
Confucius Temple in HoiAn,Vietnam



知笔墨在线阅读地址 http://zhibimo.com/books/wang-miao/yuan-ze


Three distinct parts of principles,:

1. the purpose and importance;

2.explain the most fundamental life principles;

3.explain the management principles.

Suggest the reading order:  Part1---Part2(Not required.)--Part3…

为了吸引读者一直读下去,告诉你only 55 pages .

还卖了个关子:Part4 ? maybe on investment principles one day.相信很多笑友都已经读完了。


A principle is a kind of rule, belief or idea that can guides you.


后面就边读边猜吧,也太巧了,早上起来发现清晨朗读会John推送的文章是The MacArthur's leadership principles,一连窜的问句。真是关注什么来什么[偷笑]有兴趣的朋友也可以一起共读哦 .哈

Eling   Mar16,2017


Do I heckle my subordinates or strengthen and encourage them?

Do I use moral courage in getting rid of subordinates who have proven themselves beyond doubt to be unfit?

Have I done all in my power by encouragement, incentive and spur to salvage the weak and erring?

Do I know by NAME and CHARACTER a maximum number of subordinates for whom I am responsible? Do I know them intimately?

Am I thoroughly familiar with the technique, necessities, objectives and administration of my job?

Do I lose my temper at individuals?

Do I act in such a way as to make my subordinates WANT to follow me?

Do I delegate tasks that should be mine?

Do I arrogate everything to myself and delegate nothing?

Do I develop my subordinates by placing on each one as much responsibility as he can stand?

Am I interested in the personal welfare of each of my subordinates, as if he were a member of my family?

Have I the calmness of voice and manner to inspire confidence, or am I inclined to irascibility and excitability?

Am I a constant example to my subordinates in character, dress, deportment and courtesy?

Am I inclined to be nice to my superiors and mean to my subordinates?

Is my door open to my subordinates?

Do I think more of POSITION than JOB?

Do I correct a subordinate in the presence of others?

John老师音频地址 http://www.ximalaya.com/19778810/sound/32746771
