
Select * From VoucherNumber Where CardNumber='17'    -- 单据规则设置表

Select * from VoucherPrefabricateview Where CardNumber='26' -- 可用类型前缀表

Select cValue from AccInformation Where cSysID='AA' and cName='cID' -- 帐套参数表

Select cCode,* from Vouchercontrapose Where cContent='PurchaseType' and cSeed='10' -- 单据前缀对照表

Select CODINGRULE,* from GradeDef Where KEYWORD='Department' -- 编码规则表

Select cCode from Vouchercontrapose Where cContent='Department' and cSeed='1002' -- 单据前缀对照表

select cNumber as Maxnumber From VoucherHistory with (NOLOCK) Where CardNumber='26' and cContent='远程号|采购类型' and cSeed='00CG' -- 单据流水号历史表


Select * from VoucherPrefabricateview Where CardNumber='0302'

Select * From VoucherNumber Where CardNumber='0302'

select cNumber as Maxnumber From VoucherHistory with (ROWLOCK) Where CardNumber='0302' and cContent='日期' and cSeed='2020'


declare @p5 int

declare @p6 int

exec sp_GetId N'',N'001',N'rd',2,@p5 output,@p6 output,default

select @p5, @p6

select * from UFSystem..UA_Identity --ID保存表

ia_accountload 加载未记账记录到核算数据源临时表

ia_addaccountarea 将选择的需要记账的数据插入核算区

ia_sp_monthacc 全月平均成本核算

ia_sp_monthmoveacc 移动平均法成本核算

ia_sp_fifoass 先进先出/后进先出成本核算

ia_sp_specificprice 个别计价成本核算

ia_sp_planacc 计划价成本核算

ia_roll 卷积核算存货主存储过程


select * from sysobjects where xtype='TR'

exec sp_helptext 'TR_Ap_CloseBills' --查看触发器内容


select ccode as 科目编码, cauth as 功能名称, cuser as 用户名, cmachine as 机器名 from GL_mccontrol

delete from GL_mccontrol

EXEC sp_password NULL, 'newpassword', 'User' -- 通过SQL语句来更改用户的密码

select * from ufsystem.dbo.ua_version 查询用友ERP版本号

select cAcc_Id as 账套号,iYear as 账套年度,cSub_Id as 模块标识,bClosing as 是否关闭,iModiPeri as 会计期间 from ufsystem.dbo.ua_account_sub 帐套子表

select cAcc_Id as 账套号,cAcc_Name as 账套名称,cAcc_Path as 账套路径,iYear as 启用会计期年,iMonth as 启用会计期月,cUnitName as 单位名称,iSysID as 账套内部标识 from ufsystem.dbo.ua_account 帐套主表

select cUser_Id as 操作员编码,cUser_Name as 操作员名称 from ufsystem.dbo.UA_User where nState=1; 查看被停用的操作员 iAdmin=1为主管

select cUser_Id as 操作员编码,cUser_Name as 操作员名称,nState as 是否停用 ,iAdmin as 是否帐套主管理,cDept as 所属部门,cBelongGrp as 所在组,nState as 是否停用 from ufsystem.dbo.UA_User 查看系统用户信息表

delete from ufsystem.dbo.ua_tasklog 清除异常任务及单据锁定1

delete from ufsystem.dbo.ua_task 清除异常任务及单据锁定2

SELECT cacc_id 账套号,cacc_name 账套名称,iyear 启用年度 FROM ufsystem.dbo.ua_account 数据库查账套信息


RdRecord01 采购入库单主表

RdRecord08 其他入库单主表

RdRecord10 产成品入库单主表

Vendor 供应商表

customer 客户档案表

Department 部门档案

Inventory 存货目录

PayCondition 付款条件

PurBillVouch 采购发票主表

SalePrice 销售价目表

SettleStyle 结算方式

SO_SODetails 销售订单子表

SO_SOMain 销售订单主表

ST_TotalAccount 库存总帐

Warehouse 仓库档案

WA_psn 人员表

WA_GZBName 表名称表

lockvouch 单据锁定表

bom_parent BOM母件

bas_part BOM子件

gl_accsum 总账表

gl_accass 辅助账表

gl_accvouch 凭证表/明细账

gl_accmultiass 多辅助账表


RdRecords01 采购入库单主表

RdRecords08 其他入库单主表

RdRecords10 产成品入库单主表

PurBillVouchs 采购发票子表


Select cpoid as 订单号码,dpodate 采购日期,cbustype as 业务类型,cvencode as 供应单位,cvenname as 供应商名称,

cinvcode 存货编码,

cinvname 存货名称,

cinvstd 规格型号,

iquantity as 数量,

inum as 件数,

iarrqty as 累计到货数量,

iarrqty as 累计到货数量,

ireceivedqty as 累计入库数量,

iinvqty as 累计开票数量,

iunitprice as 单价,

imoney as 原币金额,

itax as 税额,

isum as 价税合计,

darrivedate as 计划到货日期,

cmemo as 备注,cexch_name as 币种,cmaker as 创建人,cverifier as 审批人,cptname as 采购类型,cvenaddress as 地址

From zpurpoheader

left join zPurpotail on zpurpoheader.POID=zPurpotail.POID

Where 1=1 and ( 1=1 And ((dPODate >= N'2020-06-01') And (dPODate


select b.InvCode as 'PInvCode',a.InvCode ,a.Define24

from (

select bo.bomid,bp.invCode,bo.Define24

from bas_part bp , bom_opcomponent bo

where bp.PartId=bo.ComponentId ) a,

(Select a.BomId, a.ParentId,b.InvCode

From bom_parent a

join bas_part b on a.ParentId=b.PartId) b

where a.BomId=b.BomId

uap自定义参照,需要像数据库bd_refinfo 插入一条数据

select * from bd_refinfo where name like '%招标%' for update;


select * from md_component where displayname like '%项目信息%';
