修订翻译《利用Python进行数据分析·第2版》7.2.5 离散化和进行分箱

7.2.5 离散化和进行分箱

Discretization and Binning

Continuous data is often discretized or otherwise separated into “bins” for analysis. Suppose you have data about a group of people in a study, and you want to group them into discrete age buckets:

In [75]: ages = [20, 22, 25, 27, 21, 23, 37, 31, 61, 45, 41, 32]

Let’s divide these into bins of 18 to 25, 26 to 35, 36 to 60, and finally 61 and older. To do so, you have to use cut, a function in pandas:

In [76]: b = [18, 25, 35, 60, 100] # gg注:为避免歧义,变量名从原文的bins改为b

In [77]: cats = pd.cut(ages, bins=b) # gg注:为更方便理解bins参数,语句在原文基础上略有修改

In [78]: cats
[(18, 25], (18, 25], (18, 25], (25, 35], (18, 25], ..., (25, 35], (60, 100], (35,60], (35, 60], (25, 35]]
Length: 12
Categories (4, interval[int64]): [(18, 25] < (25, 35] < (35, 60] < (60, 100]]

The object pandas returns is a special Categorical object. The output you see describes the bins computed by pandas.cut. You can treat it like an array of strings indicating the bin name; internally it contains a categories array specifying the distinct category names along with a labeling for the ages data in the codes attribute:

In [79]: cats.codes
Out[79]: array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1], dtype=int8)

In [80]: cats.categories
IntervalIndex([(18, 25], (25, 35], (35, 60], (60, 100]]

In [81]: pd.value_counts(cats)
(18, 25]     5
(35, 60]     3
(25, 35]     3
(60, 100]    1
dtype: int64

Note that pd.value_counts(cats) are the bin counts for the result of pandas.cut.

Consistent with mathematical notation for intervals, a parenthesis means that the side is open, while the square bracket means it is closed (inclusive). You can change which side is closed by passing right=False:

In [82]: pd.cut(ages, [18, 26, 36, 61, 100], right=False)
[[18, 26), [18, 26), [18, 26), [26, 36), [18, 26), ..., [26, 36), [61, 100), [36,
 61), [36, 61), [26, 36)]
Length: 12
Categories (4, interval[int64]): [[18, 26) < [26, 36) < [36, 61) < [61, 100)]

You can also pass your own bin names by passing a list or array to the labels option:

In [83]: group_names = ['Youth', 'YoungAdult', 'MiddleAged', 'Senior']

In [84]: pd.cut(ages, bins=b, labels=group_names) # gg注:为更方便理解bins参数,语句在原文基础上略有修改
[Youth, Youth, Youth, YoungAdult, Youth, ..., YoungAdult, Senior, MiddleAged, Mid
dleAged, YoungAdult]
Length: 12
Categories (4, object): [Youth < YoungAdult < MiddleAged < Senior]

If you pass an integer number of bins to cut instead of explicit bin edges, it will compute equal-length bins based on the minimum and maximum values in the data. Consider the case of some uniformly distributed data chopped into fourths:

In [85]: data = np.random.rand(20)

In [86]: pd.cut(data, bins=4, precision=2) # gg注:为更方便理解bins参数,语句在原文基础上略有修改
[(0.34, 0.55], (0.34, 0.55], (0.76, 0.97], (0.76, 0.97], (0.34, 0.55], ..., (0.34
, 0.55], (0.34, 0.55], (0.55, 0.76], (0.34, 0.55], (0.12, 0.34]]
Length: 20
Categories (4, interval[float64]): [(0.12, 0.34] < (0.34, 0.55] < (0.55, 0.76] < 
(0.76, 0.97]]

The precision=2 option limits the decimal precision to two digits.

A closely related function, qcut, bins the data based on sample quantiles. Depending on the distribution of the data, using cut will not usually result in each bin having the same number of data points. Since qcut uses sample quantiles instead, by definition you will obtain roughly equal-size bins:

In [87]: data = np.random.randn(1000)  # Normally distributed

In [88]: cats = pd.qcut(data, q=4)  # Cut into quartiles # gg注:为更方便理解q参数,语句在原文基础上略有修改

In [89]: cats
[(-0.0265, 0.62], (0.62, 3.928], (-0.68, -0.0265], (0.62, 3.928], (-0.0265, 0.62]
, ..., (-0.68, -0.0265], (-0.68, -0.0265], (-2.95, -0.68], (0.62, 3.928], (-0.68,
Length: 1000
Categories (4, interval[float64]): [(-2.95, -0.68] < (-0.68, -0.0265] < (-0.0265,
 0.62] <
                                    (0.62, 3.928]]

In [90]: pd.value_counts(cats)
(0.62, 3.928]       250
(-0.0265, 0.62]     250
(-0.68, -0.0265]    250
(-2.95, -0.68]      250
dtype: int64

Similar to cut you can pass your own quantiles (numbers between 0 and 1, inclusive):

In [91]: pd.qcut(data, q=[0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 1.]) # gg注:为更方便理解q参数,语句在原文基础上略有修改
[(-0.0265, 1.286], (-0.0265, 1.286], (-1.187, -0.0265], (-0.0265, 1.286], (-0.026
5, 1.286], ..., (-1.187, -0.0265], (-1.187, -0.0265], (-2.95, -1.187], (-0.0265, 
1.286], (-1.187, -0.0265]]
Length: 1000
Categories (4, interval[float64]): [(-2.95, -1.187] < (-1.187, -0.0265] < (-0.026
5, 1.286] <
                                    (1.286, 3.928]]

We’ll return to cut and qcut later in the chapter during our discussion of aggregation and group operations, as these discretization functions are especially useful for quantile and group analysis.

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