验证了一遍CVAT的安装(Windows 11)



Windows 10(Win 11也适用)

  • Install WSL2 (Windows subsystem for Linux) refer to this official guide. WSL2 requires Windows 10, version 2004 or higher. Note: You may not have to install a Linux distribution unless needed. Win10的话特别注意自己Windows的版本。Win10的话特别注意自己Windows的版本。Win10的话特别注意自己Windows的版本。

  • Download and install Docker Desktop for Windows. Double-click Docker for Windows Installer to run the installer. More instructions can be found here. Official guide for docker WSL2 backend can be found here. Note: Check that you are specifically using WSL2 backend for Docker. 直接访问Docker官网:Home - Docker,这个无需VPN。点击Products,然后点击Docker Desktop。接着点击Windows,下载安装即可。

  • 验证了一遍CVAT的安装(Windows 11)_第1张图片

  • 验证了一遍CVAT的安装(Windows 11)_第2张图片

  • Download and install Git for Windows. When installing the package please keep all options by default. More information about the package can be found here. 下载安装Git。

  • Download and install Google Chrome. It is the only browser which is supported by CVAT. 下载Google Chrome浏览器。CVAT只支持Google Chrome浏览器。CVAT只支持Google Chrome浏览器。CVAT只支持Google Chrome浏览器。

  • Go to windows menu, find Git Bash application and run it. You should see a terminal window. 打开Git Bash。

  • 验证了一遍CVAT的安装(Windows 11)_第3张图片

  • Clone CVAT source code from the GitHub repository. 在打开的Git Bash中照着下面的输入,从这一步开始可能需要VPN,根据自己的情况来。

    git clone https://github.com/opencv/cvat
    cd cvat


  • Run docker containers. It will take some time to download the latest CVAT release and other required images like postgres, redis, etc. from DockerHub and create containers. 在打开的Git Bash中照着下面的输入。

    docker-compose up -d


  • Alternative: if you want to build the images locally with unreleased changes run the following command. It will take some time to build CVAT images. 这一步是本地构建的方案。如果上面的步骤没问题,就不用管这里。

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml build
    docker-compose up -d


  • You can register a user but by default it will not have rights even to view list of tasks. Thus you should create a superuser. A superuser can use an admin panel to assign correct groups to other users. Please use the command below: 注册超级管理员。

    winpty docker exec -it cvat bash -ic 'python3 ~/manage.py createsuperuser'


    If you don’t have winpty installed or the above command does not work, you may also try the following: 这一步只是可选方案,如果上面的没问题,不用管这里。

    # enter docker image first
    docker exec -it cvat /bin/bash
    # then run
    python3 ~/manage.py createsuperuser


    Choose a username and a password for your admin account. For more information please read Django documentation. 创建超级管理员的用户名、邮箱地址和密码

  • Open the installed Google Chrome browser and go to localhost:8080. Type your login/password for the superuser on the login page and press the Login button. Now you should be able to create a new annotation task. Please read the CVAT manual for more details. 打开Google Chrome浏览器,输入localhost:8080这个网址,然后输入用户名密码进行登录

  • 大功告成
