10-401 查询课程“Dp010001”的最高分
select max(grade) as max_grade
from Grade
where CourseID = 'Dp010001'
10-402 查询课程“Dp010004”的学生学号和成绩,并按成绩降序排列,成绩相同按学号升序排列
select StudentID,a.Grade
from Grade as a
where CourseID = 'Dp010004'
order by a.grade desc,studentID asc
10-403 检索李玉敏选修的课程编号及成绩
SELECT cno,grade
from score
where sno = (select sno from student where sname = '李玉敏' )
10-404 检索数计学院的叶凡选修课程的平均分。(分数四舍五入取整)
-- select sname,cast(avg(grade) as decimal(10,0)) as avggrade
select sname,round(avg(grade),0) as avggrade
from score as a
inner join student as b on a.sno = b.sno
where b.sname = '叶凡'
group by a.sno
10-405 查询出学生的选课情况,结果集包括学号、姓名、课号、课名、开设学期和成绩。
select student.sno,sname,course.cno,cname,term,grade
from score
left join course on score.cno = course.cno
left join student on score.sno = student.sno;
10-406 显示每位员工的编号,姓名,工资及工资级别
select empno,ename,sal,grade
from emp,salgrade
where sal between losal and hisal;
10-407 显示每位员工的编号,姓名及其上级领导的编号和姓名(要求显示出所有的员工)
select a.empno as 员工编号,a.ename as 员工姓名,b.empno as 上司编号,b.ename as 上司姓名
from emp as a
left join emp as b on a.mgr = b.empno
10-408 查询各个系部的教师人数
select DepartmentID,count(*) as count_pro
from Teacher
group by DepartmentID;
10-409 查询选课门数大于3门并且平均分大于70分的学生信息
select StudentID,count(*) as course_num,avg(grade) as avg_score
from Grade as a
group by StudentID
having count(*) > 3 and avg(grade) > 70
10-410 查询编号‘dep01001’教师的系主任名称
select DepartmentHeader
from Department
where DepartmentID =
select DepartmentID
from Teacher
where TeacherID = 'dep01001'
10-411 查询没有课程成绩的学生学号、姓名、性别。
select a.StudentID,StudentName,Sex
from Student as a
left join Grade as b on a.StudentID=b.StudentID
where Grade is null;
10-412 创建一个有关男会员信息的视图customer_male,字段名分别是会员编号,会员姓名,性别,电话。
create view customer_male(会员编号,会员姓名,性别,电话)
as select *
from customer
where sex='男';
10-413 创建一个每种货物的销售数量的视图good_total,要求是在2010年04月01日到2010年7月31日之间销售的货品,字段包括(gid,total)
create view good_total
as select
gid,sum(quantity) as total
from sale_recorder
where sale_date between '2010-04-01' and '2010-07-31'
group by gid
10-414 创建视图,统计每个学生的课程数量,其中包含学生学号和对应的课程数量。
create view v1
as select
StudentID,count(CourseID) as total from Grade
group by StudentID
10-415 创建视图,用于统计每个学生的修课总学分,列出学生学号和总学分。
create view v2
as select
StudentID,sum(credit) as total_credit
from Grade as a
left join Course as b on a.CourseID = b.CourseID
where grade > 60
group by StudentID
10-416 修改商品表库存数据
update sh_goods
set stock=100 where id=8;
10-417 删除商品表数据
delete from sh_goods where keyword = '003'
10-418 使用CASE语句对商品价格进行分级
select name,price,
when price <50 then 'level1'
when price >=50 and price <100 then 'level2'
when price >=100 and price <500 then 'level3'
else 'level4'
) as price_level
from sh_goods
order by price
10-419 使用CASE语句基于用户评分对商品进行分级
select name,score,
when score = 5 then 'Golden'
when score >4.5 and score < 5 then 'Silver'
when score >4 and score <= 4.5 then 'Copper'
else 'Normal'
) as score_level
from sh_goods order by score desc;
10-420 创建视图,包含部分商品打折前后的价格信息
create view view_goods
as select
id,name,price as old_price,price*0.5 as new_price
from sh_goods
where price > 1000
10-421 查询'CS'系有哪些学生
select *
from student
where Sdept = 'CS'
10-422 统计每门课程总评成绩的平均分(保留2位小数),显示课程号,课程名和平均成绩。
select sc.CId,CName,round(avg(SCScore),2) as Score
from sc left join course on course.CId = sc.CId
group bY CId,CName
10-423 建立’A01’仓库的员工信息视图vEmp
create view vEmp
as select *
from employee
where Wno = 'A01'
10-424 建立’天津’的供应商视图vSup
create view vSup
as select *
from supplier
where City = '天津'
10-425 建立供应商的销售记录视图vSupStatics
create view vSupStatics
as select
Sid,count(*) as ordcount,sum(Price*QTY) as ordtotalPrice
from orders
group by Sid
order by Sid asc
10-426 建立产品的销售记录视图vProductStatics
create view vProductStatics
as select
Pid,sum(QTY) as totalQTY,max(Price) as maxPrice,min(Price) as minPrice
from orders
group by Pid
10-427 创建视图图统计没有选课的学生信息
create view V_StudentsWithoutCourse
as select *
from Student
where Sno not in (select Sno from SC)
10-428 创建视图计算学生平均绩点
create view V_average_point
as select Sdept,Sno,avg(Grade) as Average_point
select a.Sdept,a.Sno,(case when Grade<60 then 0 else (Grade-50)/10 end) as Grade
from Student as a
right join SC as b on a.Sno = b.Sno
) as c
group by Sno
10-429 创建视图计算学生课程平均分
create view V_average_grade
as select
Sdept,Student.Sno,Sname,avg(Grade) as Average_grade
from Student
left join SC on Student.Sno = SC.Sno
group by Student.Sno
having avg(Grade)>80
10-430 创建视图查找不及格学生
create view V_FailedCourseStudent
as select
from (select * from SC where Grade < 60 or Grade is null) as a
left join Course on a.Cno = Course.Cno
left join Student on Student.Sno = a.Sno
10-431 创建视图统计需要重修的名单
create view V_RestudyList
as select
from (select * from SC where Grade < 60 or Grade is null) as a
left join Course on a.Cno = Course.Cno
left join Student on Student.Sno = a.Sno