ORA-39095: Dump file space has been exhausted: Unable to allocate 4096 bytes


oracle@hydb:/home/oracle> expdp  \"/ as sysdba\"  parallel=2 filesize=20g cluster=N directory=DIR_DUMP dumpfile=T_ERROR_LOG20230609.dmp logfile=expdp_kT_ERROR_LOG20230609.log  tables=USR_XG.T_ERROR_LOG
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Starting "SYS"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01":  "/******** AS SYSDBA" parallel=2 filesize=20g cluster=N directory=DIR_DUMP dumpfile=T_ERROR_LOG20230609.dmp logfile=expdp_kT_DATA_QUAL
ITY_ERROR_DETAIL20230609.log tables=USR_XG.T_ERROR_LOG Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...
Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA
Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 193.0 GB
Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE
Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/COMMENT
ORA-39095: Dump file space has been exhausted: Unable to allocate 4096 bytes
Job "SYS"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" stopped due to fatal error at Fri Jun 9 14:52:58 2023 elapsed 0 00:11:38


1、去除并行参数parallel=2 cluster=N

