【Paper】2019_Event-triggered based scaled consensus for multi-agent systems

Wu X, Mu X. Event-triggered based scaled consensus for multi-agent systems[C]//2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE, 2019: 5544-5549.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Preparation and problem description
    • 2.1 Graph theory
    • 2.2 Problem formulation
  • 3 Centralized approach
  • 4 Distributed approach
  • 5 Simulation
    • 5.1 Centralized case
    • 5.2 Distributed case
        • 程序名字:`Main_Centralized.m`
  • Ref

1 Introduction

2 Preparation and problem description

2.1 Graph theory

2.2 Problem formulation

x ˙ i ( t ) = u i ( t ) (1) \dot{x}_i(t) = u_i(t) \tag{1} x˙i(t)=ui(t)(1)

3 Centralized approach

u i ( t ) = ∑ j ∈ N i a i j ( α i j x j ( t ) − x i ( t ) ) (2) u_i(t) = \sum_{j \in N_i} a_{ij} (\alpha_{ij} x_j(t) - x_i(t)) \tag{2} ui(t)=jNiaij(αijxj(t)xi(t))(2)

4 Distributed approach

5 Simulation

5.1 Centralized case

5.2 Distributed case


【Paper】2019_Event-triggered based scaled consensus for multi-agent systems_第1张图片
【Paper】2019_Event-triggered based scaled consensus for multi-agent systems_第2张图片

【Paper】2019_Event-triggered based scaled consensus for multi-agent systems_第3张图片
【Paper】2019_Event-triggered based scaled consensus for multi-agent systems_第4张图片

【Paper】2019_Event-triggered based scaled consensus for multi-agent systems_第5张图片
【Paper】2019_Event-triggered based scaled consensus for multi-agent systems_第6张图片


