, Giselle, and Dan told me I made peoplefeel belittled.

Holding wrong opinions inone’s head and making bad decisions based on them instead of having thoughtfuldisagreements is one of the greatest tragedies of mankind. Being able tothoughtfully disagree would so easily lead to radically improved decisionmaking in all areas—public policy, politics, medicine, science, philanthropy,personal relationships, and more.

当两人相信相反的事物,机会就在于其中一个是错误的。代价就是发现错的人是你。那也是为甚我相信你必须欣赏并培养不同思考的艺术。深思熟虑的不同意见,你的目标不是说服对的一方—发现那方正确并决定接下来做什么。两方都会因为害怕错过重要的观点而选择屈服。将你真正看到对方看到的 和他们看到你正在看的交换-有了这两者,“更高层次的你”努力尝试发现真相—会非常有帮助,并且是一个巨大的未被探听的潜在优势。








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