create database frogdata charset=utf8;
use frogdata;
# 学生表 Student
create table Student(
SId varchar(10),
Sname varchar(10),
Sage datetime,
Ssex varchar(10));
# 教师表 Teacher
create table Teacher(
TId varchar(10),
Tname varchar(10));
# 科目表 Course
create table Course(
CID varchar(10),
Cname nvarchar(10),
TId varchar(10)
# 成绩表 SC
create table SC(
SId varchar(10),
CId varchar(10),
score decimal(18,1));
# 学生表
insert into Student values('01','赵雷','1990-01-01','男');
insert into Student values('02','钱电','1990-12-21','男');
insert into Student values('03','孙风','1990-05-20','男');
insert into Student values('04' ,'李云','1990-08-06','男');
insert into Student values('05','周梅','1991-12-01','女');
insert into Student values('06','吴兰','1992-03-01','女');
insert into Student values('07','郑竹','1999-07-01','女');
insert into Student values('09','张三','2017-12-20','女');
insert into Student values('10','李四','2017-12-25','女');
insert into Student values('11','李四','2017-12-30','女');
insert into Student values('12','赵六','2017-01-01','女');
insert into Student values('13','孙七','2018-01-01','女');
# 教师表
insert into Teacher values('01','张三');
insert into Teacher values('02','李四');
insert into Teacher values('03','王五');
# 科目表Course
insert into Course values('01','语文','02');
insert into Course values('02','数学','01');
insert into Course values('03','英语','03');
# 成绩表SC
insert into SC values
('01', '01', 80),
('01', '02', 90),
('01', '03', 99),
('02', '01', 70),
('02', '02', 60),
('02', '03', 80),
('03', '01', 80),
('03', '02', 80),
('03', '03', 80),
('04', '01', 50),
('04', '02', 30),
('04', '03', 20),
('05', '01', 76),
('05', '02', 87),
('06', '01', 31),
('06', '03', 34),
('07', '02', 89),
('07', '03', 98);
1-1 查询01课程比02课程成绩高的学生信息和课程分数
# 第一步:通过Sid主键连接学生表和成绩表
select* from Student a inner join SC b on a.SId = b.SId;
# 第二步:进行同一学生不同成绩比较,利用Sid相同,Cid不同进行关联
select* from Student a
inner join SC b on a.SId = b.SId inner join SC c on a.SId = c.SId
and b.CId = '01' and c.CId = '02';
# 最后:回到题目,利用where比较分数即可
select* from Student a
inner join SC b on a.SId = b.SId inner join SC c on a.SId = c.SId
and b.CId = '01' and c.CId = '02'
where b.score > c.score;
1-2 查询存在 01 课程但可能不存在 02 课程的情况(不存在的时候显示为null)
# 第一步:实现1名学生的2门课程在同一行,左边的Cid等于 01 课程, 右边Cid等于 02 课程
select * from SC a
inner join SC b on a.SId = b.SId
where a.cid = '01' and b.CId = '02';
# 最后:需要用到left JOIN,实现1个学生两个课程在同一行,左边 01 课程,右边 02 课程
# and b.CId = '02'; 表示 a 这个表只显示01课程若无则显示null
# where a.CId = '01'; 这是一个显示条件,若无就不显示
select * from SC a
left join SC b on a.SId = b.SId
and a.CId = '01'and b.CId = '02'
where a.CId = '01';
1-3 查询不存在 01 课程但存在 02 课程的情况
# 第一步:筛选出存在 01 课程的学生
select sid from SC where cid = '01';
# 最后:使用not in 筛选出不存在 01 课程,但是存在 02 课程的学生
select* from SC
where sid not in(select sid from SC where cid = '01') and cid = '02';
from->on->join->where->group by->having+聚合函数->select->order by->limit
2-1 查询平均成绩大于等于60分的同学的学生编号,学生姓名,平均成绩。
select a.sid,a.Sname,b.avg_score
from student as a
inner join
(select sid,avg(score) as avg_score from SC
group by SId having avg_score>=60) as b
on a.sid = b.sid;
列(要求出现在group by的后面)
group by
order by
注意:除了出现在group by后面的字段,如果要在select后查询其他字段,必须用聚合函数进行聚合
因为执行顺序:from->on->join->where->group by->having+聚合函数->select->order by->limit
select b.*from (
select SId
from sc
group by SId) as a
left join student as b
on a.SId = b.SId
select a.SId,a.sname,b.counts,b.sums
from student as a
left join
(SELECT SId,count(CId) as counts,sum(score) as sums
from sc
group by SId) as b
on a.SId = b.SId;
select a.SId,a.sname,count(b.CId) as counts,sum(b.score) as sums
from student as a
left join sc as b
on a.SId = b.SId
group by a.SId;
- 除了出现在group by后面的字段,如果要在select后查询其他字段,必须用聚合函数进行聚合。
- 所以这个代码运行错误,但是如果修改一下mysql的配置还是可以使用的。
- 我这里没有修改,如果以后有需要再修改。
5-1 查询所有李姓老师的数量
select count(a.Tname) as nums
from teacher as a
where a.Tname LIKE '李%';
- like:模糊查找
- ‘李%’:李后面可以加的文字不限定个数
6-1 查询学过【张三】老师授课的同学的信息
select a.* from student a
inner join SC b on a.sid = b.SId
inner join course c on b.CId = c.CID
inner join teacher d on c.TId = d.TId
where d.Tname = '张三';
select b.*
from(select sc.SId from sc
group by sc.SId
having count(sc.CId) < (select count(CId)from course )) AS a
inner join student as b
on a.SId = b.SId;
- count(sc.CId) < (select count(CId)from course ):课程总数大于学生选择数
- 子句主要是找出没有学全所有课程的SId
select distinct a.*
from student a
inner join sc b on a.SId = b.SId
where b.CId IN (select sc.CId from sc where sc.SId = '01');
select a.*
from student a
inner join sc b
on a.SId = b.SId
where b.SId not in (select sc.SId from sc where sc.CId not in
(select CId from sc where SId = '01')) and b.SId != '01'
group by a.SId
having COUNT(*) = (select COUNT(*) from sc where SId = '01');
select student.* from student
where student.SId not in
select c.Sid from teacher as a
inner join course as b on a.TId = b.TId
inner join sc as c on b.CId = c.CId
where a.Tname = '张三'
- 子句是查询张三老师教的学生Sid
- inner join course as b on a.TId = b.TId:找出与老师相匹配的课程 形成一个表
- inner join sc as c on b.CId = c.CId;再刚刚形成表的基础上找到相应的学生
select student.sid,sname,avg from student,
select sid,avg(score) avg from sc
where score<60
group by sid having count(cid)>=2
) t
where student.sid=t.sid;
- 子句的作用是查询两门课程不及格的sid
- 子句先where形成一个表,然后再用having进行筛选形成一个表
select student.* from student,
(select sid,score from sc where cid='01' and score<60) t
where student.sid=t.sid order by t.score desc;
子句的作用是:筛选 01 课程分数小于60的sid
order by 字段名 desc;
select sc.*,avg from sc,
(select sid,avg(score) avg from sc group by sid) t
where sc.sid=t.sid order by t.avg desc;
以如下形式显示:课程 ID,课程 name,最高分,最低分,平均分,及格率,中等率,优良率,优秀率
select a.CId,b.Cname,count(*) as 选修人数,
max(a.score) as 最高分, min(a.score) as 最低分, avg(a.score) as 平均分,
# 把大于等于60分的人数进行求和/总数 = 及格率
(sum(case when a.score>= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)) as 及格率,
(sum(case when a.score>= 70 and a.score<80 then 1 else 0 end)/COUNT(*)) as 中等率,
(sum(case when a.score>= 80 and a.score<90 then 1 else 0 end)/COUNT(*)) as 优良率,
(sum(case when a.score>= 90 then 1 else 0 end)/COUNT(*)) as 优秀率
from sc as a
inner join course as b
on a.CId = b.CId
group by a.CId
# 查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列
order by 选修人数 desc,CId asc;
case when:case when score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end
select *,
row_number() over (partition by CId order by score desc) as 排名
from sc
- 把成绩安装CId进行分组,然后给每组按照降序排列(按照row_number()的排序规则)
函数名 ([expr]) over 子句over是关键字,用来指定函数执行的窗口范围。
select SId,sum(score) sum_score,rank() over (order by sum(score)) as Rank_
from sc
group by SId;
(select*,dense_rank() over(partition by CId order by score) as cid_rank
from sc) a
where cid_rank<=3
18. 统计各科成绩各分数段人数:课程编号、课程名称、[0-60](60-70](70-85](85-100]所占百分比
思路:先拿出各个科目总人数(count() group by),然后进行case when分类,然后再取百分数
select CId,
concat(sum(case when score<=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(SId)*100,'%') as '[0-60]所占百分比',
concat(sum(case when score>60 and score<=70 then 1 else 0 end)/count(SId)*100,'%') as '(60-70]所占百分比',
concat(sum(case when score>70 and score<=85 then 1 else 0 end)/count(SId)*100,'%') as '(70-85]所占百分比',
concat(sum(case when score>85 then 1 else 0 end)/count(SId)*100,'%') as '(85-100]所占百分比'
from sc
group by CId
select CId,count(CId) as '选修的学生数'
from sc
group by CId
select s.Sname,sc.SId
from student s
inner join sc
on s.SId=sc.SId
group by SId
having count(CId)=2
select Ssex,count(*)
from student
group by Ssex
select *
from student
where Sname like "%风%"
select *
from student a
inner join student b
on a.SId!=b.SId
and a.Sname=b.Sname
and a.Ssex=b.Ssex
select *
from student
where year(Sage)=1990
# 取左侧4个字符
from student
where left(student.Sage,4) = '1990'
select CId,avg(score)
from sc
group by CId
# 按照平均成绩降序,成绩相同时课程编号升序
order by AVG(score) desc, cid asc;
select a.Sname, b.sid, b.avg_score
from student a
inner join
select sid,avg(score) as avg_score
from SC
group by sid
having avg_score >= 85
) as b
on a.Sid = b.Sid;
select a.Sname,b.score
from student a
inner join sc b on a.SId = b.SId
inner join course c on b.CId = c.CID
where c.Cname = '数学' and b.score < 60
select a.Sname, c.Cname, b.score
from student as a
left join sc as b on a.SId = b.SId
left join course as c on b.CId = c.CID
select a.Sname, c.Cname, b.score
from student as a
inner join sc as b on a.SId = b.SId
inner join course as c on b.CId = c.CID
where b.score > 70
select distinct b.Cname
from sc as a
inner join course as b on a.CId = b.CId
where a.score < 60
31、查询课程编号为01 且成绩在80分以上的学生学号和姓名
select a.sid,a.Sname
from student as a
inner join sc as b on a.SId = b.SId
where b.score >= 80 and b.CId = '01'
select b.Cname,count(*)
from sc as a
inner join course as b on a.CId = b.CId
group by b.Cname
select *
from student as a
inner join sc as b on a.SId = b.SId
inner join course as c on b.CId = c.CId
inner join teacher as d on c.TId = d.TId
where d.Tname = '张三'
order by b.score desc
limit 1;
# 使用窗口函数,会显示排名
# 排好名后只取第一名,
# 因为使用的是dense_rank()所以第一名可以有多个,只要满足a.score_rank = 1 都可以显示
select * from
select a.*, b.score, c.Cname,d.Tname, dense_rank() over (order by b.score desc) as score_rank
from student as a
inner join sc as b on a.SId = b.SId
inner join course as c on b.CId = c.CId
inner join teacher as d on c.TId = d.TId
# 如果直接在where后面写 score_rank = 1会报错,说没有这行,所以作为子表,然后再筛选一遍
where d.Tname = '张三'
) as a
where a.score_rank = 1
35、查询 不同课程成绩相同 学生的学生编号、课程编号、学生成绩
select distinct a.*
from sc as a
inner join sc as b on a.SId = b.SId
where a.CId != b.CId and a.score = b.score
select *
select a.SId, a.Sname, b.CId, b.score, row_number() over (partition by b.cid order by b.score desc) as _Rank
from student as a
inner join sc as b on a.SId = b.SId
) as c
where _Rank <= 2
select b.CId,a.Sname,b.score,b._rank
from student as a
inner join
select* , rank() over(partition by sc.CId order by sc.score desc) as _rank
from sc
) as b on a.SId = b.SId
where b._rank <= 2
order by b.CId
select sc.CId , count(*) as CId_count
from sc
group by sc.CId
having count(*) >= 5
select sc.SId, count(*) as SId_count
from sc
group by sc.SId
having count(*) >= 2
select *
from student as a
inner join
select sc.SId, count(*) as SId_count
from sc
group by sc.SId
having count(*) >= 2
) as b on a.SId = b.SId
where b.SId_count = 3
select student.Sname, (year(now()) - year(student.Sage)) as 年龄
from student
year:代表相隔的年份,这里也可以换为day:就是相隔的天数, hour:相隔的时间
select student.Sname, timestampdiff(year,student.Sage,now()) as 年龄
from student
select s.SId,s.Sname,s.Sage
from student s
where week(s.Sage) = week(NOW())
select s.SId,s.Sname,s.Sage
from student s
where week(s.Sage) = week(now()) + 1
select s.*
from student s
where month(s.Sage) = month(NOW())
select s.*
from student s
where month(s.Sage) = month(NOW()) + 1