WAV 格式和音频裁剪、转码处理


  • 0、参考资料
  • 1、WAV 格式了解
    • 1.1 WAV 文件头
    • 1.2 RIFF Chunk 区块
    • 1.3 Format Chunk 区块
    • 1.4 Data Chunk 区块
  • 2、音频剪裁 -> 解码 -> 编码
    • 2.1 mp3
      • 2.1.1 裁剪
      • 2.1.2 解码
      • 2.1.3 编码
    • 2.2 pcm 裁剪


【音频处理】WAV 文件格式分析 ( 逐个字节解析文件头 | 相关字段的计算公式 )

1、WAV 格式了解

  • WAV 格式,多媒体中使用的声波文件格式之一,它是以 RIFF 格式为标准的。RIFF 是英文 Resource Interchange File Format 的缩写,每个 WAV 文件的头四个字节便是 “RIFF”
  • WAV 文件分为两部分:
    • 第一部分:文件头,记录重要的参数信息,对于音频而言,包括采样率、通道数、位宽等
    • 第二部分:数据块,也就是一帧一帧的二进制数据,对于音频而言,就是原始的 PCM 数据

1.1 WAV 文件头

WAV 格式和音频裁剪、转码处理_第1张图片

WAV 格式和音频裁剪、转码处理_第2张图片

  • WAV 文件头,主要分为三部分:RIFF Chunk 区块、Format Chunk 区块、Data Chunk 区块

1.2 RIFF Chunk 区块

  • RIFF 数据块长度为 12 字节,共有三种码段。
  • ChunkID:填入 “RIFF” 为标识,表示这是一个 RIFF 格式文件
  • ChunkSize:除了 RIFF 及自己以外,整个文件的长度,该值计算方式为 PCM 音频样本总字节数 + 44 − 8
  • Format:填入 WAVE 来标识这是一个 wav 文件
// RIFF 资源交换文件标志
header[0] = 'R'.code.toByte() 
header[1] = 'I'.code.toByte()
header[2] = 'F'.code.toByte()
header[3] = 'F'.code.toByte()
// 数据大小
header[4] = (totalDataLen and 0xffL).toByte()
header[5] = (totalDataLen shr 8 and 0xffL).toByte()
header[6] = (totalDataLen shr 16 and 0xffL).toByte()
header[7] = (totalDataLen shr 24 and 0xffL).toByte()
// WAVE 标识 wav 文件
header[8] = 'W'.code.toByte() 
header[9] = 'A'.code.toByte()
header[10] = 'V'.code.toByte()
header[11] = 'E'.code.toByte()

1.3 Format Chunk 区块

  • Subchunk1ID:填入 “fmt” 为标识,波形格式标志

  • Subchunk1SizeSubchunk1 减去 Subchunk1IDSubchunk1Size 之后剩下的长度,一般为 16

  • AudioFormat:编码格式,即压缩格式,1 表示 PCM 格式,无压缩

    • wav 文件几乎支持所有 ACM 规范的编码格式,其信息存储在文件头 21、22 两个字节中,有如下编码格式:
      WAV 格式和音频裁剪、转码处理_第3张图片
  • NumChannels:声道数,1 表示单声道,2 表示双声道

  • SampleRate:采样率

  • ByteRate:波形数据传输速率, 即每秒中的字节数,计算公式为:

  • BlockAlign:标识块对齐的内容(数据块的调整数),播放软件一次处理多少个该值大小的字节数据,以便将其用于缓冲区的调整,也标识一帧的字节数。每个采样所需的字节数,计算公式为:
    WAV 格式和音频裁剪、转码处理_第4张图片

  • BitsPerSample:采样位宽,即每个采样点的 bit 数,其中 8 表示 8bit,16 表示 16bit,32 表示 32bit。

// 'fmt ':波形格式标志,最后一位空格
header[12] = 'f'.code.toByte() 
header[13] = 'm'.code.toByte()
header[14] = 't'.code.toByte()
header[15] = ' '.code.toByte() // 过渡字节
// 数据大小
header[16] = 16 // 4 bytes: size of 'fmt ' chunk
header[17] = 0
header[18] = 0
header[19] = 0
// 编码方式为 PCM 编码格式
header[20] = 1 // format = 1
header[21] = 0
// 通道数
header[22] = channels.toByte()
header[23] = 0
// 采样率,每个通道的播放速度
header[24] = (sampleRate and 0xff).toByte()
header[25] = (sampleRate shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
header[26] = (sampleRate shr 16 and 0xff).toByte()
header[27] = (sampleRate shr 24 and 0xff).toByte()
// 音频数据传送速率,采样率 * 通道数 * 采样深度 / 8
header[28] = (byteRate and 0xffL).toByte()
header[29] = (byteRate shr 8 and 0xffL).toByte()
header[30] = (byteRate shr 16 and 0xffL).toByte()
header[31] = (byteRate shr 24 and 0xffL).toByte()
// 确定系统一次要处理多少个这样字节的数据,确定缓冲区,通道数 * 采样位数
header[32] = (channels * 16 / 8).toByte()
header[33] = 0
// 每个样本的数据位数
header[34] = 16
header[35] = 0

1.4 Data Chunk 区块

  • Subchunk2ID:填入 “data” 为标识
  • Subchunk2SizePCM 音频数据的总长度,单位字节,即文件总字节数 - 44
// Data chunk
header[36] = 'd'.code.toByte() // data
header[37] = 'a'.code.toByte()
header[38] = 't'.code.toByte()
header[39] = 'a'.code.toByte()
header[40] = (totalAudioLen and 0xffL).toByte()
header[41] = (totalAudioLen shr 8 and 0xffL).toByte()
header[42] = (totalAudioLen shr 16 and 0xffL).toByte()
header[43] = (totalAudioLen shr 24 and 0xffL).toByte()

2、音频剪裁 -> 解码 -> 编码

2.1 mp3

2.1.1 裁剪

 * mp3 音频文件截取工具
object Mp3CutUtils {
    private const val TAG = "Mp3CutUtils"

    /* 适当的调整 SAMPLE_SIZE 可以更加精确的裁剪音乐 */
    private const val SAMPLE_SIZE = 1024 * 200
    private const val MICRO_SECOND = 1000_000

     * 裁剪 MP3 格式的音频
     * @param sourceFile 源文件地址
     * @param targetFile 目标文件地址
     * @param startSecond 截取开始时间(秒)
     * @param endSecond 截取结束时间(秒)
    fun cutMp3Audio(
        sourceFile: String,
        targetFile: String,
        startSecond: Float,
        endSecond: Float
    ): Boolean {
        // 转换为微秒
        val startMicrosecond = startSecond * MICRO_SECOND
        val endMicrosecond = endSecond * MICRO_SECOND
            "cutMp3Audio: sourceFile = $sourceFile, targetFile = $targetFile, startMicrosecond = $startMicrosecond, endMicrosecond = $endMicrosecond"
        var extractor: MediaExtractor? = null
        var outputStream: BufferedOutputStream? = null
        try {
            extractor = MediaExtractor()
            val track = getAudioTrack(extractor)
            if (track < 0) {
                return false
            // 选择音频轨道
            outputStream = BufferedOutputStream(FileOutputStream(targetFile), SAMPLE_SIZE)
                TAG, "cutMp3Audio: startMicrosecond = $startMicrosecond, endMicrosecond = $endMicrosecond"
            extractor.seekTo(startMicrosecond.toLong(), MediaExtractor.SEEK_TO_PREVIOUS_SYNC)
            while (true) {
                val buffer: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(SAMPLE_SIZE)
                val sampleSize = extractor.readSampleData(buffer, 0)
                val timeStamp = extractor.sampleTime
                MLog.d(TAG, "cutMp3Audio: sampleSize = $sampleSize, timeStamp = $timeStamp")
                // >= 1000000 是要裁剪停止和指定的裁剪结尾不小于 1 秒,否则裁剪 5 秒可能产生需要 4 秒音频
                // 裁剪到只有 4.6 秒,大多数音乐播放器是向下取整,这样对于播放器变成了 4 秒,
                // 所以要裁剪比 4 秒多一秒的边界
                if (timeStamp > endMicrosecond && timeStamp - endMicrosecond >= MICRO_SECOND) {
                if (sampleSize <= 0) {
                val buf = ByteArray(sampleSize)
                buffer.get(buf, 0, sampleSize)
                // 写入文件
                // 音轨数据往前读
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            return false
        } finally {
            if (outputStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (e: Exception) {
        return true

     * 获取音频数据轨道
     * @param audioExtractor
    fun getAudioTrack(audioExtractor: MediaExtractor): Int {
        for (i in 0 until audioExtractor.trackCount) {
            val format = audioExtractor.getTrackFormat(i)
            val mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME)
            if (mime?.startsWith(AudioConstant.AUDIO_PREFIX) == true) {
                return i
        return -1


2.1.2 解码

 * MP3 -> PCM 解码
object Mp3DecodeUtil {

    private const val TAG = "Mp3DecodeUtil"

     * 解码 MP3 文件
     * @param mp3Path mp3 文件路径
    fun decodeMP3(mp3Path: String): Boolean {
        MLog.d(TAG, "decodeMP3: mp3Path = $mp3Path")
        val audioExtractor = MediaExtractor()
        var audioDecoder: MediaCodec? = null
        try {
            val track = getAudioTrack(audioExtractor)
            if (track != -1) {
                val format = audioExtractor.getTrackFormat(track)
                val mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME)
                audioDecoder = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType(mime!!)
                audioDecoder.configure(format, null, null, 0)
        } catch (e: IOException) {
            return false
        coreDecode(mp3Path, audioExtractor, audioDecoder)
        MLog.d(TAG, "decoderMP3: stop")
        return true

    private fun coreDecode(mp3:String, audioExtractor: MediaExtractor, audioDecoder: MediaCodec?) {
        audioDecoder ?: return
        val info = MediaCodec.BufferInfo()
        // 得到输出 PCM 文件的路径 val pcmFilePath =
        val pcmFilePath = "${mp3.substring(0, mp3.lastIndexOf("."))}${AudioConstant.SUFFIX_PCM}"
        val fos = FileOutputStream(File(pcmFilePath))
        val bufferedOutputStream = BufferedOutputStream(fos)
        while (true) {
            extractorInputBuffer(audioExtractor, audioDecoder!!)
            val outIndex = audioDecoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, 50000)
            MLog.d(TAG, "decoderMP3: presentationTimeUs = ${info.presentationTimeUs}, outIndex = $outIndex")
            if (outIndex >= 0) {
                MLog.d(TAG, "decoderMP3: outIndex >= 0")
                val data = audioDecoder.getOutputBuffer(outIndex)
                if (info.flags and MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG != 0) {
                    info.size = 0
                if (info.size != 0) {
                    data.limit(info.offset + info.size)
                    // 将数据写入 bufferedOutputStream 中
                    bufferedOutputStream.write(ByteArray(data.remaining()) { data.get() })
                audioDecoder.releaseOutputBuffer(outIndex, false)
            if (info.flags and MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM != 0) {
                MLog.d(TAG, "decoderMP3: MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0")
                convertPcm2Wav(pcmFilePath, audioExtractor)

    private fun extractorInputBuffer(mediaExtractor: MediaExtractor, mediaCodec: MediaCodec) {
        val inputIndex = mediaCodec.dequeueInputBuffer(50000)
        if (inputIndex >= 0) {
            val inputBuffer = mediaCodec.getInputBuffer(inputIndex)
            val sampleTime = mediaExtractor.sampleTime
            val sampleSize = mediaExtractor.readSampleData(inputBuffer!!, 0)
            if (mediaExtractor.advance()) {
                mediaCodec.queueInputBuffer(inputIndex, 0, sampleSize, sampleTime, 0)
            } else {
                if (sampleSize > 0) {
                } else {

    private fun convertPcm2Wav(pcmFilePath: String, audioExtractor: MediaExtractor) {
        val wavFilePath = "${pcmFilePath.substring(0, pcmFilePath.lastIndexOf("."))}${AudioConstant.SUFFIX_CUT_WAV}"
        MLog.d(TAG, "convertPcm2Wav: pcmFilePath = $pcmFilePath, wavFilePath = $wavFilePath")
        val track = getAudioTrack(audioExtractor)
        if (track == -1) return
        val format = audioExtractor.getTrackFormat(track)
        val duration = format.getLong(MediaFormat.KEY_DURATION)
        val channelCount = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT)
        val sampleRate = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE)
        val byteNumber = (if (format.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH)) format.getInteger(
        ) else 16) / 8
        MLog.d(TAG, "convertPcm2Wav: duration = $duration, sampleRate = $sampleRate, channelCount = $channelCount, byteNumber = $byteNumber")
        PcmEncodeUtil.convertPcm2Wav(pcmFilePath, wavFilePath, sampleRate, channelCount, byteNumber)

2.1.3 编码

 * PCM -> WAV 编码
object PcmEncodeUtil {

    private const val TAG = "PcmEncodeUtil"

     * PCM 文件转 WAV 文件
     * @param inPcmFilePath 输入 PCM 文件路径
     * @param outWavFilePath 输出 WAV 文件路径
     * @param sampleRate 采样率,例如 44100
     * @param channels 声道数 单声道 1 或 双声道 2
     * @param bitNum 采样位数,8 或 16
    fun convertPcm2Wav(
        inPcmFilePath: String?,
        outWavFilePath: String?,
        sampleRate: Int ,
        channels: Int ,
        bitNum: Int
    ) {
        MLog.d(TAG, "convertPcm2Wav: inPcmFilePath = $inPcmFilePath, outWavFilePath = $outWavFilePath")
        if (inPcmFilePath.isNullOrEmpty() || outWavFilePath.isNullOrEmpty()) {
                "convertPcm2Wav: 文件路径为空!!!"
        MLog.d(TAG, "convertPcm2Wav: 开始转 WAV")
        var `in`: FileInputStream? = null
        var out: FileOutputStream? = null
        val data = ByteArray(1024)
        try {
            `in` = FileInputStream(inPcmFilePath)
            out = FileOutputStream(outWavFilePath)
            // PCM 文件大小
            val totalAudioLen = `in`.channel.size()
            writeWaveFileHeader(out, totalAudioLen, sampleRate, channels, bitNum)
            var length = 0
            while (`in`.read(data).also { length = it } > 0) {
                out.write(data, 0, length)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            MLog.d(TAG, "convertPcm2Wav: error = $e")
        } finally {
            // 编码结束后删除文件 .temp
            MLog.d(TAG, "convertPcm2Wav: deleteFile = $inPcmFilePath")
            MLog.d(TAG, "convertPcm2Wav: 关闭流")
            if (`in` != null) {
                try {
                } catch (e: IOException) {
            if (out != null) {
                try {
                } catch (e: IOException) {

     * 输出 WAV 文件
     * @param out WAV输出文件流
     * @param totalAudioLen 整个音频 PCM 数据大小
     * @param sampleRate 采样率
     * @param channels 声道数
     * @param bitNum 采样位数

    private fun writeWaveFileHeader(
        out: FileOutputStream, totalAudioLen: Long,
        sampleRate: Int, channels: Int, bitNum: Int
    ) {
        val header = getWaveHeader(totalAudioLen, sampleRate, channels, bitNum)
        out.write(header, 0, AudioConstant.WAVE_HEAD_SIZE)

     * 获取Wav header 字节数据
     * @param totalAudioLen 整个音频PCM数据大小
     * @param sampleRate 采样率
     * @param channels 声道数
     * @param bitNum 采样位数
    fun getWaveHeader(totalAudioLen: Long, sampleRate: Int, channels: Int, bitNum: Int): ByteArray {

        // 总大小,由于不包括 RIFF 和 WAV,所以是 44 - 8 = 36,在加上 PCM 文件大小
        val totalDataLen = totalAudioLen + 36
        // 采样字节 byte 率
        val byteRate = (sampleRate * channels * bitNum / 8).toLong()
        val header = ByteArray(AudioConstant.WAVE_HEAD_SIZE)
        header[0] = 'R'.code.toByte() // RIFF
        header[1] = 'I'.code.toByte()
        header[2] = 'F'.code.toByte()
        header[3] = 'F'.code.toByte()
        header[4] = (totalDataLen and 0xffL).toByte() // 数据大小
        header[5] = (totalDataLen shr 8 and 0xffL).toByte()
        header[6] = (totalDataLen shr 16 and 0xffL).toByte()
        header[7] = (totalDataLen shr 24 and 0xffL).toByte()
        header[8] = 'W'.code.toByte() // WAVE
        header[9] = 'A'.code.toByte()
        header[10] = 'V'.code.toByte()
        header[11] = 'E'.code.toByte()
        // FMT Chunk
        header[12] = 'f'.code.toByte() // 'fmt '
        header[13] = 'm'.code.toByte()
        header[14] = 't'.code.toByte()
        header[15] = ' '.code.toByte() // 过渡字节
        // 数据大小
        header[16] = 16 // 4 bytes: size of 'fmt ' chunk
        header[17] = 0
        header[18] = 0
        header[19] = 0
        // 编码方式 10H 为 PCM 编码格式
        header[20] = 1 // format = 1
        header[21] = 0
        // 通道数
        header[22] = channels.toByte()
        header[23] = 0
        // 采样率,每个通道的播放速度
        header[24] = (sampleRate and 0xff).toByte()
        header[25] = (sampleRate shr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
        header[26] = (sampleRate shr 16 and 0xff).toByte()
        header[27] = (sampleRate shr 24 and 0xff).toByte()
        // 音频数据传送速率,采样率*通道数*采样深度/8
        header[28] = (byteRate and 0xffL).toByte()
        header[29] = (byteRate shr 8 and 0xffL).toByte()
        header[30] = (byteRate shr 16 and 0xffL).toByte()
        header[31] = (byteRate shr 24 and 0xffL).toByte()
        // 确定系统一次要处理多少个这样字节的数据,确定缓冲区,通道数*采样位数
        header[32] = (channels * 16 / 8).toByte()
        header[33] = 0
        // 每个样本的数据位数
        header[34] = 16
        header[35] = 0
        // Data chunk
        header[36] = 'd'.code.toByte() // data
        header[37] = 'a'.code.toByte()
        header[38] = 't'.code.toByte()
        header[39] = 'a'.code.toByte()
        header[40] = (totalAudioLen and 0xffL).toByte()
        header[41] = (totalAudioLen shr 8 and 0xffL).toByte()
        header[42] = (totalAudioLen shr 16 and 0xffL).toByte()
        header[43] = (totalAudioLen shr 24 and 0xffL).toByte()
        return header

2.2 pcm 裁剪

 * wav 音频文件截取工具
object WavCutUtils {

    private const val TAG = "WavCutUtils"
    /* 一个 int 所占字节大小*/
    private const val INT_BYTE_SIZE = 4

     * 截取 wav 音频文件
     * @param sourceFile  源文件地址
     * @param targetFile  目标文件地址
     * @param start  截取开始时间(秒)
     * @param end  截取结束时间(秒)
     * @param duration 总时长(秒)
    fun cutWavAudio(
        sourceFile: String,
        targetFile: String,
        start: Int,
        end: Int,
        duration: Int
    ): Boolean {
        MLog.d(TAG, "cutWavAudio: sourceFile = $sourceFile, targetFile = $targetFile, start = $start, end = $end, duration = $duration")
        val wav = File(sourceFile)
        try {
            val src = RandomAccessFile(wav, "r")
            val headSize = getHeadSize(src)
            MLog.d(TAG, "cutWavAudio: headSize = $headSize")
            if (!wav.exists()) {
                return false
            if (start < 0 || end <= 0 || start >= duration || end > duration || start >= end) {
                return false
            val fis = FileInputStream(wav)
            // 音频数据大小(wav文件头长度不一定是44)
            val wavSize = (wav.length() - headSize).toInt()
            // 截取的音频数据大小
            val splitSize = wavSize / duration * (end - start)
            // 截取时跳过的音频数据大小
            val skipSize = wavSize / duration * start
            MLog.d(TAG, "cutWavAudio: wavSize = $wavSize, splitSize = $splitSize, skipSize = $skipSize")
            // 核心操作
            coreOperate(fis, targetFile, splitSize, headSize, skipSize)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            return false
        return true

     * 核心处理数据
     * @param fis 输入流
     * @param targetFile 目标文件路径
     * @param splitSize 截取的音频数据大小
     * @param headSize  头部信息大小
     * @param skipSize 跳过的音频数据大小
    private fun coreOperate(fis: FileInputStream, targetFile: String, splitSize: Int, headSize: Int, skipSize: Int) {
        // 存放文件大小, 4 代表一个 int 占用字节数
        val buf1 = ByteBuffer.allocate(INT_BYTE_SIZE)
        // 放入文件长度信息
        buf1.putInt(splitSize + 36)
        // 代表文件长度
        var fileLen = buf1.array()
        // 存放音频数据大小,4 代表一个 int 占用字节数
        val buf2 = ByteBuffer.allocate(INT_BYTE_SIZE)
        // 放入数据长度信息
        // 代表数据长度
        var dataLen = buf2.array()
        // 数组反转
        fileLen = reverse(fileLen)
        dataLen = reverse(dataLen)
        val head = ByteArray(headSize)
        // 读取源 wav 文件头部信息
        fis.read(head, 0, head.size)
        // 4 代表一个 int 占用字节数
        for (i in 0..3) {
            // 替换原头部信息里的文件长度
            head[i + INT_BYTE_SIZE] = fileLen[i]
            // 替换原头部信息里的数据长度
            head[i + headSize - INT_BYTE_SIZE] = dataLen[i]
        // 存放截取的音频数据
        val fileByte = ByteArray(splitSize + head.size)
        // 放入修改后的头部信息
        for (i in head.indices) {
            fileByte[i] = head[i]
        // 存放截取时跳过的音频数据
        val skipBytes = ByteArray(skipSize)
        // 跳过不需要截取的数据
        fis.read(skipBytes, 0, skipBytes.size)
        // 读取要截取的数据到目标数组
        fis.read(fileByte, head.size, fileByte.size - head.size)

        // 如果目标文件已存在,则删除目标文件
        val target = File(targetFile)
        if (target.exists()) {
            val result =  target.delete()
        // 给目标文件写入信息
        val fos = FileOutputStream(target)

     * 数组反转
     * @param array
    private fun reverse(array: ByteArray): ByteArray {
        var temp: Byte
        val len = array.size
        for (i in 0 until len / 2) {
            temp = array[i]
            array[i] = array[len - 1 - i]
            array[len - 1 - i] = temp
        return array

     * 得到头文件大小
    private fun getHeadSize(srcFis: RandomAccessFile): Int {
        var offset = 0
        // riff
        offset += 4
        // length
        offset += 4
        // wave
        offset += 4
        // fmt
        offset += 4
        // fmt length
        var skipLength = getChunkSize(srcFis)
        offset += 4
        var skipBytes = ByteArray(skipLength)
        offset += skipLength
        var chunkId = getChunkId(srcFis)
        offset += 4
        while (chunkId != "data") {
            skipLength = getChunkSize(srcFis)
            offset += 4
            skipBytes = ByteArray(skipLength)
            offset += skipLength
            chunkId = getChunkId(srcFis)
            offset += 4
        offset += 4
        MLog.d(TAG, "getHeadSize: offset = $offset")
        return offset

     * 获取块大小
    private fun getChunkSize(srcFis: RandomAccessFile): Int {
        val formatSize = ByteArray(4)
        val fisrt8 = formatSize[0].toInt() and 0xFF
        val fisrduration6 = formatSize[1].toInt() and 0xFF
        val fisrt24 = formatSize[2].toInt() and 0xFF
        val fisrt32 = formatSize[3].toInt() and 0xFF
        val chunkSize = fisrt8 or (fisrduration6 shl 8) or (fisrt24 shl 16) or (fisrt32 shl 24)
        MLog.d(TAG, "getChunkSize: chunkSize = $chunkSize")
        return chunkSize

     * 获取块标识
    private fun getChunkId(srcFis: RandomAccessFile): String {
        val bytes = ByteArray(4)
        val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
        for (i in bytes.indices) {
        val chunkId = stringBuilder.toString()
        MLog.d(TAG, "getChunkId: chunkId = $chunkId")
        return chunkId
