get on in years 渐渐老了,上了年纪
倒装句型:Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly and peacefully. = He rarely red......
Eric 造句: Rarely would we say like this.
Die a really natural death 指因年老或疾病而死,有别于因事故、遇害、自杀而死。
Die young 英年早逝
Die a hero
He died a nobody. 默默无名死去
By Jove/George 一种口头禅,表示“真的”、“不是胡说”。
Put in for 申请,请求加入
Rag v. 被人作弄→ ragged破烂的,粗糙的
He had been ragged there a good deal.
A plays B A和B比赛
Queer = strange
Have a vivid recollection of 回忆……
Gather 推断= suppose
Strong point= strong suit= forte 强项,优点
Take up a firm attitude 采取坚定态度 注意这里搭配的动词
Implacable无法使其镇静的= relentless无休止的= badgering 软磨硬泡的
Touch their caps to him 手举到帽边向他敬礼
Hats off to sb.
Pat sb. in the back 鼓励,支持某人
Nice meeting you. 指离开时“幸会”或再次见面。注意和nice to meet you(初次见面)不同。
His room was furnished simply and with schoolmasterly taste.
Taste 审美,喜欢、偏好
His taste in clothes is extremely good.
A large family with different tastes and preferences
At Mrs. Wickett’s 在某人家(xx’s)
Quite a character. 夸人
Quite a read. 夸书
Quite a lesson. 夸上的课
So signal a service. 冠词后置 so/too
Gem-clear宝石般晶莹澄澈的→crystal-clear 水晶般
Depreciate 贬低→ self-depreciating 自我贬低,自黑
Ineligibility 没有资格,不配
Howler 低级错误
Trio 三重奏;三人组→ duo 二重奏;二人组
Tear open 撕开
Commodious 宽敞的
Not half bad= pretty good 还不错
Mellowness 成熟
Mellow= mature/ripe v.
Eric造句:The fatherhood has mellowed me.
The whole thing became a comic turn sandwiched(动词,夹在) between afternoon games and the return to classes.Get away with it 做坏事(或错事)而不受处分
You can always get away with not speaking English.
row和bow 作名词和动词时两个不同读音
Nevertheless 尽管如此= That being said./ That said.
Salck 懒散的
Slovenly 不修边幅的
A torrent(水流) of thoughts 思绪万千
Pressing 急迫的
Chronically 按时间顺序描述地
Have an effect= take sth to heart 往心里去了
Dine 正式就餐→ dine and dash 吃霸王餐
I’m not having too easy a time here. 前面提到的冠词后置
Tax v. 使用尽,耗尽
原文中:The actual work was not taxing.
→taxi v.(飞机)缓慢滑行
For the first time in his life
Pro- (前缀)赞成的,支持的→anti-(前缀)反对的
It was heavily censored.
Censor/sanitize/scrub 中文“和谐”之意
It’s a given. 理所当然(口语中)
Reverberating (思想等)产生巨大反响、影响深远的
Give sb chills/goosebumps 一身冷汗/鸡皮疙瘩(因惊吓或紧张)
(11.12)You are a young man, Mr. Chipping, and Brookfield is an old foundation. Youth and age often combine well. Give your enthusiasm to Brookfield and Brookfield will give you something in return.
(11.13)Which was oddly incorrect(错得奇怪); because Chips was not a bachelor at all. He had married; though it was so long ago that none of the staff at Brookfield could remember his wife.
(11.14)For his marriage was a triumphant success. Katherine conquered Brookfield as she had conquered Chips; she was immensely popular with boys and masters alike.
(11.15)But she had not always pleaded for leniency(请求宽恕). On rather rare occasions she urged severity where Chips was inclined to be forgiving. “I don’t like his type(他那种类型的人), Chips. He’s too cocksure of himself(自以为是). If he’s looking for trouble I should certainly let him have it(让他吃苦头).”
(11.16)Where had they all gone to, he often pondered; those threads he had once held together, how far had they scattered, some to break, others to weave into unknown patterns?
(11.17)But instead of widening them to form a genuine inclusive democracy of duke and dustman, Ralston was narrowing them upon the single issue of a fat banking account.
duke and dustman 公爵或清洁工
Whether he is a plumber or president
Minister or manufacturer
(11.18)Stanfel was thirty years his junior, but the two men got on excellently.
Xx years his junior/senior 比他小/大多少岁
(11.19)From that last honour, within his reach at last, he shrank instinctively, feeling himself in so many ways unequal to it. He said to Rivers:”You see, I’m not a young man and I don’t want people to--um--expect a lot from me. I’m like all these new colonels and majors you see everywhere--just a war-time fluke(侥幸之喜). A ranker(ranker and file 普通士兵), that’s all I am really.”
A great joke, this growing old—but a sad joke, too, in a way. And as Chips sat by his fire with autumn gales rattling the windows, the waves of humour and sadness swept over him very often until tears fell, so that when Mrs. Wickett came in with his cup of tea she did not know whether he had been laughing or crying. And neither did Chips himself.
A hansom(马车) clop-clopping(马蹄声) in the roadway; green pale gas lamps flickering on a wet pavement; newsboys shouting something about South Africa; Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. 简直像一幅电影画面。
The strange randomness of the world beguiled him, that randomness which never would, so long as the world lasted, give meaning to those choruses again.
I remember... I remember... but chiefly I remember all your faces. I never forgot them. I have thousands of faces in my mind-the faces of boys. If you come and see me again in years to come-as I hope you all will-I shall try to remember those older faces of yours, but it’s just possible I shan’t be able to-and then some day you’ll see me somewhere and I shan’t recognize you and you’ll say to yourself-”The old boy doesn’t remember me.” But I do remember you-as you are now. That’s the point. In my mind you never grow up at all. Never. 作为老师,孩子们永远是当年的模样。
He was a legend. With his old and tattered gown, his walk that was just beginning to break into a stumble, his mild eyes peering over the steel-rimmed spectacles, and his quaintly humorous sayings, Brookfield would not have had an atom of him different. 实体书封底的一段话,“万世师表”!