python设置散点图点的大小_Python散点图 . 标记的大小和样式

我想我们可以通过一系列补丁来做得更好 . 根据文件:

此(PatchCollection)可以更轻松地将颜色映射分配给异构补丁集合 . 这也可以提高绘图速度,因为PatchCollection将比大量补丁绘制得更快 .


def circles(x, y, s, c='b', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs):


Make a scatter of circles plot of x vs y, where x and y are sequence

like objects of the same lengths. The size of circles are in data scale.



x,y : scalar or array_like, shape (n, )

Input data

s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, )

Radius of circle in data unit.

c : color or sequence of color, optional, default : 'b'

`c` can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color

specifications of length `N`, or a sequence of `N` numbers to be

mapped to colors using the `cmap` and `norm` specified via kwargs.

Note that &#
