
1. I‘m a gift horse. 我来帮你就不错了。

Don't look me in the mouth.别问那么多了行不行.

2. close the blinds 拉上百叶窗; divide and conquer,分而治之;

save some syllables for the rest of us;小心点舌头别打结了.

3. Let's see if you can go two for two.看你这次能不能蠢出新高度了。

all-rounders 多面手;bump into each other and hit it off.一拍即合;

4. My reputation is on the line. 我的名声岌岌可危。

checkered past 劣迹斑斑; sexually promiscuous性行为不检点,私生活放荡;

5. keep things casual 顺其自然;holler at sb 对sb发牢骚;

think less of sb ,看不起sb;I'm cool with it. 我可不在意。

6. sage advice 智者之见; Nope 不;

I did get a little misty when we say goodbye.泪眼朦胧

arch-nemesis 主要劲敌; kind of a publicity hog 爱出风头;

7. It's classified and top secret. 一级机密;最高机密;bag on sb, 批评 sb;

a credit hog and a self-promoter 沽名钓誉之人; 

We didn't want to step on anyone's toes. 我们不想冒犯别人。

8. a hilarious prank 好笑的恶作剧;Bitcoin 比特币; get cold feet 怯场;

Maybe you should take a long hard look in the mirror. 或许你该好好照照镜子。

9. mean comments 差评;clean state 一笔勾销; Yom Kippur赎罪日(犹太教的重要节日); roll one's eyes at sb, 朝sb 翻白眼。 

10. Let's put a pin in that and keep thinking.咱们话就说到这里,好好想想吧。

Okay, no need to be snarky.没必要嘲讽我吧。 You're on fire .你好棒啊

11. a massive inferiority complex. 巨大的自卑感;have a hard time 很难受;

fifty-fifty 五五分;  pros and cons好坏皆有

12. And that really steams my clams. 这太扫兴了;

This is a pickle,这下尴尬了; subpar 低于标准; drone 无人机;

13. Don't beat yourself up.别泄气嘛。 zoom in 放大图片,聚焦;

I move for a vote of no confidence in the president.我提议罢免主席;

14. A: I nomminate myself.我提名自己

      B:  I second it.我附议

15. First round is on the house.第一轮店里请客。 pass out 喝断片;

Isolate himself from the distractions of day-to-day life;他远离日常生活的干扰。

16. With minimal power comes with minimal responsibility. 没有能力就没有责任(能力越强责任越大)

17. Instead of being in charge, I can now be the vocal opposition,criticizing and badgering the president at every turn.与其掌权,不如发声反对;一有机会就可以批评和膈应会长。

18. in the middle of nowhere 在荒无人烟的地方; train 裙裾,火车;

bachelorette party婚前单身派对,婚前庆祝会; IKEA宜家;bestman 伴郎;

19. I know how you gals behave when the men are away. 我知道男人不在家时,你们女人会做什么。

put it on shuffle 打乱,重新洗牌,随机播放;  frivolous nonsense 无聊的事

20. The pie was bananas, actually, the pie was cherry, but the taste of the pie was bananas. 这个樱桃派简直不要太好吃! 

21.  push-up bra 聚拢型内衣;She's got a point. 她说的有道理;smug 自满;

Don't be smug.别太容易满足; pick on sb. 欺负某人;

I can't believe you just threw me under the bus. 我无法相信你居然出卖了我。

22. You are a lamb to the slaughter. 你会被他完虐的;

officiate the wedding. 主持婚礼;case in point 就是这回事;

Sometimes ti's the imperfect stuff that makes things perfect. 有时候反而是不完美成就了完美。

23. I'm really jonesing for Mercury. 我很迷水星。comic-con 漫展; 

people-pleaser 烂好人;swallow one's pride 放下自尊;

You really are the whole package. 你还真是全能/全才。

24. Did you cave ? 你怂了吗? good guesser 很会猜;

Let's not get hung up on semantics. 别拘泥于字面意思。

I hogged all of the credit. 我一个人独占了功劳。

25. go up in smoke 烟消云散;

Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke, that means it's time for a promotion. 当你的生活一团糟时记得告诉我,那意味着你该升职了。《穿普拉达的女王》 
