英文 | 中文 |
That's our show for today. | 今天的节目就到这里 |
We are so glad you spent your morning with us. | 很高兴和各位共度这个早晨 |
And congratulations on your first week. | 恭喜你度过了第一周 |
- Yeah. Well done. Good job. - Happy Friday, everyone. | -是啊 干得漂亮 好样的-祝各位周五愉快 |
Thank you, guys. It's been a fun ride. | 谢谢你们 这周很愉快 |
Have a great weekend, America. | 祝各位观众周末愉快 |
And stay tuned for The Twist. | 请继续收看"乐动飞扬" |
Like they say, like Kelly says... You know what I mean? | 像他们说的 像凯莉说的... 懂我的意思吧 |
I love this song. | 我喜欢这首歌 |
And we're out. | 画面切出 |
Don't you ever, ever question my integrity in my own house again. | 再也不要在我的地盘上质疑我的诚信 |
Okay. All right. | 好吧 |
Let me explain something to you real quick. | 简单跟你解释一下 |
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The business of this show is a complicated world. Okay? | 这档节目的体系错综复杂 明白吗 |
There are rules we have to honor here. | 有我们必须遵守的规则 |
You may think you don't have to, but you would be fucking wrong. Okay? | 你要是觉得自己不必遵守那就大错特错了 懂吗 |
This show, it will consume you, | 这档节目会将你吸精榨髓 |
it will spit out your bones and some gristle | 然后吐掉你的骨头渣 |
and your fucking spirit along with it. | 让你精神崩溃 |
Unless that's what you're trying to accomplish, in which case, | 除非那就是你想要的结果 那样的话 |
I don't know what to tell you. | 我就不知道该跟你说什么了 |
- Chip, what are you trying to say? - You could do great work here. | -奇普 你想表达什么-你可以在这里大放异彩 |
Don't annihilate yourself in the process | 别去招惹不必要的是非 |
just for the sake of pushing buttons that you aren't supposed to push. | 落个自毁前程的下场 |
Be careful. | 务必谨言慎行 |
Why? 'Cause if the network's found culpable, you're the fall guy? | 怎么 如果电视网被认为有过失 替罪羊就是你吗 |
It'll kill your career? | 会害你丢饭碗 |
Unfortunately, I think that death ship is sailing as we speak. | 可惜啊 我觉得这件事已经无可挽回了 |
Look, not everybody's a self-serving pile of shit. | 并非所有人都是自私自利的人渣 |
I'm talking to you about you. | 我是为了你好才来费口舌的 |
- Chip. - Not now, Rena. I need five seconds... | -奇普-现在不行 瑞娜 我需要五秒钟... |
Mitch is here. | 米奇来了 |
Look at you, Mort. Nice scruff. I like it. | 瞧瞧你 莫特 胡子不错 我喜欢 |
Hey, Greg. | 格雷戈 |
Lindsey. How's the puppy? | 林赛 小狗狗怎么样了 |
- She's good, Mitch. - Remember, crate training. | -它很好 米奇-记得做笼子训练 |
You have to crate train. Hey. | 必须要用笼子训练法 |
Good morning. Good morning. | 早早早 |
What... Fuck me. | 什么... 见鬼 |
Mitch? | 米奇 |
Hey there, Captain. How's the Titanic? | 你好 船长先生 泰坦尼克还好吗 |
Why are you here? | 你来干嘛 |
I worked here for 15 years. | 我在这里工作了15年 |
There's something I wanna say to these good people. | 我有话想跟这些人说 |
- I don't think that's a good idea. - I think it's a great idea. | -我认为这不是个好主意-我觉得挺好的 |
- Okay, call security. - I already did. | -好吧 通知安保-通知过了 |
I'm staying with you. I mean, I wanna see the show. | 我和你待在一起 我想看好戏 |
Let's just hope the show doesn't involve a sawed-off shotgun under his coat. | 希望这出戏里没有掀衣服掏枪的戏码 |
God. | 天啊 |
Hello, everybody. | 大家好 |
Hi. | 你们好 |
You know, | 是这样的 |
I noticed on the way in that there aren't any pictures of me out there. | 我进来的时候注意到 大楼里完全没有我的照片 |
What's going on with that? | 那是怎么回事 |
Who did that? Who did that? | 是谁干的 是谁 |
I'm kidding. | 我开个玩笑 |
Well... | 这... |
isn't this awkward? | 就有点尴尬啊 |
I know you're terrified to say anything, so I'll do all the talking. | 我知道你们不敢说话 那我来说 你们听着 |
This is so weird. | 好奇怪 |
First of all, I'm sorry. | 首先 对不起 |
And when I say that, I'm not admitting guilt or anything. | 这三个字不意味着我认错或怎样 |
I am sorry in the same way you might be sorry for someone who was hit by a bus, | 这种歉疚跟你们对被巴士撞倒的人的感觉相同 |
even though you weren't driving the bus. | 即便驾驶员不是你们 |
So, I'm sorry that the show got hit by a bus. | 对不起 节目遭受了巨大的打击 |
We all got hit. | 我们都遭到了波及 |
Secondly, | 其次 |
I... | 我... |
I really miss the shit outta you guys. | 我真的很想念大家 |
I miss this place. I miss being here. | 我想念这里 我想念在这里工作 |
I miss my partners. | 我想念我的搭档 |
Hey, Alex. | 艾利克斯 |
I heard that you did an interview with one of my alleged victims | 听说你们采访了一位我所谓的受害者 |
and that there's a New York Times article coming out imminently. | "纽约时报"很快就要发表一篇文章 |
And we all know how that's gonna go. | 我们都知道那意味着什么 |
I'm sure they're not gonna do a feel-good piece about me. | 他们肯定不会说我任何好话 |
So that's the other reason I'm here. | 那是我来这里的另一个原因 |
I am asking you to speak up on my behalf. | 我想请各位替我发声 |
Call the Times, go on record, give 'em quotes. | 联系"纽约时报" 发表公开声明 说出你们的看法 |
You guys know me better than anybody, so, | 没有人比你们更了解我 |
out there, | 外面的人 |
they're gonna blow this up. | 只会越描越黑 |
But you've worked with me. | 但你们曾与我共事 |
We have worked side by side for years and years. | 我们一起工作了许多年 |
We have shared family experiences. | 我们曾像家人一样 |
We are colleagues. We're friends. | 我们是同事 我们是朋友 |
I'm asking you all, as friends, | 我以朋友的身份请求各位 |
to speak out on my behalf. | 替我发声 |
Mitch, this is not okay. You need to leave. | 米奇 这样很不妥 你得走了 |
I know that some of you want to do it. | 我知道你们中有人想这么做 |
I know that there are some of you who want to speak up. | 我知道你们有人想要发声 |
No, no. | 不 |
This is scary. I get it. | 这很可怕 我明白 |
Going against the grain, | 和公众舆论唱反调 |
saying things that are unpopular in the moment | 为当下不受欢迎的人说话 |
about people that are unpopular in the moment. | 发表与主流意见相悖的看法 |
But this is my fucking life! | 但这他妈是我的生活 |
Who will speak up for me? | 谁愿意替我发声 |
Who here will speak up for me? | 在场的各位有谁会替我发声 |
You are the people that I love in the world! | 你们是我在这世上爱的人啊 |
Anybody? | 有人吗 |
No? | 没有吗 |
Okay. | 好吧 |
Alex? | 艾利克斯 |
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Okay. Listen, I get it. | 好吧 听着 我明白 |
I understand. | 我懂了 |
But from the bottom of my heart, I just want you all to know... | 但是说句心里话 我想告诉各位... |
how important you are to me. | 你们对我有多重要 |
But... I'm... That's not to lay a guilt trip. | 但... 我不是要让你们有负罪感 |
I really do love you guys. | 我真的很爱你们 |
And it's been an honor working with all of you. Thank you. | 我很荣幸能与你们共事 谢谢 |
Mitch Kessler! | 米奇·凯斯勒 |
If it isn't Bradley Jackson. | 这不是布莱德利·杰克森嘛 |
Who else knew what was going on? | 还有谁知道事情的真相 |
Who do you think? | 你觉得呢 |
Congrats on the chair. | 恭喜你得到新职位 |
Keep your back to the wall. | 小心有人背地里害你 |
Bill! Bill? | 比尔 在吗 |
Hey. | 嗨 |
Hey. | 嗨 |
We were just talking about you. | 我们刚刚还在说你 |
Oh, yeah? | 是吗 |
We think you are amazing. | 我们觉得你太棒了 |
Really? I feel like everybody over there wants to put my head on a spike. | 是吗 我感觉大家都想宰了我 |
No. No, no, no. A lot of us actually find you incredibly inspiring. | 不不不 其实我们很多人都认为你特别鼓舞人心 |
Thank you for saying that. I really appreciate it. | 谢谢你这么说 真的很感谢 |
Would you wanna come out with some of us from the office tomorrow night? | 明晚要和我们办公室的人一起出去玩吗 |
It's Claire's birthday, and we're going drinking. | 今天是克莱尔的生日 我们要去喝几杯 |
It's your birthday. | 你的生日啊 |
I'm sure you have something much better to do. | 你肯定有更重要的事吧 |
No. I actually have nothing to do. I don't... | 没有 我其实没什么事 我不... |
I don't really know anybody here. So I would love to come. | 我在这里人生地不熟的 所以我很想去 |
I just have to move into my new hotel. But what time? | 但是我要先搬酒店 几点钟开始 |
Nine-ish? | 大概9点吧 |
- Yeah. - Tom O'Donnell's. | -好-汤姆·奥唐纳酒吧 |
- Great, great. - Birdly! | -太好了...-伯德莉 |
I think that's me. I'm Birdly, I think. Okay, I'll see y'all tomorrow night. | 应该是在喊我 我是伯德莉 我们明晚再见 |
- Bye, Birdly. - Bye. | -回见 伯德莉-回见 |
- Thank you. - You're welcome. Enjoy. | -谢谢-不客气 请慢用 |
Holy shit. | 我的老天 |
And he did that to me. | 这一切都是他的错 |
He branded me. | 给我打上了烙印 |
He stole my self-confidence, my self-worth. | 偷走了我的自信 我的自我价值 |
And then I was drowning, | 然后我仿佛溺水一般 |
and there was no one to throw me a lifeline. | 没有人递给我一根救命稻草 |
Oh, my God. | 天啊 |
Hello. Please leave a message after the tone. | 你好 请在提示音后留言 |
Hey, it's Chip. Can you call me back? | 我是奇普 能给我回个电话吗 |
I could really use a favor. | 我需要你的帮助 |
- Hey, Mia. - Good morning, Bradley. | -你好 米娅-早上好 布莱德利 |
Maggie Brener from New York Magazine should be there any minute. | "纽约杂志"的玛姬·布雷纳随时会到 |
I told the front desk to call you. | 我让前台给你打电话了 |
Oh, yeah. I'm almost ready. | 对 我快准备好了 |
Listen. That Ashley interview. | 听着 关于阿什莉的采访 |
- We didn't get the chance to talk after. - I know, Mia. | -我们一直没机会谈一谈-我知道 米娅 |
I'm not gonna say what you think I'm gonna say. | 你误会了 我没想责怪你 |
I thought it was a great interview. I'm really proud of it, | 我认为采访非常精彩 我很自豪 |
especially with Mitch showing up after. | 特别是后来米奇的出现 |
I mean, it's just a big fucking reminder that what you did was right. | 那无异于当头棒喝 提醒大家你没做错 |
I think he misses an audience. | 他可能需要观众 |