1.System software 系统软件
2. Application software 应用软件
3.operating system 操作系统
4.Word processor 文字处理软件
5. Object-oriented language 面向对象语言
6.Trade-off 权衡
7.Black box 内部结构
8.White box 数据输入范围定义
9.Web page 万维网页
10.Web browser 网页浏览器
11. e-mail 邮件
12. Digital Film 数字化电影
1.超文本标记语言 HTML
2.简单邮件传输协议 SMTP
3.邮局协议 POP
1.病毒 virus
2.汇编程序 assembler
3.调试器 debugger
4.手稿 script
5.无意义的 meaningless
6.几乎不 scarcely
7.预先确定 predefine
8.区别 distinguish
9.论坛 forum
10.进化 evolve
11.应用软件 application software
12.交换机 switch
13.木偶 puppet
1. During the last few years, it has been realized that maintenance of programs is more expensive than development, so reading of programs by humans is as important as writing them.
2.Programming languages are designed to facilitate the communication between human and computers.
3.Fortunately most programming languages have many kinds of constructs in common and vary only in the way that these must be written.
4.For developing a software product, the development process is divided into 5 stages: Requirements Analysis & Specification, Design, Coding, Testing, and Maintenance.
5. Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected result with the valid input.
1.A high-level language is an artificial language with which we can write various instructions. This is possible not because computer processors are now so technologically advanced that they can ‘understand’ these languages. You should translate from programming languages into machine language which can be understood by the computer processors. Compilers can accomplish this task. This does mean that a high-level language program is not directly executable: it must be compiled to produce processor program, which is executable.
2.Over the last few decades there has been a tremendous growth in information technology and its impact on everyday life. Complex software systems have become critical to the operation of many systems in areas such as banking, communications, manufacturing, power generation, and transportation. Progress in computer science and accumulated experience with industrial production of software have led to the emergence of software engineering as a separate discipline. The software engineering discipline has been defined as “the application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approaches to the development, operation, and maintenance of software.” that is, the application of engineering to software.
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