

  • zlog - zlog is a reliable, high-performance, thread safe, flexible, clear-model, pure C logging library.
  • openocd - OpenOCD is an open-source tool that allows debugging various ARM devices with GDB using a wide variety of JTAG programmers.
  • Kconfiglib - Kconfiglib is a Kconfig implementation in Python 2/3. It started out as a helper library, but now has a enough functionality to also work well as a standalone Kconfig implementation (including terminal and GUI menuconfig interfaces and Kconfig extensions).
  • googletest - googletest is a testing framework developed by the Testing Technology team with Google’s specific requirements and constraints in mind. Whether you work on Linux, Windows, or a Mac, if you write C++ code, googletest can help you. And it supports any kind of tests, not just unit tests.
  • TDengine - TDengine是涛思数据专为物联网、车联网、工业互联网、IT运维等设计和优化的大数据平台。除核心的快10倍以上的时序数据库功能外,还提供缓存、数据订阅、流式计算等功能,最大程度减少研发和运维的复杂度,且核心代码,包括集群功能全部开源(开源协议,AGPL v3.0)。
