从翻译应用到自动驾驶汽车,机器学习 (ML) 技术为我们使用的一些最重要的技术提供支持。本课程介绍了机器学习背后的核心概念。
数据集由包含特征和标签的各个示例组成。您可以将示例视为电子表格中的单行。特征是受监管模型用于预测标签的值。标签是我们希望模型预测的“答案”或值。在用于预测降雨的天气模型中,特征可以是纬度、经度、温度、湿度、云度、风向和大气压力。标签将为 雨量。监督式学习涉及以下几个核心概念:
- 1.数据
- 2.模型
- 3.训练
例如,如果模型预测 1.15 inches 有雨,但实际值为 .75 inches,则模型会修改其解决方案,以使其预测更接近 .75 inches。模型查看数据集中的每个样本(在某些情况下多次)后,会得出平均为每个样本做出最佳预测的解决方案。
- 4.模型评估
- 5.推断
1.梯度下降(Gradient Descent)
The vector of partial derivatives with respect to all of the independent variables. In machine learning, the gradient is the vector of partial derivatives of the model function. The gradient points in the direction of steepest ascent.
2.gradient descent
A mathematical technique to minimize loss. Gradient descent iteratively adjusts weights and biases, gradually finding the best combination to minimize loss.
Gradient descent is older—much, much older—than machine learning.
2.损失函数(loss function)
loss function
During training or testing, a mathematical function that calculates the loss on a batch of examples. A loss function returns a lower loss for models that makes good predictions than for models that make bad predictions.
The goal of training is typically to minimize the loss that a loss function returns.
Many different kinds of loss functions exist. Pick the appropriate loss function for the kind of model you are building. For example:
The algorithm that implements gradient descent in neural networks.
Training a neural network involves many iterations of the following two-pass cycle:
During the forward pass, the system processes a batch of examples to yield prediction(s). The system compares each prediction to each label value. The difference between the prediction and the label value is the loss for that example. The system aggregates the losses for all the examples to compute the total loss for the current batch.
During the backward pass (backpropagation), the system reduces loss by adjusting the weights of all the neurons in all the hidden layer(s).
Neural networks often contain many neurons across many hidden layers. Each of those neurons contribute to the overall loss in different ways. Backpropagation determines whether to increase or decrease the weights applied to particular neurons.
The learning rate is a multiplier that controls the degree to which each backward pass increases or decreases each weight. A large learning rate will increase or decrease each weight more than a small learning rate.
In calculus terms, backpropagation implements calculus’ chain rule. That is, backpropagation calculates the partial derivative of the error with respect to each parameter. For more details, see this tutorial in Machine Learning Crash Course.
:The set of examples used in one training iteration. The batch size determines the number of examples in a batch.
See epoch for an explanation of how a batch relates to an epoch.
batch size
:The number of examples in a batch. For instance, if the batch size is 100, then the model processes 100 examples per iteration.
The following are popular batch size strategies:
1.Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
, in which the batch size is 1.
2.full batch
, in which the batch size is the number of examples in the entire training set. For instance, if the training set contains a million examples, then the batch size would be a million examples. Full batch is usually an inefficient strategy.
in which the batch size is usually between 10 and 1000. Mini-batch is usually the most efficient strategy.
5.学习率(learning rate)
learning rate
A floating-point number that tells the gradient descent algorithm how strongly to adjust weights and biases on each iteration. For example, a learning rate of 0.3 would adjust weights and biases three times more powerfully than a learning rate of 0.1.
Learning rate is a key hyperparameter. If you set the learning rate too low, training will take too long. If you set the learning rate too high, gradient descent often has trouble reaching convergence.
During each iteration, the gradient descent algorithm multiplies the learning rate by the gradient. The resulting product is called the gradient step.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from plots_lesson15 import *
%matplotlib inline
y = b + w x + ϵ \Large y = b + w x + \epsilon y=b+wx+ϵ
true_b = 1
true_w = 2
N = 100
# 生成数据
x = np.random.rand(N, 1)
epsilon = (.1 * np.random.randn(N, 1))
y = true_b + true_w * x + epsilon
# 打乱数据
idx = np.arange(N)
# 前80个样本作为训练集,剩余的作为验证集
train_idx = idx[:int(N*.8)]
val_idx = idx[int(N*.8):]
x_train, y_train = x[train_idx], y[train_idx]
x_val, y_val = x[val_idx], y[val_idx]
figure1(x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val)
# Step 0 - 随机初始化参数 "b" 和 "w"
b = np.random.randn(1)
w = np.random.randn(1)
print(b, w)
[0.49671415] [-0.1382643]
# Step 1 - 前向传播,根据参数计算模型的预测值
yhat = b + w * x_train
figure2(x_train, y_train, b, w)
error i = y i ^ − y i \Large \text{error}_i = \hat{y_i} - y_i errori=yi^−yi
figure3(x_train, y_train, b, w)
MSE = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n error i 2 = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n ( y i ^ − y i ) 2 = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n ( b + w x i − y i ) 2 \Large \begin{aligned} \text{MSE} &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n{\text{error}_i}^2 \\ &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n{(\hat{y_i} - y_i)}^2 \\ &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n{(b + w x_i - y_i)}^2 \end{aligned} MSE=n1i=1∑nerrori2=n1i=1∑n(yi^−yi)2=n1i=1∑n(b+wxi−yi)2
# Step 2 - 计算损失
# 使用训练集中的所有样本计算损失值,这是BATCH gradient descent.
error = (yhat - y_train)
# 损失函数用均方误差(mean squared error,MSE)
loss = (error ** 2).mean()
# 设定待估参数的值域范围,并将其进行100次等分割
b_range = np.linspace(true_b - 3, true_b + 3, 101)
w_range = np.linspace(true_w - 3, true_w + 3, 101)
# 借助meshgrid 函数生成参数 b 和 w的取值网格
bs, ws = np.meshgrid(b_range, w_range)
bs.shape, ws.shape
((101, 101), (101, 101))
array([[-2. , -1.94, -1.88, ..., 3.88, 3.94, 4. ],
[-2. , -1.94, -1.88, ..., 3.88, 3.94, 4. ],
[-2. , -1.94, -1.88, ..., 3.88, 3.94, 4. ],
[-2. , -1.94, -1.88, ..., 3.88, 3.94, 4. ],
[-2. , -1.94, -1.88, ..., 3.88, 3.94, 4. ],
[-2. , -1.94, -1.88, ..., 3.88, 3.94, 4. ]])
sample_x = x_train[0]
sample_yhat = bs + ws * sample_x
(101, 101)
all_predictions = np.apply_along_axis(
func1d=lambda x: bs + ws * x,
(80, 101, 101)
all_labels = y_train.reshape(-1, 1, 1)
(80, 1, 1)
all_errors = (all_predictions - all_labels)
(80, 101, 101)
all_losses = (all_errors ** 2).mean(axis=0)
(101, 101)
figure4(x_train, y_train, b, w, bs, ws, all_losses)
figure5(x_train, y_train, b, w, bs, ws, all_losses)
figure6(x_train, y_train, b, w, bs, ws, all_losses)
∂ MSE ∂ b = ∂ MSE ∂ y i ^ ∂ y i ^ ∂ b = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n 2 ( b + w x i − y i ) = 2 1 n ∑ i = 1 n ( y i ^ − y i ) ∂ MSE ∂ w = ∂ MSE ∂ y i ^ ∂ y i ^ ∂ w = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n 2 ( b + w x i − y i ) x i = 2 1 n ∑ i = 1 n x i ( y i ^ − y i ) \Large \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial{\text{MSE}}}{\partial{b}} = \frac{\partial{\text{MSE}}}{\partial{\hat{y_i}}} \frac{\partial{\hat{y_i}}}{\partial{b}} &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n{2(b + w x_i - y_i)} \\ &= 2 \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n{(\hat{y_i} - y_i)} \\ \frac{\partial{\text{MSE}}}{\partial{w}} = \frac{\partial{\text{MSE}}}{\partial{\hat{y_i}}} \frac{\partial{\hat{y_i}}}{\partial{w}} &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n{2(b + w x_i - y_i) x_i} \\ &= 2 \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n{x_i (\hat{y_i} - y_i)} \end{aligned} ∂b∂MSE=∂yi^∂MSE∂b∂yi^∂w∂MSE=∂yi^∂MSE∂w∂yi^=n1i=1∑n2(b+wxi−yi)=2n1i=1∑n(yi^−yi)=n1i=1∑n2(b+wxi−yi)xi=2n1i=1∑nxi(yi^−yi)
# Step 3 - 计算参数 "b" and "w" 的梯度
b_grad = 2 * error.mean()
w_grad = 2 * (x_train * error).mean()
print(b_grad, w_grad)
-3.044811379650508 -1.8337537171510832
figure7(b, w, bs, ws, all_losses)
figure8(b, w, bs, ws, all_losses)
b = b − η ∂ MSE ∂ b w = w − η ∂ MSE ∂ w \Large \begin{aligned} b &= b - \eta \frac{\partial{\text{MSE}}}{\partial{b}} \\ w &= w - \eta \frac{\partial{\text{MSE}}}{\partial{w}} \end{aligned} bw=b−η∂b∂MSE=w−η∂w∂MSE
# Sets 学习率(learning rate) - "eta"
lr = 0.1
print(b, w)
# Step 4 - 利用梯度和学习率更新参数
b = b - lr * b_grad
w = w - lr * w_grad
print(b, w)
[0.49671415] [-0.1382643]
[0.80119529] [0.04511107]
# Step 1 - 前向传播,根据参数计算模型的预测值
yhat = b + w * x_train
# Step 2 - 计算损失
# 使用训练集中的所有样本计算损失值,这是BATCH gradient descent.
error = (yhat - y_train)
# Step 3 - 计算参数 "b" and "w" 的梯度
b_grad = 2 * error.mean()
w_grad = 2 * (x_train * error).mean()
print(b_grad, w_grad)
# Step 4 - 利用梯度和学习率更新参数
b = b - lr * b_grad
w = w - lr * w_grad
print(b, w)
figure9(x_train, y_train, b, w)
manual_grad_b = -2.90
manual_grad_w = -1.79
b_initial = np.random.randn(1)
w_initial = np.random.randn(1)
lr = 0.2
figure10(b_initial, w_initial, bs, ws, all_losses, manual_grad_b, manual_grad_w, lr)
lr = 0.8
figure10(b_initial, w_initial, bs, ws, all_losses, manual_grad_b, manual_grad_w, lr)
lr = 1.1
figure10(b_initial, w_initial, bs, ws, all_losses, manual_grad_b, manual_grad_w, lr)
true_b = 1
true_w = 2
N = 100
# 生成数据
# w 除以 10
bad_w = true_w / 10
# x 乘以 10
bad_x = np.random.rand(N, 1) * 10
# y保持不变
y = true_b + bad_w * bad_x + (.1 * np.random.randn(N, 1))
# 用同样的方式得到训练集和验证集数据
bad_x_train, y_train = bad_x[train_idx], y[train_idx]
bad_x_val, y_val = bad_x[val_idx], y[val_idx]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
ax[0].scatter(x_train, y_train)
ax[0].set_ylim([0, 3.1])
ax[0].set_title('Train - Original')
ax[1].scatter(bad_x_train, y_train, c='k')
ax[1].set_ylim([0, 3.1])
ax[1].set_title('Train - "Bad"')
# w值域发声了改变所以我们需要重新得到参数b和w的取值网格
bad_b_range = np.linspace(-2, 4, 101)
bad_w_range = np.linspace(-2.8, 3.2, 101)
bad_bs, bad_ws = np.meshgrid(bad_b_range, bad_w_range)
figure14(x_train, y_train, b_initial, w_initial, bad_bs, bad_ws, bad_x_train)
figure15(x_train, y_train, b_initial, w_initial, bad_bs, bad_ws, bad_x_train)
X ‾ = 1 N ∑ i = 1 N x i σ ( X ) = 1 N ∑ i = 1 N ( x i − X ‾ ) 2 scaled x i = x i − X ‾ σ ( X ) \Large \overline{X} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N{x_i} \\ \Large \sigma(X) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N{(x_i - \overline{X})^2}} \\ \Large \text{scaled } x_i=\frac{x_i-\overline{X}}{\sigma(X)} X=N1i=1∑Nxiσ(X)=N1i=1∑N(xi−X)2scaled xi=σ(X)xi−X
scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True)
# 只对训练集中的x进行标准化
# 通过TRANSFORM函数标准化训练集和验证集中的特征x
scaled_x_train = scaler.transform(x_train)
scaled_x_val = scaler.transform(x_val)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 6))
ax[0].scatter(x_train, y_train, c='b')
ax[0].set_ylim([0, 3.1])
ax[0].set_title('Train - Original')
ax[1].scatter(bad_x_train, y_train, c='k')
ax[1].set_ylim([0, 3.1])
ax[1].set_title('Train - "Bad"')
ax[2].scatter(scaled_x_train, y_train, c='g')
ax[2].set_ylim([0, 3.1])
ax[2].set_title('Train - Scaled')
# 再次重新设定w和b的取值网格
scaled_b_range = np.linspace(-1, 5, 101)
scaled_w_range = np.linspace(-2.4, 3.6, 101)
scaled_bs, scaled_ws = np.meshgrid(scaled_b_range, scaled_w_range)
figure17(x_train, y_train, scaled_bs, scaled_ws, bad_x_train, scaled_x_train)
figure18(x_train, y_train)