Cache-Control value | Description |
no-cache | Prevents caching in the browser or proxies. |
private | Allows caching in the browser, but not in proxies. This is the default value. |
public | Allowing caching in both the browser and in proxies. |
除了这个, Cache-Control: max-age头指定浏览器缓存图片的最大时间。HTTP 1.1规范建议服务器不要指定这个值超过1年。
如果图片在缓存中,访问者刷新页面(Ctrl + F5),或者图片的max-age过期,浏览器会发送一个条件请求。这个请求有一个If-Modified-Since请求头指出缓存图片的接收时间。如果没有新版本,服务器答复304“Not Modified”。如果有新版本,服务器发送200应答,应答中包括新图片。
手工更新图片名称会需要很大的工作。使用本文后面介绍的Image control adapter。
如果在integrated pipeline模式下使用IIS 7,可以在web.config中加入clientCache达到同样的目的:
<configuration> ... <system.webServer> <staticContent> <clientCache cacheControlCustom="Cache-Control: public" cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="365.00:00:00"/> </staticContent> </system.webServer> ... </configuration>
<img src="http://images.cnblogs.com/picture.jpg" />
<img src="http://img.mydomain.com/images/picture.jpg" />
Image control adapter为Image和Hyperlink控件加入以下特性:
using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.Adapters; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Web.Caching; // If parts of your site use https, review this code to make sure it works for you. // In particular, make sure you don't use non-https image urls on https pages. // // web.config has the url rewriter configuration, which translates an image url // that contains the last modified time back to the original url, so the server // can serve up the currect image. Look for section <system.webServer>, subsection <rewrite>. // This web.config needs to sit on the web site(s) that hold the images. // This definition only works with IIS 7, not IIS 6. namespace ImageAdapter { public class Adapter : WebControlAdapter { protected override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer) { Image image = Control as Image; if (image == null) { // The control is not an image. Call the base class. base.RenderBeginTag(writer); } else { string loadsManyImagesConcurrently = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser["loadsManyImagesConcurrently"]; bool useSingleDomain = (loadsManyImagesConcurrently == "true"); string newImageUrl = NewImageUrl(image.ImageUrl, useSingleDomain); image.ImageUrl = newImageUrl; // ------ // Remove border=0 style generated by ASP.NET StringBuilder originalHtml = new StringBuilder(); base.RenderBeginTag(new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(originalHtml))); // Get rid of style generated by ASP.NET. // If the image is not part of a hyperlink, it will have a style that includes // the width and height. If part of a hyperlink, its style will only have border-width:0px. originalHtml.Replace("border-width:0px;", "").Replace(" style=\"\"", ""); writer.Write(originalHtml); } } protected override void RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter writer) { } protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer) { } private string NewImageUrl(string imageUrl, bool useSingleDomain) { // If there is no imageUrl, return right away. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageUrl)) { return imageUrl; } // Convert image URL to lower case, so all image URLs have consistent casing. string imageUrlLc = this.Control.ResolveUrl(imageUrl).ToLower(); // Find the path of this image. // Return the imageUrl unchanged if the image is not on the current website. string path = ""; if ((!imageUrlLc.StartsWith("http://")) && (!imageUrlLc.StartsWith("https://"))) { // imageUrl is a relative url. path = imageUrlLc; } else { // imageUrl is an absolute url. Uri imageUri = new Uri(imageUrlLc); if (string.Compare( imageUri.Host, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) { // The image sits on another domain (so it is part of another site) // so we can't change the image url. return imageUrl; } path = imageUri.PathAndQuery; } // ----------------- // Insert last update time in the path path = InsertStringIntoPath(path, LastUpdateTime(path)); // ----------------- // Retrieve web.config settings NameValueCollection appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings; //string reUserAgentMultiImageDomains = appSettings["reUserAgentMultiImageDomains"]; string imageSubDomain1 = appSettings["ImageSubDomain1"]; string imageSubDomain2 = appSettings["ImageSubDomain2"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageSubDomain1) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageSubDomain2)) { return path; } useSingleDomain = useSingleDomain || string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageSubDomain2); // ----------------- // Figure out which subdomain to use. Base on the image's url, so images are associated // with same subdomain on every page. int imageUrlHash = imageUrlLc.GetHashCode(); string newDomain = ((!useSingleDomain) && (imageUrlHash % 2 != 0)) ? imageSubDomain2 : imageSubDomain1; return (newDomain + path); } /// <summary> /// Returns the last update time of an image. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"> /// Relative url of the image. /// </param> /// <returns> /// Number of seconds since the start of the epoch /// module 40,000,000 that the file was last updated. /// 40,000,000 seconds is more than a year. By using modulo, /// the size of the long is reduced, while it is still /// extremely unlikely that 2 different update times for the /// same file result in the same return value. /// /// The long is returned as a string, with hexadecimal characters. /// It isn't returned as a base64 string, because base64 is case sensitive, /// and a browser cache may do case insensitive compares to urls. /// /// If the file doesn't exist, "" (empty string) is returned. /// </returns> private string LastUpdateTime(string path) { try { // File.GetLastWriteTime returns 1/01/1601 11:00:00 AM // if the file doesn't exist. That corresponds with these ticks: const long ticksFileNotExists = 504911628000000000; // Cache key prefix. Used when caching the last modified time to // distinguish last modified time cache entry for a file fron any // other cache entries for the file. const string cacheKeyPrefix = "lmt_"; // ------------ // Try to get last modified time from cache string cacheKey = cacheKeyPrefix + path; Page currentPage = (Page)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Handler; string lastUpdateTimeHex = (string)currentPage.Cache[cacheKey]; if (lastUpdateTimeHex == null) { string filePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path); // Get last update time in ticks. DateTime lastUpdateTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(filePath); long lastUpdateTimeTicks = lastUpdateTime.Ticks; if (lastUpdateTimeTicks == ticksFileNotExists) { lastUpdateTimeHex = ""; } else { // Shorted lastUpdateTimeSeconds. Make its units seconds rather than ticks // 1 second = 10,000,000 seconds. And mod by 40000000 - 40000000 seconds // is just over a year, so the same image has to survive over a year on the site // before it could possible get a duplicate last update time inserted in its url. long lastUpdateTimeSeconds = (lastUpdateTimeTicks / 10000000) % 40000000; lastUpdateTimeHex = lastUpdateTimeSeconds.ToString("x"); } // Cache the newly found last update time CacheDependency cd = new CacheDependency(filePath); currentPage.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, lastUpdateTimeHex, cd); } return lastUpdateTimeHex; } catch { // Server.MapPath throws an exception when it can't map the path. return ""; } } /// <summary> /// Inserts a string into a path and returns the result. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="s"></param> /// <returns> /// </returns> private string InsertStringIntoPath(string path, string s) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(path); return path.Substring(0, path.Length - extension.Length) + "__" + s + extension; } } }
This manual and the software it describes are part of the book ASP.NET Site Performance Tuneup, ISBN 978-1-849690-68-3, by Matt Perdeck, published by Packt Publishing Limited.
The ImageAdapter makes it easy to implement many of the recommendations in chapter 10 "Reduce Image Load Times". It changes the way the ASP.NET Image and Hyperlink controls generate an img tag:
The installation consists of these steps:
First, compile the ImageAdapter project, and add a reference to the generated dll to your Web Site or Web Application.
The adapter is a class Adapter in name space ImageAdapter derived from the Image class. Register the adapter, so all Image controls, and all Hyperlink controls that show an image, use this new class:
<browsers> <browser refID="Default"> <controlAdapters> <adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image" adapterType="ImageAdapter.Adapter" /> </controlAdapters> </browser> </browsers>
The adapter inserts the last modified time of the image file in the image URL, in the form of a base64 string. This way, when an image is updated, the browser ignores the old image that it may still have in its cache and requests the updated image. For example, image.png may become image__b0f133.png.
Does that mean that each time the server serves up an image, it accesses the file system to get the last modified time? That would be expensive, so the adapter caches the last modified time in memory. Each cache entry is given a file dependency, so the cache entry is deleted when the file is changed. That in turn causes the server to get the latest last modified time. File dependencies are described in chapter 3 "Caching".
When the browser requests an image, the image URL it sends will have the last modified time (inserted by the adapter). That last modified time needs to be removed from the image URL by IIS to match it to the actual image on disk. To make that happen, follow these steps:
<configuration> ... <system.webServer> <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="last updated time"> <match url="(.*)__.*\.(png|jpg|gif)" /> <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}.{R:2}" /> </rule> </rules> </rewrite> </system.webServer> ... </configuration>The <match> element matches incoming URLs against the regular expression (.*)__.*\.(png|jpg|gif). The parts in between brackets (shown in red) are groups. Those groups correspond with {R:1} and {R:2} in the <action> element.The first group corresponds with all characters in the URL before the __ that was inserted by the adapter. The second group corresponds with the extension (png, jpg or gif). Together, they make up the image URL, but without the inserted last modified time. The <action> element simply tells IIS 7 to put the two groups together, to arrive at an image URL that actually matches the image.
If your site uses cookies, redirect all visitors who arrive via your base domain or ip address to your www subdomain. This is because cookies are domain specific - if someone visits www.mydomain.com and receives a cookie, that cookie won't be recognized by their browser on a subsequent visit to mydomain.com. Remember that Session state and the Authorization functionality (user logins) all use cookies.
You can implement this by adding the rewrite rule below (in red) to your web.config. This rule permanently redirects a visitor to http://www.mydomain.com unless the visitor is already at http://www.mydomain.com, or at http://img1.mydomain.com or http://img2.mydomain.com. So if someone visits http://mydomain.com/file.aspx, they are redirected to http://www.mydomain.com/file.aspx. This only works with IIS 7 in integrated pipeline mode, not in IIS 6 or IIS 7 in classic pipeline mode.
<configuration> ... <system.webServer> <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="CanonicalHostNameRule1"> <match url="(.*)" /> <conditions> <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^www.mydomain.com$" negate="true" /> <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^img1.mydomain.com$" negate="true" /> <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^img2.mydomain.com$" negate="true" /> </conditions> <action type="Redirect" url="http://www.mydomain.com/{R:1}" /> </rule> <rule name="last updated time"> <match url="(.*)__.*\.(png|jpg|gif)" /> <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}.{R:2}" /> </rule> </rules> </rewrite> </system.webServer> ... </configuration>
To serve your images from for example subdomain img1.mydomain.com, first log into your domain registrar and create an A record for the img1 subdomain. Then make sure that the adapter modifies every image URL so it uses that subdomain, by adding key ImageSubDomain1 to the appSettings in web.config:
<configuration> ... <appSettings> <add key="ImageSubDomain1" value="http://img1.mydomain.com"/> </appSettings> ... </configuration>
You can serve the images from two subdomains, to boost parallel loading. To do so, add a key ImageSubDomain2 with the second subdomain. The adapter doesn't support adding a third or fourth subdomain.
<configuration> ... <appSettings> <add key="ImageSubDomain1" value="http://img1.mydomain.com"/> <add key="ImageSubDomain2" value="http://img2.mydomain.com"/> </appSettings> ... </configuration>
Newer browsers such as Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3 load 6 images in parallel per domain rather than 2. With these browsers, the DNS and connection overhead associated with the second subdomain may not be worth it.
ASP.NET stores a list of browser properties, that it uses when generating the html for a control. To allow you to prevent use of the second subdomain by particular browsers, the adapter introduces a new browser property, loadsManyImagesConcurrently. If set to "true" for a browser, the adapter uses only the first subdomain when generating image URLs for a page that will go to that browser. If set to "false" or if not set at all, the adapter uses both subdomains (provided you specified 2 subdomains).
To set loadsManyImagesConcurrently to "true" for Internet Explorer 8 and 9, and for Firefox 3 and higher, use the following code (in red) in the browser file you inserted in the App_Browsers folder in step 1:
<browsers> <browser id="IE8up" parentID="IE6to9"> <identification> <capability name="majorversion" nonMatch="^[1-7]" /> </identification> <capabilities> <capability name="loadsManyImagesConcurrently" value="true" /> </capabilities> </browser> <browser id="FF3up" parentID="MozillaFirefox"> <identification> <capability name="majorversion" nonMatch="^[1-2]" /> </identification> <capabilities> <capability name="loadsManyImagesConcurrently" value="true" /> </capabilities> </browser> <browser refID="Default"> <controlAdapters> <adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image" adapterType="ImageAdapter.Adapter" /> </controlAdapters> </browser> </browsers>
In chapter 3 "Caching", you saw how to cache a page on the server, and how to cache different versions of the page. If you use 2 subdomains for some browsers and 1 for others, be sure to cache a version for each type of browser.
Format | Compression | Supports Transparency | Supports Animation |
JPEG | Lossy: Sacrifices image quality for better compression. Optimized for smooth color transitions, millions of colors. Produces artifacts around sharp transitions of color. | No | No |
PNG | Nonlossy: No loss of quality. Compresses better than GIF, except for tiny images. | Yes* | No |
GIF | Nonlossy: Allows no more than 256 different colors per image.** | Yes*** | Yes |
*Supports semi-transparency; for example, you can make a pixel 50 percent transparent.
**Each individual color can be chosen from a palette of 16,777,216 colors.
***Only binary transparency is supported; a pixel is either 100 percent transparent or not at all.
PNG Version | Description |
PNG8 | Allows no more than 256 different color / transparency combinations per image. When setting a color / transparency combination, you can choosen from 16,777,216 colors and 256 transparency levels (between no transparency at all and full transparency). |
PNG24 | Allows 16,777,216 different colors for each pixel, but with no transparency. |
PNG32 | Allows 16,777,216 different colors, and 256 transparency levels per pixel. Internet Explorer 6 gives transparent pixels in PNG32 image a background color. |
Type of image | Preferred format |
Photos | JPEG |
Graphics, cartoons, graphs | PNG |
Tiny graphics, such as bullet points | GIF |
Animated progress images | GIF |
<img src="physically200by200.png" width="100" height="100" />
pngout input.gif output.png
for %i in (*.gif) do pngout "%i"
for %i in (*.gif) do pngout "%i"
pngcrush.exe -rem alla -reduce -brute input.png output.png
jpegtran -copy none -optimize input.jpg output.jpg
nconvert.exe -q 75 -o output.jpg input.jpg
for %i in (*.jpg) do nconvert.exe -q 75 -o compressed\%i %i
convert -resize 100x200 input.jpg output.jpg
Web经常包含很多小图片,它们必须由浏览器分别下载。这产生了很多额外的开销。有一种方法可以组合多个图片到单个图片中,这个技术就是CSS Spites。
<img src="geography.png" width="38" height="48" /> <p>some html ...</p> <img src="chemistry.png" width="28" height="46" /> <p>some html ...</p> <img src="maths.png" width="46" height="45" />
这段HTML使得浏览器发送3次请求,一次下载一个图片。使用CSS Spites可以只用一次请求。
<div style="width:38px; height:48px; background: url(combined.png) 0px 0px"> </div> <p>some html ...</p> <div style="width:28px; height:46px; background: url(combined.png) -38px 0px"> </div> <p>some html ...</p> <div style="width:46px; height:45px; background: url(combined.png) -66px 0px"> </div>
很多浏览器本身已经支持圆角。Fixfox使用moz-border-radius css属性,而Google Chrome支持CSS3的 border-radius属性。IE9也支持border-radius,但之前的IE不支持。
<div> <div class="r15"></div> <div class="r13"></div> <div class="r12"></div> <div class="r21"></div> <div class="content"> Rounded corners without anti-alia </div> <div class="r21"></div> <div class="r12"></div> <div class="r13"></div> <div class="r15"></div> </div>
.r15, .r13, .r12, .r21 { overflow:hidden; background-color: #c0c0c0; } .r15 { height: 1px; margin: 0 5px; } .r13 { height: 1px; margin: 0 3px; } .r12 { height: 1px; margin: 0 2px; } .r21 { height: 2px; margin: 0 1px; }
.r15, .r13, .r12, .r21 { overflow:hidden; background-color: #c0c0c0; border-color: #e0e0e0; border-style: solid; } .r15 { height: 1px; border-width: 0 2px; margin: 0 3px; } .r13 { height: 1px; border-width: 0 1px; margin: 0 2px; } .r12 { height: 1px; border-width: 0 1px; margin: 0 1px; } .r21 { height: 2px; border-width: 0 1px; margin: 0 0; }
<head runat="server"> <link rel="icon" href="shortcut_v1.ico" /> </head>
<head runat="server"> <link rel="icon" href="http://img1.mydomain.com/shortcut_v1.ico" /> </head>
在其它情况相同的情况下,web服务器越近,响应请求的速度越快。所以,可以将静态内容部署到内容发布网络(Content Delivery Network)上。这是个由服务器缓存的全球性网络,它会将请求路由到离访问者最近的服务器。