



  • 阿里云K8S集群
  • 安装helm



$ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
$ helm search repo redis
NAME                                CHART VERSION    APP VERSION    DESCRIPTION
bitnami/redis                       14.6.6           6.2.4          Open source, advanced key-value store. It is of...
bitnami/redis-cluster               6.2.3            6.2.4          Open source, advanced key-value store. It is of...
stable/prometheus-redis-exporter    3.5.0            1.3.4          Prometheus exporter for Redis metrics
stable/redis                        10.5.7           5.0.7          DEPRECATED Open source, advanced key-value stor...
stable/redis-ha                     4.4.6            5.0.6          DEPRECATED - Highly available Kubernetes implem...


$ helm pull bitnami/redis

解压一下下载后的redis-14.6.6.tgz文件,如下所示 :



## @section Global parameters
## Global Docker image parameters
## Please, note that this will override the image parameters, including dependencies, configured to use the global value
## Current available global Docker image parameters: imageRegistry, imagePullSecrets and storageClass

## @param global.imageRegistry Global Docker image registry
## @param global.imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array
## @param global.storageClass Global StorageClass for Persistent Volume(s)
## @param global.redis.password Global Redis(TM) password (overrides `auth.password`)
  ## E.g.
  ## imagePullSecrets:
  ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
  imagePullSecrets: []

## @section Common parameters

## @param kubeVersion Override Kubernetes version
## @param nameOverride String to partially override common.names.fullname
## @param fullnameOverride String to fully override common.names.fullname
## @param commonLabels Labels to add to all deployed objects
commonLabels: {}
## @param commonAnnotations Annotations to add to all deployed objects
commonAnnotations: {}
## @param clusterDomain Kubernetes cluster domain name
clusterDomain: cluster.local
## @param extraDeploy Array of extra objects to deploy with the release
extraDeploy: []

## @section Redis(TM) Image parameters

## Bitnami Redis(TM) image
## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/redis/tags/
## @param image.registry Redis(TM) image registry
## @param image.repository Redis(TM) image repository
## @param image.tag Redis(TM) image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
## @param image.pullPolicy Redis(TM) image pull policy
## @param image.pullSecrets Redis(TM) image pull secrets
## @param image.debug Enable image debug mode
  registry: docker.io
  repository: bitnami/redis
  tag: 6.2.4-debian-10-r13
  ## Specify a imagePullPolicy
  ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#pre-pulling-images
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
  ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
  ## e.g:
  ## pullSecrets:
  ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
  pullSecrets: []
  ## Enable debug mode
  debug: false

## @section Redis(TM) common configuration parameters
## https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-redis#configuration

## @param architecture Redis(TM) architecture. Allowed values: `standalone` or `replication`
architecture: replication
## Redis(TM) Authentication parameters
## ref: https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-redis#setting-the-server-password-on-first-run
  ## @param auth.enabled Enable password authentication
  enabled: true
  ## @param auth.sentinel Enable password authentication on sentinels too
  sentinel: true
  ## @param auth.password Redis(TM) password
  ## Defaults to a random 10-character alphanumeric string if not set
  password: ""
  ## @param auth.existingSecret The name of an existing secret with Redis(TM) credentials
  ## NOTE: When it's set, the previous `auth.password` parameter is ignored
  ## @param auth.existingSecretPasswordKey Password key to be retrieved from existing secret
  ## NOTE: ignored unless `auth.existingSecret` parameter is set
  ## @param auth.usePasswordFiles Mount credentials as files instead of using an environment variable
  usePasswordFiles: false
## @skip commonConfiguration
## ref: https://redis.io/topics/config
commonConfiguration: |-
  # Enable AOF https://redis.io/topics/persistence#append-only-file
  appendonly yes
  # Disable RDB persistence, AOF persistence already enabled.
  save ""
## @param existingConfigmap The name of an existing ConfigMap with your custom configuration for Redis(TM) nodes

## @section Redis(TM) master configuration parameters

  ## @param master.configuration Configuration for Redis(TM) master nodes
  ## ref: https://redis.io/topics/config
  ## @param master.disableCommands [array] Array with Redis(TM) commands to disable on master nodes
  ## Commands will be completely disabled by renaming each to an empty string.
  ## ref: https://redis.io/topics/security#disabling-of-specific-commands
  ## @param master.command Override default container command (useful when using custom images)
  command: []
  ## @param master.args Override default container args (useful when using custom images)
  args: []
  ## @param master.preExecCmds Additional commands to run prior to starting Redis(TM) master
  preExecCmds: []
  ## @param master.extraFlags Array with additional command line flags for Redis(TM) master
  ## e.g:
  ## extraFlags:
  ##  - "--maxmemory-policy volatile-ttl"
  ##  - "--repl-backlog-size 1024mb"
  extraFlags: []
  ## @param master.extraEnvVars Array with extra environment variables to add to Redis(TM) master nodes
  ## e.g:
  ## extraEnvVars:
  ##   - name: FOO
  ##     value: "bar"
  extraEnvVars: []
  ## @param master.extraEnvVarsCM Name of existing ConfigMap containing extra env vars for Redis(TM) master nodes
  ## @param master.extraEnvVarsSecret Name of existing Secret containing extra env vars for Redis(TM) master nodes
  ## @param master.containerPort Container port to open on Redis(TM) master nodes
  containerPort: 6379
  ## Configure extra options for Redis(TM) containers' liveness and readiness probes
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/#configure-probes
  ## @param master.livenessProbe.enabled Enable livenessProbe on Redis(TM) master nodes
  ## @param master.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe
  ## @param master.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for livenessProbe
  ## @param master.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for livenessProbe
  ## @param master.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for livenessProbe
  ## @param master.livenessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for livenessProbe
    enabled: true
    initialDelaySeconds: 5
    periodSeconds: 5
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 5
  ## @param master.readinessProbe.enabled Enable readinessProbe on Redis(TM) master nodes
  ## @param master.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe
  ## @param master.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for readinessProbe
  ## @param master.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for readinessProbe
  ## @param master.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readinessProbe
  ## @param master.readinessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for readinessProbe
    enabled: true
    initialDelaySeconds: 5
    periodSeconds: 5
    timeoutSeconds: 1
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 5
  ## @param master.customLivenessProbe Custom livenessProbe that overrides the default one
  customLivenessProbe: {}
  ## @param master.customReadinessProbe Custom readinessProbe that overrides the default one
  customReadinessProbe: {}
  ## Redis(TM) master resource requests and limits
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/
  ## @param master.resources.limits The resources limits for the Redis(TM) master containers
  ## @param master.resources.requests The requested resources for the Redis(TM) master containers
    limits: {}
    requests: {}
  ## Configure Pods Security Context
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod
  ## @param master.podSecurityContext.enabled Enabled Redis(TM) master pods' Security Context
  ## @param master.podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set Redis(TM) master pod's Security Context fsGroup
    enabled: true
    fsGroup: 1001
  ## Configure Container Security Context
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod
  ## @param master.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enabled Redis(TM) master containers' Security Context
  ## @param master.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Redis(TM) master containers' Security Context runAsUser
    enabled: true
    runAsUser: 1001
  ## @param master.schedulerName Alternate scheduler for Redis(TM) master pods
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-multiple-schedulers/
  ## @param master.updateStrategy.type Redis(TM) master statefulset strategy type
  ## @skip master.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#update-strategies
    ## StrategyType
    ## Can be set to RollingUpdate or OnDelete
    type: RollingUpdate
    rollingUpdate: {}
  ## @param master.priorityClassName Redis(TM) master pods' priorityClassName
  priorityClassName: ""
  ## @param master.hostAliases Redis(TM) master pods host aliases
  ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/add-entries-to-pod-etc-hosts-with-host-aliases/
  hostAliases: []
  ## @param master.podLabels Extra labels for Redis(TM) master pods
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/
  podLabels: {}
  ## @param master.podAnnotations Annotations for Redis(TM) master pods
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/
  podAnnotations: {}
  ## @param master.shareProcessNamespace Share a single process namespace between all of the containers in Redis(TM) master pods
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/share-process-namespace/
  shareProcessNamespace: false
  ## @param master.podAffinityPreset Pod affinity preset. Ignored if `master.affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard`
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity
  podAffinityPreset: ""
  ## @param master.podAntiAffinityPreset Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if `master.affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard`
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity
  podAntiAffinityPreset: soft
  ## Node master.affinity preset
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#node-affinity
    ## @param master.nodeAffinityPreset.type Node affinity preset type. Ignored if `master.affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard`
    type: ""
    ## @param master.nodeAffinityPreset.key Node label key to match. Ignored if `master.affinity` is set
    key: ""
    ## @param master.nodeAffinityPreset.values Node label values to match. Ignored if `master.affinity` is set
    ## E.g.
    ## values:
    ##   - e2e-az1
    ##   - e2e-az2
    values: []
  ## @param master.affinity Affinity for Redis(TM) master pods assignment
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity
  ## NOTE: `master.podAffinityPreset`, `master.podAntiAffinityPreset`, and `master.nodeAffinityPreset` will be ignored when it's set
  affinity: {}
  ## @param master.nodeSelector Node labels for Redis(TM) master pods assignment
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/
  nodeSelector: {}
  ## @param master.tolerations Tolerations for Redis(TM) master pods assignment
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/
  tolerations: []
  ## @param master.spreadConstraints Spread Constraints for Redis(TM) master pod assignment
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/
  ## E.g.
  ## spreadConstraints:
  ##   - maxSkew: 1
  ##     topologyKey: node
  ##     whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
  spreadConstraints: {}
  ## @param master.lifecycleHooks for the Redis(TM) master container(s) to automate configuration before or after startup
  lifecycleHooks: {}
  ## @param master.extraVolumes Optionally specify extra list of additional volumes for the Redis(TM) master pod(s)
  extraVolumes: []
  ## @param master.extraVolumeMounts Optionally specify extra list of additional volumeMounts for the Redis(TM) master container(s)
  extraVolumeMounts: []
  ## @param master.sidecars Add additional sidecar containers to the Redis(TM) master pod(s)
  ## e.g:
  ## sidecars:
  ##   - name: your-image-name
  ##     image: your-image
  ##     imagePullPolicy: Always
  ##     ports:
  ##       - name: portname
  ##         containerPort: 1234
  sidecars: {}
  ## @param master.initContainers Add additional init containers to the Redis(TM) master pod(s)
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/init-containers/
  ## e.g:
  ## initContainers:
  ##  - name: your-image-name
  ##    image: your-image
  ##    imagePullPolicy: Always
  ##    command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "hello world"']
  initContainers: {}
  ## Persistence parameters
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/
    ## @param master.persistence.enabled Enable persistence on Redis(TM) master nodes using Persistent Volume Claims
    enabled: true
    ## @param master.persistence.path The path the volume will be mounted at on Redis(TM) master containers
    ## NOTE: Useful when using different Redis(TM) images
    path: /data
    ## @param master.persistence.subPath The subdirectory of the volume to mount on Redis(TM) master containers
    ## NOTE: Useful in dev environments
    subPath: ""
    ## @param master.persistence.storageClass Persistent Volume storage class
    ## If defined, storageClassName: 
    ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
    ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the default provisioner
    ## @param master.persistence.accessModes [array] Persistent Volume access modes
      - ReadWriteOnce
    ## @param master.persistence.size Persistent Volume size
    size: 8Gi
    ## @param master.persistence.annotations Additional custom annotations for the PVC
    annotations: {}
    ## @param master.persistence.selector Additional labels to match for the PVC
    ## e.g:
    ## selector:
    ##   matchLabels:
    ##     app: my-app
    selector: {}
    ## @param master.persistence.existingClaim Use a existing PVC which must be created manually before bound
    ## NOTE: requires master.persistence.enabled: true
  ## Redis(TM) master service parameters
    ## @param master.service.type Redis(TM) master service type
    type: ClusterIP
    ## @param master.service.port Redis(TM) master service port
    port: 6379
    ## @param master.service.nodePort Node port for Redis(TM) master
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#type-nodeport
    ## NOTE: choose port between <30000-32767>
    ## @param master.service.externalTrafficPolicy Redis(TM) master service external traffic policy
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/#preserving-the-client-source-ip
    externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
    ## @param master.service.clusterIP Redis(TM) master service Cluster IP
    ## @param master.service.loadBalancerIP Redis(TM) master service Load Balancer IP
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#internal-load-balancer
    ## @param master.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Redis(TM) master service Load Balancer sources
    ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-cloud-provider-firewall/#restrict-access-for-loadbalancer-service
    ## e.g.
    ## loadBalancerSourceRanges:
    ##   -
    loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
    ## @param master.service.annotations Additional custom annotations for Redis(TM) master service
    annotations: {}
  ## @param master.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Integer setting the termination grace period for the redis-master pods
  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30

## @section Redis(TM) replicas configuration parameters

  ## @param replica.replicaCount Number of Redis(TM) replicas to deploy
  replicaCount: 3
  ## @param replica.configuration Configuration for Redis(TM) replicas nodes
  ## ref: https://redis.io/topics/config
  ## @param replica.disableCommands [array] Array with Redis(TM) commands to disable on replicas nodes
  ## Commands will be completely disabled by renaming each to an empty string.
  ## ref: https://redis.io/topics/security#disabling-of-specific-commands
  ## @param replica.command Override default container command (useful when using custom images)
  command: []
  ## @param replica.args Override default container args (useful when using custom images)
  args: []
  ## @param replica.preExecCmds Additional commands to run prior to starting Redis(TM) replicas
  preExecCmds: []
  ## @param replica.extraFlags Array with additional command line flags for Redis(TM) replicas
  ## e.g:
  ## extraFlags:
  ##  - "--maxmemory-policy volatile-ttl"
  ##  - "--repl-backlog-size 1024mb"
  extraFlags: []
  ## @param replica.extraEnvVars Array with extra environment variables to add to Redis(TM) replicas nodes
  ## e.g:
  ## extraEnvVars:
  ##   - name: FOO
  ##     value: "bar"
  extraEnvVars: []
  ## @param replica.extraEnvVarsCM Name of existing ConfigMap containing extra env vars for Redis(TM) replicas nodes
  ## @param replica.extraEnvVarsSecret Name of existing Secret containing extra env vars for Redis(TM) replicas nodes
  ## @param replica.containerPort Container port to open on Redis(TM) replicas nodes
  containerPort: 6379
  ## Configure extra options for Redis(TM) containers' liveness and readiness probes
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/#configure-probes
  ## @param replica.livenessProbe.enabled Enable livenessProbe on Redis(TM) replicas nodes
  ## @param replica.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe
  ## @param replica.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for livenessProbe
  ## @param replica.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for livenessProbe
  ## @param replica.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for livenessProbe
  ## @param replica.livenessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for livenessProbe
    enabled: true
    initialDelaySeconds: 5
    periodSeconds: 5
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 5
  ## @param replica.readinessProbe.enabled Enable readinessProbe on Redis(TM) replicas nodes
  ## @param replica.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe
  ## @param replica.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for readinessProbe
  ## @param replica.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for readinessProbe
  ## @param replica.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readinessProbe
  ## @param replica.readinessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for readinessProbe
    enabled: true
    initialDelaySeconds: 5
    periodSeconds: 5
    timeoutSeconds: 1
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 5
  ## @param replica.customLivenessProbe Custom livenessProbe that overrides the default one
  customLivenessProbe: {}
  ## @param replica.customReadinessProbe Custom readinessProbe that overrides the default one
  customReadinessProbe: {}
  ## Redis(TM) replicas resource requests and limits
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/
  ## @param replica.resources.limits The resources limits for the Redis(TM) replicas containers
  ## @param replica.resources.requests The requested resources for the Redis(TM) replicas containers
    # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
    # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
    # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
    # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
    limits: {}
    #   cpu: 250m
    #   memory: 256Mi
    requests: {}
    #   cpu: 250m
    #   memory: 256Mi
  ## Configure Pods Security Context
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod
  ## @param replica.podSecurityContext.enabled Enabled Redis(TM) replicas pods' Security Context
  ## @param replica.podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set Redis(TM) replicas pod's Security Context fsGroup
    enabled: true
    fsGroup: 1001
  ## Configure Container Security Context
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod
  ## @param replica.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enabled Redis(TM) replicas containers' Security Context
  ## @param replica.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Redis(TM) replicas containers' Security Context runAsUser
    enabled: true
    runAsUser: 1001
  ## @param replica.schedulerName Alternate scheduler for Redis(TM) replicas pods
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-multiple-schedulers/
  ## @param replica.updateStrategy.type Redis(TM) replicas statefulset strategy type
  ## @skip replica.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#update-strategies
    ## StrategyType
    ## Can be set to RollingUpdate or OnDelete
    type: RollingUpdate
    rollingUpdate: {}
  ## @param replica.priorityClassName Redis(TM) replicas pods' priorityClassName
  priorityClassName: ""
  ## @param replica.hostAliases Redis(TM) replicas pods host aliases
  ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/add-entries-to-pod-etc-hosts-with-host-aliases/
  hostAliases: []
  ## @param replica.podLabels Extra labels for Redis(TM) replicas pods
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/
  podLabels: {}
  ## @param replica.podAnnotations Annotations for Redis(TM) replicas pods
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/
  podAnnotations: {}
  ## @param replica.shareProcessNamespace Share a single process namespace between all of the containers in Redis(TM) replicas pods
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/share-process-namespace/
  shareProcessNamespace: false
  ## @param replica.podAffinityPreset Pod affinity preset. Ignored if `replica.affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard`
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity
  podAffinityPreset: ""
  ## @param replica.podAntiAffinityPreset Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if `replica.affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard`
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity
  podAntiAffinityPreset: soft
  ## Node affinity preset
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#node-affinity
    ## @param replica.nodeAffinityPreset.type Node affinity preset type. Ignored if `replica.affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard`
    type: ""
    ## @param replica.nodeAffinityPreset.key Node label key to match. Ignored if `replica.affinity` is set
    key: ""
    ## @param replica.nodeAffinityPreset.values Node label values to match. Ignored if `replica.affinity` is set
    ## E.g.
    ## values:
    ##   - e2e-az1
    ##   - e2e-az2
    values: []
  ## @param replica.affinity Affinity for Redis(TM) replicas pods assignment
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity
  ## NOTE: `replica.podAffinityPreset`, `replica.podAntiAffinityPreset`, and `replica.nodeAffinityPreset` will be ignored when it's set
  affinity: {}
  ## @param replica.nodeSelector Node labels for Redis(TM) replicas pods assignment
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/
  nodeSelector: {}
  ## @param replica.tolerations Tolerations for Redis(TM) replicas pods assignment
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/
  tolerations: []
  ## @param replica.spreadConstraints Spread Constraints for Redis(TM) replicas pod assignment
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/
  ## E.g.
  ## spreadConstraints:
  ##   - maxSkew: 1
  ##     topologyKey: node
  ##     whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
  spreadConstraints: {}
  ## @param replica.lifecycleHooks for the Redis(TM) replica container(s) to automate configuration before or after startup
  lifecycleHooks: {}
  ## @param replica.extraVolumes Optionally specify extra list of additional volumes for the Redis(TM) replicas pod(s)
  extraVolumes: []
  ## @param replica.extraVolumeMounts Optionally specify extra list of additional volumeMounts for the Redis(TM) replicas container(s)
  extraVolumeMounts: []
  ## @param replica.sidecars Add additional sidecar containers to the Redis(TM) replicas pod(s)
  ## e.g:
  ## sidecars:
  ##   - name: your-image-name
  ##     image: your-image
  ##     imagePullPolicy: Always
  ##     ports:
  ##       - name: portname
  ##         containerPort: 1234
  sidecars: {}
  ## @param replica.initContainers Add additional init containers to the Redis(TM) replicas pod(s)
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/init-containers/
  ## e.g:
  ## initContainers:
  ##  - name: your-image-name
  ##    image: your-image
  ##    imagePullPolicy: Always
  ##    command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "hello world"']
  initContainers: {}
  ## Persistence Parameters
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/
    ## @param replica.persistence.enabled Enable persistence on Redis(TM) replicas nodes using Persistent Volume Claims
    enabled: true
    ## @param replica.persistence.path The path the volume will be mounted at on Redis(TM) replicas containers
    ## NOTE: Useful when using different Redis(TM) images
    path: /data
    ## @param replica.persistence.subPath The subdirectory of the volume to mount on Redis(TM) replicas containers
    ## NOTE: Useful in dev environments
    subPath: ""
    ## @param replica.persistence.storageClass Persistent Volume storage class
    ## If defined, storageClassName: 
    ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
    ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the default provisioner
    ## @param replica.persistence.accessModes [array] Persistent Volume access modes
      - ReadWriteOnce
    ## @param replica.persistence.size Persistent Volume size
    size: 8Gi
    ## @param replica.persistence.annotations Additional custom annotations for the PVC
    annotations: {}
    ## @param replica.persistence.selector Additional labels to match for the PVC
    ## e.g:
    ## selector:
    ##   matchLabels:
    ##     app: my-app
    selector: {}
  ## Redis(TM) replicas service parameters
    ## @param replica.service.type Redis(TM) replicas service type
    type: ClusterIP
    ## @param replica.service.port Redis(TM) replicas service port
    port: 6379
    ## @param replica.service.nodePort Node port for Redis(TM) replicas
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#type-nodeport
    ## NOTE: choose port between <30000-32767>
    ## @param replica.service.externalTrafficPolicy Redis(TM) replicas service external traffic policy
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/#preserving-the-client-source-ip
    externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
    ## @param replica.service.clusterIP Redis(TM) replicas service Cluster IP
    ## @param replica.service.loadBalancerIP Redis(TM) replicas service Load Balancer IP
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#internal-load-balancer
    ## @param replica.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Redis(TM) replicas service Load Balancer sources
    ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-cloud-provider-firewall/#restrict-access-for-loadbalancer-service
    ## e.g.
    ## loadBalancerSourceRanges:
    ##   -
    loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
    ## @param replica.service.annotations Additional custom annotations for Redis(TM) replicas service
    annotations: {}
  ## @param replica.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Integer setting the termination grace period for the redis-replicas pods
  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
  ## Autoscaling configuration
    enabled: false
    minReplicas: 1
    maxReplicas: 11
    # targetCPU: 50
    # targetMemory: 50

## @section Redis(TM) Sentinel configuration parameters

  ## @param sentinel.enabled Use Redis(TM) Sentinel on Redis(TM) pods.
  ## IMPORTANT: this will disable the master and replicas services and
  ## create a single Redis(TM) service exposing both the Redis and Sentinel ports
  enabled: false
  ## Bitnami Redis(TM) Sentinel image version
  ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/redis-sentinel/tags/
  ## @param sentinel.image.registry Redis(TM) Sentinel image registry
  ## @param sentinel.image.repository Redis(TM) Sentinel image repository
  ## @param sentinel.image.tag Redis(TM) Sentinel image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
  ## @param sentinel.image.pullPolicy Redis(TM) Sentinel image pull policy
  ## @param sentinel.image.pullSecrets Redis(TM) Sentinel image pull secrets
  ## @param sentinel.image.debug Enable image debug mode
    registry: docker.io
    repository: bitnami/redis-sentinel
    tag: 6.2.4-debian-10-r14
    ## Specify a imagePullPolicy
    ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
    ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#pre-pulling-images
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
    ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
    ## e.g:
    ## pullSecrets:
    ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
    pullSecrets: []
    ## Enable debug mode
    debug: false
  ## @param sentinel.masterSet Master set name
  masterSet: mymaster
  ## @param sentinel.quorum Sentinel Quorum
  quorum: 2
  ## Sentinel timing restrictions
  ## @param sentinel.downAfterMilliseconds Timeout for detecting a Redis(TM) node is down
  ## @param sentinel.failoverTimeout Timeout for performing a election failover
  ## @param sentinel.cleanDelaySeconds Delay seconds when cleaning nodes IPs
  downAfterMilliseconds: 60000
  failoverTimeout: 18000
  cleanDelaySeconds: 5
  ## @param sentinel.parallelSyncs Number of replicas that can be reconfigured in parallel to use the new master after a failover
  parallelSyncs: 1
  ## @param sentinel.staticID Enable static Sentinel IDs for each replica
  ## If disabled each sentinel will generate a random id at startup
  ## If enabled, each replicas will have a constant ID on each start-up
  staticID: false
  ## @param sentinel.configuration Configuration for Redis(TM) Sentinel nodes
  ## ref: https://redis.io/topics/sentinel
  ## @param sentinel.command Override default container command (useful when using custom images)
  command: []
  ## @param sentinel.args Override default container args (useful when using custom images)
  args: []
  ## @param sentinel.preExecCmds Additional commands to run prior to starting Redis(TM) Sentinel
  preExecCmds: []
  ## @param sentinel.containerPort Container port to open on Redis(TM) Sentinel nodes
  containerPort: 26379
  ## Configure extra options for Redis(TM) containers' liveness and readiness probes
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/#configure-probes
  ## @param sentinel.livenessProbe.enabled Enable livenessProbe on Redis(TM) Sentinel nodes
  ## @param sentinel.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe
  ## @param sentinel.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for livenessProbe
  ## @param sentinel.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for livenessProbe
  ## @param sentinel.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for livenessProbe
  ## @param sentinel.livenessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for livenessProbe
    enabled: true
    initialDelaySeconds: 5
    periodSeconds: 5
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 5
  ## @param sentinel.readinessProbe.enabled Enable readinessProbe on Redis(TM) Sentinel nodes
  ## @param sentinel.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe
  ## @param sentinel.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for readinessProbe
  ## @param sentinel.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for readinessProbe
  ## @param sentinel.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readinessProbe
  ## @param sentinel.readinessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for readinessProbe
    enabled: true
    initialDelaySeconds: 5
    periodSeconds: 5
    timeoutSeconds: 1
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 5
  ## @param sentinel.customLivenessProbe Custom livenessProbe that overrides the default one
  customLivenessProbe: {}
  ## @param sentinel.customReadinessProbe Custom readinessProbe that overrides the default one
  customReadinessProbe: {}
  ## Redis(TM) Sentinel resource requests and limits
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/
  ## @param sentinel.resources.limits The resources limits for the Redis(TM) Sentinel containers
  ## @param sentinel.resources.requests The requested resources for the Redis(TM) Sentinel containers
    limits: {}
    requests: {}
  ## Configure Container Security Context
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod
  ## @param sentinel.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enabled Redis(TM) Sentinel containers' Security Context
  ## @param sentinel.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Redis(TM) Sentinel containers' Security Context runAsUser
    enabled: true
    runAsUser: 1001
  ## @param sentinel.lifecycleHooks for the Redis(TM) sentinel container(s) to automate configuration before or after startup
  lifecycleHooks: {}
  ## @param sentinel.extraVolumes Optionally specify extra list of additional volumes for the Redis(TM) Sentinel
  extraVolumes: []
  ## @param sentinel.extraVolumeMounts Optionally specify extra list of additional volumeMounts for the Redis(TM) Sentinel container(s)
  extraVolumeMounts: []
  ## Redis(TM) Sentinel service parameters
    ## @param sentinel.service.type Redis(TM) Sentinel service type
    type: ClusterIP
    ## @param sentinel.service.port Redis(TM) service port for Redis(TM)
    port: 6379
    ## @param sentinel.service.sentinelPort Redis(TM) service port for Sentinel
    sentinelPort: 26379
    ## @param sentinel.service.nodePorts.redis Node port for Redis(TM)
    ## @param sentinel.service.nodePorts.sentinel Node port for Sentinel
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#type-nodeport
    ## NOTE: choose port between <30000-32767>
    ## @param sentinel.service.externalTrafficPolicy Redis(TM) Sentinel service external traffic policy
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/#preserving-the-client-source-ip
    externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
    ## @param sentinel.service.clusterIP Redis(TM) Sentinel service Cluster IP
    ## @param sentinel.service.loadBalancerIP Redis(TM) Sentinel service Load Balancer IP
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#internal-load-balancer
    ## @param sentinel.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Redis(TM) Sentinel service Load Balancer sources
    ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-cloud-provider-firewall/#restrict-access-for-loadbalancer-service
    ## e.g.
    ## loadBalancerSourceRanges:
    ##   -
    loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
    ## @param sentinel.service.annotations Additional custom annotations for Redis(TM) Sentinel service
    annotations: {}
  ## @param sentinel.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Integer setting the termination grace period for the redis-node pods
  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30

## @section Other Parameters

## Network Policy configuration
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/
  ## @param networkPolicy.enabled Enable creation of NetworkPolicy resources
  enabled: false
  ## @param networkPolicy.allowExternal Don't require client label for connections
  ## When set to false, only pods with the correct client label will have network access to the ports
  ## Redis(TM) is listening on. When true, Redis(TM) will accept connections from any source
  ## (with the correct destination port).
  allowExternal: true
  ## @param networkPolicy.extraIngress Add extra ingress rules to the NetworkPolicy
  ## e.g:
  ## extraIngress:
  ##   - ports:
  ##       - port: 1234
  ##     from:
  ##       - podSelector:
  ##           - matchLabels:
  ##               - role: frontend
  ##       - podSelector:
  ##           - matchExpressions:
  ##               - key: role
  ##                 operator: In
  ##                 values:
  ##                   - frontend
  extraIngress: []
  ## @param networkPolicy.extraEgress Add extra ingress rules to the NetworkPolicy
  ## e.g:
  ## extraEgress:
  ##   - ports:
  ##       - port: 1234
  ##     to:
  ##       - podSelector:
  ##           - matchLabels:
  ##               - role: frontend
  ##       - podSelector:
  ##           - matchExpressions:
  ##               - key: role
  ##                 operator: In
  ##                 values:
  ##                   - frontend
  extraEgress: []
  ## @param networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels Labels to match to allow traffic from other namespaces
  ## @param networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels Pod labels to match to allow traffic from other namespaces
  ingressNSMatchLabels: {}
  ingressNSPodMatchLabels: {}
## PodSecurityPolicy configuration
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/
  ## @param podSecurityPolicy.create Specifies whether a PodSecurityPolicy should be created (set `podSecurityPolicy.enabled` to `true` to enable it)
  create: false
  ## @param podSecurityPolicy.enable Enable PodSecurityPolicy
  enabled: false
## RBAC configuration
  ## @param rbac.create Specifies whether RBAC resources should be created
  create: false
  ## @param rbac.rules Custom RBAC rules to set
  ## e.g:
  ## rules:
  ##   - apiGroups:
  ##       - ""
  ##     resources:
  ##       - pods
  ##     verbs:
  ##       - get
  ##       - list
  rules: []
## ServiceAccount configuration
  ## @param serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created
  create: true
  ## @param serviceAccount.name The name of the ServiceAccount to use.
  ## If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the common.names.fullname template
  name: ""
  ## @param serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Whether to auto mount the service account token
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#use-the-default-service-account-to-access-the-api-server
  automountServiceAccountToken: true
  ## @param serviceAccount.annotations Additional custom annotations for the ServiceAccount
  annotations: {}
## Redis(TM) Pod Disruption Budget configuration
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/
  ## @param pdb.create Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created
  create: false
  ## @param pdb.minAvailable Min number of pods that must still be available after the eviction
  minAvailable: 1
  ## @param pdb.maxUnavailable Max number of pods that can be unavailable after the eviction
## TLS configuration
  ## @param tls.enabled Enable TLS traffic
  enabled: false
  ## @param tls.authClients Require clients to authenticate
  authClients: true
  ## @param tls.autoGenenerated Enable autogenerated certificates
  autoGenerated: false
  ## @param tls.existingSecret Then name of the existing secret that contains the TLS certificates
  ## @param tls.certificatesSecret DEPRECATED. Use existingSecret instead.
  ## @param tls.certFilename Certificate filename
  ## @param tls.certKeyFilename Certificate Key filename
  ## @param tls.certCAFilename CA Certificate filename
  ## @param tls.dhParamsFilename File containing DH params (in order to support DH based ciphers)

## @section Metrics Parameters

  ## @param metrics.enabled Start a sidecar prometheus exporter to expose Redis(TM) metrics
  enabled: false
  ## Bitnami Redis(TM) Exporter image
  ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/redis-exporter/tags/
  ## @param metrics.image.registry Redis(TM) Exporter image registry
  ## @param metrics.image.repository Redis(TM) Exporter image repository
  ## @param metrics.image.tag Redis(TM) Redis(TM) Exporter image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
  ## @param metrics.image.pullPolicy Redis(TM) Exporter image pull policy
  ## @param metrics.image.pullSecrets Redis(TM) Exporter image pull secrets
    registry: docker.io
    repository: bitnami/redis-exporter
    tag: 1.24.0-debian-10-r9
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
    ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
    ## e.g:
    ## pullSecrets:
    ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
    pullSecrets: []
  ## @param metrics.redisTargetHost A way to specify an alternative Redis(TM) hostname
  ## Useful for certificate CN/SAN matching
  redisTargetHost: "localhost"
  ## @param metrics.extraArgs Extra arguments for Redis(TM) exporter, for example:
  ## e.g.:
  ## extraArgs:
  ##   check-keys: myKey,myOtherKey
  extraArgs: {}
  ## Configure Container Security Context
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod
  ## @param metrics.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enabled Redis(TM) exporter containers' Security Context
  ## @param metrics.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Redis(TM) exporter containers' Security Context runAsUser
    enabled: true
    runAsUser: 1001
  ## Redis(TM) exporter resource requests and limits
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/
  ## @param metrics.resources.limits The resources limits for the Redis(TM) exporter container
  ## @param metrics.resources.requests The requested resources for the Redis(TM) exporter container
    limits: {}
    requests: {}
  ## @param metrics.podLabels Extra labels for Redis(TM) exporter pods
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/
  podLabels: {}
  ## @param metrics.podAnnotations [object] Annotations for Redis(TM) exporter pods
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/
    prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
    prometheus.io/port: "9121"
  ## Redis(TM) exporter service parameters
    ## @param metrics.service.type Redis(TM) exporter service type
    type: ClusterIP
    ## @param metrics.service.port Redis(TM) exporter service port
    port: 9121
    ## @param metrics.service.externalTrafficPolicy Redis(TM) exporter service external traffic policy
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/#preserving-the-client-source-ip
    externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
    ## @param metrics.service.loadBalancerIP Redis(TM) exporter service Load Balancer IP
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#internal-load-balancer
    loadBalancerIP: ""
    ## @param metrics.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Redis(TM) exporter service Load Balancer sources
    ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-cloud-provider-firewall/#restrict-access-for-loadbalancer-service
    ## e.g.
    ## loadBalancerSourceRanges:
    ##   -
    loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
    ## @param metrics.service.annotations Additional custom annotations for Redis(TM) exporter service
    annotations: {}
  ## Redis(TM) Sentinel Exporter
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.enabled Start a sidecar prometheus exporter to expose Redis(TM) Sentinel metrics
    enabled: false
    ## Bitnami Redis(TM) Sentinel Exporter image
    ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/redis-sentinel-exporter/tags/
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.image.registry Redis(TM) Sentinel Exporter image registry
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.image.repository Redis(TM) Sentinel Exporter image repository
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.image.tag Redis(TM) Redis(TM) Sentinel Exporter image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.image.pullPolicy Redis(TM) Sentinel Exporter image pull policy
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.image.pullSecrets Redis(TM) Sentinel Exporter image pull secrets
      registry: docker.io
      repository: bitnami/redis-sentinel-exporter
      tag: 1.7.1-debian-10-r161
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
      ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
      ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
      ## e.g:
      ## pullSecrets:
      ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
      pullSecrets: []
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.extraArgs Extra arguments for Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter, for example:
    ## e.g.:
    ## extraArgs:
    ##   check-keys: myKey,myOtherKey
    extraArgs: {}
    ## Configure Container Security Context
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enabled Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter containers' Security Context
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter containers' Security Context runAsUser
      enabled: true
      runAsUser: 1001
    ## Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter resource requests and limits
    ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.resources.limits The resources limits for the Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter container
    ## @param metrics.sentinel.resources.requests The requested resources for the Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter container
      limits: {}
      requests: {}
    ## Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter service parameters
      ## @param metrics.sentinel.service.type Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter service type
      type: ClusterIP
      ## @param metrics.sentinel.service.port Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter service port
      port: 9355
      ## @param metrics.sentinel.service.externalTrafficPolicy Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter service external traffic policy
      ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/#preserving-the-client-source-ip
      externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
      ## @param metrics.sentinel.service.loadBalancerIP Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter service Load Balancer IP
      ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#internal-load-balancer
      loadBalancerIP: ""
      ## @param metrics.sentinel.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter service Load Balancer sources
      ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-cloud-provider-firewall/#restrict-access-for-loadbalancer-service
      ## e.g.
      ## loadBalancerSourceRanges:
      ##   -
      loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
      ## @param metrics.sentinel.service.annotations Additional custom annotations for Redis(TM) Sentinel exporter service
      annotations: {}
  ## Prometheus Service Monitor
  ## ref: https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator
  ##      https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/api.md#endpoint
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Create ServiceMonitor resource(s) for scraping metrics using PrometheusOperator
    enabled: false
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace The namespace in which the ServiceMonitor will be created
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.interval The interval at which metrics should be scraped
    interval: 30s
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout The timeout after which the scrape is ended
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.relabellings Metrics relabellings to add to the scrape endpoint
    relabellings: []
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.honorLabels Specify honorLabels parameter to add the scrape endpoint
    honorLabels: false
    ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels Additional labels that can be used so ServiceMonitor resource(s) can be discovered by Prometheus
    additionalLabels: {}
  ## Custom PrometheusRule to be defined
  ## ref: https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator#customresourcedefinitions
    ## @param metrics.prometheusRule.enabled Create a custom prometheusRule Resource for scraping metrics using PrometheusOperator
    enabled: false
    ## @param metrics.prometheusRule.namespace The namespace in which the prometheusRule will be created
    ## @param metrics.prometheusRule.additionalLabels Additional labels for the prometheusRule
    additionalLabels: {}
    ## @param metrics.prometheusRule.rules Custom Prometheus rules
    ## e.g:
    ## rules:
    ##   - alert: RedisDown
    ##     expr: redis_up{service="{{ template "common.names.fullname" . }}-metrics"} == 0
    ##     for: 2m
    ##     labels:
    ##       severity: error
    ##     annotations:
    ##       summary: Redis(TM) instance {{ "{{ $labels.instance }}" }} down
    ##       description: Redis(TM) instance {{ "{{ $labels.instance }}" }} is down
    ##    - alert: RedisMemoryHigh
    ##      expr: >
    ##        redis_memory_used_bytes{service="{{ template "common.names.fullname" . }}-metrics"} * 100
    ##        /
    ##        redis_memory_max_bytes{service="{{ template "common.names.fullname" . }}-metrics"}
    ##        > 90
    ##      for: 2m
    ##      labels:
    ##        severity: error
    ##      annotations:
    ##        summary: Redis(TM) instance {{ "{{ $labels.instance }}" }} is using too much memory
    ##        description: |
    ##          Redis(TM) instance {{ "{{ $labels.instance }}" }} is using {{ "{{ $value }}" }}% of its available memory.
    ##    - alert: RedisKeyEviction
    ##      expr: |
    ##        increase(redis_evicted_keys_total{service="{{ template "common.names.fullname" . }}-metrics"}[5m]) > 0
    ##      for: 1s
    ##      labels:
    ##        severity: error
    ##      annotations:
    ##        summary: Redis(TM) instance {{ "{{ $labels.instance }}" }} has evicted keys
    ##        description: |
    ##          Redis(TM) instance {{ "{{ $labels.instance }}" }} has evicted {{ "{{ $value }}" }} keys in the last 5 minutes.
    rules: []

## @section Init Container Parameters

## 'volumePermissions' init container parameters
## Changes the owner and group of the persistent volume mount point to runAsUser:fsGroup values
##   based on the *podSecurityContext/*containerSecurityContext parameters
  ## @param volumePermissions.enabled Enable init container that changes the owner/group of the PV mount point to `runAsUser:fsGroup`
  enabled: false
  ## Bitnami Shell image
  ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/bitnami-shell/tags/
  ## @param volumePermissions.image.registry Bitnami Shell image registry
  ## @param volumePermissions.image.repository Bitnami Shell image repository
  ## @param volumePermissions.image.tag Bitnami Shell image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
  ## @param volumePermissions.image.pullPolicy Bitnami Shell image pull policy
  ## @param volumePermissions.image.pullSecrets Bitnami Shell image pull secrets
    registry: docker.io
    repository: bitnami/bitnami-shell
    tag: 10-debian-10-r112
    pullPolicy: Always
    ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
    ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
    ## e.g:
    ## pullSecrets:
    ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
    pullSecrets: []
  ## Init container's resource requests and limits
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/
  ## @param volumePermissions.resources.limits The resources limits for the init container
  ## @param volumePermissions.resources.requests The requested resources for the init container
    limits: {}
    requests: {}
  ## Init container Container Security Context
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-container
  ## @param volumePermissions.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set init container's Security Context runAsUser
  ## NOTE: when runAsUser is set to special value "auto", init container will try to chown the
  ##   data folder to auto-determined user&group, using commands: `id -u`:`id -G | cut -d" " -f2`
  ##   "auto" is especially useful for OpenShift which has scc with dynamic user ids (and 0 is not allowed)
    runAsUser: 0

## init-sysctl container parameters
## used to perform sysctl operation to modify Kernel settings (needed sometimes to avoid warnings)
  ## @param sysctl.enabled Enable init container to modify Kernel settings
  enabled: false
  ## Bitnami Shell image
  ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/bitnami-shell/tags/
  ## @param sysctl.image.registry Bitnami Shell image registry
  ## @param sysctl.image.repository Bitnami Shell image repository
  ## @param sysctl.image.tag Bitnami Shell image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
  ## @param sysctl.image.pullPolicy Bitnami Shell image pull policy
  ## @param sysctl.image.pullSecrets Bitnami Shell image pull secrets
    registry: docker.io
    repository: bitnami/bitnami-shell
    tag: 10-debian-10-r112
    pullPolicy: Always
    ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
    ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
    ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
    ## e.g:
    ## pullSecrets:
    ##   - myRegistryKeySecretName
    pullSecrets: []
  ## @param sysctl.command Override default init-sysctl container command (useful when using custom images)
  command: []
  ## @param sysctl.mountHostSys Mount the host `/sys` folder to `/host-sys`
  mountHostSys: false
  ## Init container's resource requests and limits
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/
  ## @param sysctl.resources.limits The resources limits for the init container
  ## @param sysctl.resources.requests The requested resources for the init container
    limits: {}
    requests: {}
  • 配置一:选择集群模式



  • 配置二:选择Service类型


    type: NodePort
    type: NodePort
  • 配置三:选择StorageClass


  • 配置四(可选):配置密码


  password: xxxxx

配置完成之后,完整的values.yaml文件如下所示 :


  password: xxxxx
    type: NodePort
    storageClass: "alicloud-nas-fs"
    size: 8Gi
    type: NodePort
    storageClass: "alicloud-nas-fs"
    size: 8Gi


$ kubectl create namespace redis
$ helm install -f values.yaml test-redis bitnami/redis --namespace redis


NAME: test-redis
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Jul 17 21:56:12 2021
STATUS: deployed
** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed **

Redis(TM) can be accessed on the following DNS names from within your cluster:

    test-redis-master.redis.svc.cluster.local for read/write operations (port 6379)
    test-redis-replicas.redis.svc.cluster.local for read-only operations (port 6379)

To get your password run:

    export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace redis test-redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode)

To connect to your Redis(TM) server:

1. Run a Redis(TM) pod that you can use as a client:

   kubectl run --namespace redis redis-client --restart='Never'  --env REDIS_PASSWORD=$REDIS_PASSWORD  --image docker.io/bitnami/redis:6.2.4-debian-10-r13 --command -- sleep infinity

   Use the following command to attach to the pod:

   kubectl exec --tty -i redis-client \
   --namespace redis -- bash

2. Connect using the Redis(TM) CLI:
   redis-cli -h test-redis-master -a $REDIS_PASSWORD
   redis-cli -h test-redis-replicas -a $REDIS_PASSWORD

To connect to your database from outside the cluster execute the following commands:

    export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace redis -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}")
    export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace redis -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services test-redis-master)
    redis-cli -h $NODE_IP -p $NODE_PORT -a $REDIS_PASSWORD


$ kubectl get all -n redis
NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/test-redis-master-0     1/1     Running   0          24h
pod/test-redis-replicas-0   1/1     Running   1          24h
pod/test-redis-replicas-1   1/1     Running   0          24h
pod/test-redis-replicas-2   1/1     Running   0          23h

NAME                          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/test-redis-headless   ClusterIP   None                   6379/TCP         24h
service/test-redis-master     NodePort           6379:30676/TCP   24h
service/test-redis-replicas   NodePort           6379:32112/TCP   24h

NAME                                   READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/test-redis-master     1/1     24h
statefulset.apps/test-redis-replicas   3/3     24h



  • 1、客户端访问redis



kubectl get nodes --namespace redis -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}"


kubectl get --namespace redis -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services test-redis-master


  • 2、springboot访问redis



    database: 0
    host: xx.xx.xx.xx
    port: xxxxx
    password: xxxxxxxx
    timeout: 1000
        max-active: 8
        max-wait: -1
        max-idle: 8
        min-idle: 0








