














1:Alpha testing


3:Static white-box testing

4:W model


1:What is software testing? What is the difference between software testing and
2:Please descricbe the difference between Top-down Integration and Bottom-up
Integration through drawing their model graph
3:What is the Stress Testing? Briefly describe the process of Stress Testing through using
Loadrunner testing tool



Int IsLeap(int year)
1 {
2 if (year % 4 = = 0)
3 {
4 if (year % 100 == 0)
5 {
6 if ( year % 400 = = 0)
7 leap = 1;
8 else
9 leap = 0;
10 }
11 else
12 leap = 1;
13 }
14 else
15 leap = 0;
16 return leap;
17 }


1:Please draw the program flow chart of the above code 


2:Please calculating the condition number of the above program flow graph 


3:Assuming that the input range is 1000 < year < 2001, please use the condition coverage test method to design the testcases to meet the requirements of the condition coverage

A insurance company publishes a insurance solution, the insurance premium
computation formula in this solution is as below:
the insurance premium= the amount insured* the insurance rate
the premium rate of which is different according to the number of points( the total
points ), the insurance rate above 10 points >=10 points is 0.6%, the insurance rate
below 10 points(<10 points) is 0.1%, and the points are determined by the age, sex, and
marriage status,the total points are equal to the sum of the points. .
—— the rules of the rate are as follows:



 1:Please design testcases to calculate the insurance premium through using techniques of decision table





Design the testcases
1) age = 30, sex = male, marriage = married insurance rate: 0.6%
2) age = 15, sex = male, marriage = unmarried insurance rate: 0.6%
3) age = 62, sex = female, marriage = married insurance rate: 0.1%


The company A has undertaken the construction of office automation system for the
company B. At the beginning of October 2014, at the stage of development, the project is
expected to complete all the development work in May 2015, but the contract stipulates
that the system acceptance time is at the end of October 2014. Therefore, in the early
October 2014, the company A submitted a request to the company B for acceptance test at
the end of October 2014, and gave a detailed test plan.
In this plan, the company A point out that the testing team is made up of A's testing
engineers, external testing experts and external experts

1) Is the practice of company A correct? Please give a reason

A company's practice is incorrect.
Acceptance testing is performed after functional testing and system testing, so the
prerequisite for acceptance testing is that the system or software product has passed
internal testing. Then check the software with the user and run the software in a real
environment to see if there is a problem that is inconsistent with the user's needs or violates
the requirements of the product specification. Because the tester cannot completely use the
actual situation of the user, whether the software truly meets the requirements of the end
user, the user should perform a series of acceptance tests.
The software development of Company A was not completed and conditions for carrying
out acceptance tests were not available
2) If the software has been delivered in use, the company B requests to add new
functions to meet the new needs. Please answer:
Which stage of software process does this stage belong to What is the basic
definition of this stage
This stage belongs to the software maintenance stage.
Software maintenance refers to the modification of code and related documents due to a
software product's problem or need for improvement. The purpose of the software
maintenance is to modify the existing software product while maintaining its integrity
Please give a workflow description to meet the new functional requirements ?( 7
1. Users propose changes
2. Developer classification and identification
3. Software requirements analysis
4. Software design
5. Software implementation
6. System test
7. Acceptance test
8. Software delivery
