



If you’re like me and turn your porch lights on after the sun goes down, it’s sometimes easy to forget to do it every night. However, if you have a Wink hub and a smart bulb or smart switch, you can have your porch light automatically turn on and off based on the sunset and sunrise schedule.

如果您像我一样,在太阳下山后打开门廊灯,有时很容易忘记每天晚上这样做。 但是,如果您拥有Wink集线器和智能灯泡或智能开关,则可以根据日落和日出时间表自动打开和关闭门廊灯。

We’ve covered how to do something similar in the past, but that involves setting a specific time for lights to turn on and off. And since the sun sets and rises at vastly different times throughout the year (mostly thanks to daylight savings time), setting a specific schedule is not the best method when it comes to your outdoor lights. Instead, it’s better to automatically control lights based on when the sun rises and sets.

我们已经介绍了过去如何做类似的事情 ,但是涉及到设置打开和关闭灯的特定时间。 而且由于一年中太阳落山和升起的时间大不相同(主要是由于夏时制),所以针对室外照明设置特定的时间表并不是最好的方法。 相反,最好根据太阳升起和落下的时间自动控制灯光。

The Wink app has a newer feature named Moonlight that automatically turns on any lights when it gets dark outside. It’s mostly aimed at users who want to come home to a well-lit house at night, rather than having to fidget with light switches as they walk in. However, Moonlight is also great for automatically turning on my porch light once it gets dark out, so I’ll be using that as the example in this guide.

Wink应用程序具有一项名为Moonlight的更新功能,当它在室外变暗时会自动打开任何灯光。 它主要针对希望在晚上回家到光线充足的房子里的用户,而不是走进来时不得不烦恼电灯开关。但是,Moonlight还非常适合在天黑后自动打开门廊灯,因此在本指南中将以它为例。

To start off, open up the Wink app on your smartphone and tap the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.



Next, tap the “Lights + Power” option.



Select the “Services” tab at the top.



Tap “Setup” within the “Moonlight” box.



You’ll get a short introduction of what Moonlight is. Swipe left to continue through the intro.

您将简要了解月光是什么。 向左滑动即可继续介绍。


When you get to the end, tap the “Get Started” button at the bottom.



Next, give the Wink app permission to use your location, since it will need that info to know when the sun sets and rises. When that’s done, tap the “Ok, Got It” button.

接下来,授予Wink应用使用您的位置的权限,因为它将需要该信息来了解太阳何时落山和升起。 完成后,点击“确定,知道了”按钮。


If the app already has your location on file, select it using the radio button on the right side and hit “Next” at the bottom. Otherwise, tap “New Location” to enter in your address.

如果该应用已在文件中,请使用右侧的单选按钮将其选中,然后单击底部的“下一步”。 否则,请点击“新位置”以输入您的地址。


On the next screen, select which lights you want Moonlight to control and then tap the “Next” button. In this case, we’re selecting the porch light we’ve got set up.

在下一个屏幕上,选择希望Moonlight控制的灯,然后点击“下一步”按钮。 在这种情况下,我们将选择已设置的门廊灯。


Next, select when you want your light(s) to automatically turn on and off. Here, we want the porch light to turn on when the sun sets and turn off when the sun rises, but you could also have your lights turn off at either midnight or 2:00 AM. Hit “Next” after making your selection.

接下来,选择何时要自动打开和关闭灯。 在这里,我们希望在太阳落山时打开门廊灯,在太阳升起时关闭门廊灯,但是您也可以在午夜或凌晨2:00关闭灯。 选择后点击“下一步”。


You’ve now successfully configured Moonlight. Go ahead and officially enable it by tapping the “Turn It On Now” button.

您现在已经成功配置了Moonlight。 继续并通过点击“立即打开”按钮正式启用它。


Moonlight is now active. In the future, you can come back to this section in the app and make any changes, as well as temporarily disable the feature if you need to.

月光现在处于活动状态。 将来,您可以返回到应用程序中的此部分并进行任何更改,并在需要时暂时禁用该功能。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/320304/how-to-automatically-turn-on-your-porch-lights-when-it-gets-dark-out-using-wink/

