RUP是IBM下的Rational Software公司创建的一个软件迭代开发过程框架,全称是Rational Unified Process(RUP),统一开发过程。




  1. Roles (who) – A role defines a set of related skills, competencies and responsibilities.
  2. Work products (what) – A work product represents something resulting from a task, including all the documents and models produced while working through the process.
  3. Tasks (how) – A task describes a unit of work assigned to a Role that provides a meaningful result.


  • Six “engineering disciplines”
    • Business modelling
    • Requirements
    • Analysis and design
    • Implementation
    • Test
    • Deployment
  • Three supporting disciplines
    • Configuration and change management
    • Project management
    • Environment



  • Stakeholder concurrence on scope definition and cost/schedule estimates.
  • Requirements understanding as evidenced by the fidelity of the primary use cases.
  • Credibility of the cost/schedule estimates, priorities, risks, and development process.
  • Depth and breadth of any architectural prototype that was developed.
  • Establishing a baseline by which to compare actual expenditures versus planned expenditures.


The outcome of the elaboration phase is:

  • A use-case model in which the use-cases and the actors have been identified and most of the use-case descriptions are developed. The use-case model should be 80% complete.
  • A description of the software architecture in a software system development process.
  • An executable architecture that realizes architecturally significant use cases.
  • Business case and risk list which are revised.
  • A development plan for the overall project.
  • Prototypes that demonstrably mitigate each identified technical risk.
  • A preliminary user manual (optional)

This phase must pass the lifecycle architecture milestone criteria answering the following questions:

  • Is the vision of the product stable?
  • Is the architecture stable?
  • Does the executable demonstration indicate that major risk elements are addressed and resolved?
  • Is the construction phase plan sufficiently detailed and accurate?
  • Do all stakeholders agree that the current vision can be achieved using current plan in the context of the current architecture?
  • Is the actual vs. planned resource expenditure acceptable?


The primary objective is to build the software system. In this phase, the main focus is on the development of components and other features of the system. This is the phase when the bulk of the coding takes place. In larger projects, several construction iterations may be developed in an effort to divide the use cases into manageable segments to produce demonstrable prototypes.


The primary objective is to ‘transit’ the system from development into production, making it available to and understood by the end user. The activities of this phase include training the end users and maintainers and beta testing the system to validate it against the end users’ expectations. The system also goes through an evaluation phase, any developer which is not producing the required work is replaced or removed. The product is also checked against the quality level set in the Inception phase.

RUP hump(RUP驼峰图)

  1. 横向是时间
  2. 纵向是工作量多少

