
nova list

nova stop

nova start

nova reboot

nova resize

[root@controller01 ~]# nova resize help
usage: nova resize [--forcehost <forcehost>] [--poll] <server> <flavor>
error: too few arguments
Try 'nova help resize' for more information.
[root@controller01 ~]# nova help  resize
usage: nova resize [--forcehost <forcehost>] [--poll] <server> <flavor>

Resize a server.

Positional arguments:
  <server>                 Name or ID of server.
  <flavor>                 Name or ID of new flavor.

Optional arguments:
  --forcehost <forcehost>  forcehost set vm to compute node
  --poll                   Report the server resize progress until it

[root@controller01 ~]# nova resize --forcehost controller01 --poll 0ce3bfa6-a2eb-4367-9a13-28f7d621060a  m1.medium

Resize 的作用是调整 instance 的 vCPU、内存和磁盘资源。
Instance 需要多少资源是定义在 flavor 中的,resize 操作是通过为 instance 选择新的 flavor 来调整资源的分配。
因为 instance 需要分配的资源发生了变化,在 resize 之前需要借助 nova-scheduler 重新为 instance 选择一个合适的计算节点,如果选择的节点与当前节点不是同一个,那么就需要做 Migrate。
Resize 是在 Migrate 的同时应用新的 flavor。
Migrate 可以看做是 resize 的一个特例: flavor 没发生变化的 resize,这也是为什么 migrate 实际上是在执行 resize 操作。

nova migrate

[root@controller01 ~]# nova migrate --poll --forcehost controller02 qing1

Server migrating... 100% complete


nova flavor-create

nova flavor-delete

nova flavor-key

mova flavor-list

nova flavor-show

nova aggregate

主机聚合是来分配物理资源的,首先要明白nova scheduler默认是按照正常的算法平均和衡量权重后分配的。
打比方你有100台物理机做为计算节点,默认nova scheduler是按照正常的算法平均和衡量权重后分配的,但有时100台中有30台的cpu和内存很好,我想留给vip用户,这时我就可以使用主机聚合把30台特别的配置的计算节点划入这个聚合,然后配合flavor的可见度,就可以达到我要的效果,其实底层就是会影响nova scheduler的filter中的算法,

nova+name 作用
aggregate-add-host Add the host to the specified aggregate.
aggregate-create Create a new aggregate with the specified
aggregate-delete Delete the aggregate.
aggregate-details Show details of the specified aggregate.
aggregate-list Print a list of all aggregates.
aggregate-remove-host Remove the specified host from the specified aggregate.
aggregate-set-metadata Update the metadata associated with the aggregate.
aggregate-update Update the aggregate’s name and optionally
[root@controller01 ~]# nova   aggregate-set-metadata 4 key=vip
Metadata has been successfully updated for aggregate 4.
| Id | Name | Availability Zone | Hosts          | Metadata  |
| 4  | qing | -                 | 'controller01' | 'key=vip' |

nova interface-list

nova interface-attach

nova interface-detach

nova keypair-list

[root@controller02 ~]# nova  keypair-list   
| Name      | Type | Fingerprint                                     |
| test | ssh  | 10:0d:ed:77:66:f3:c1:00:8e:43:a1:70:27:86:b8:9b |

nova keypair-add

[root@controller02 ~]# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 
/root/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Saving key "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" failed: passphrase is too short (minimum five characters)
[root@controller02 ~]# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 这里输入文件的名称
/root/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 这里输入密码
Enter same passphrase again:                重复密码
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:7ulTUSo3mEY1AzoON/hUlNNbYsblMppTdtyU0hiHjKE root@controller02
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|       .+*==o=o. |
|     . o+.B=B+o  |
|    o *.E*=*+..  |
|     * o==*+     |
|      o.So o     |
|       . ..      |
|        ..       |
|       ...       |
|       .+.       |
nova  keypair-add --pub-key /root/.ssh/ test

nova keypair-delete


[root@controller01 ~]# nova flavor-key  qos-test set quota:vif_outbound_average=1024
[root@controller01 ~]# nova flavor-key  qos-test set  quota:vif_inbound_average=2048

virsh dumpxml instance-0000005e

nova instance-action-list

[root@ceph21581 ~]# nova instance-action-list c1f83234-9ef0-450e-9c2c-b5259e882ad9
| Action         | Request_ID                               | Message | Start_Time                 |
| create         | req-105be0b2-6ba1-4d11-a521-8fc36e3366c8 | -       | 2020-02-18T11:13:56.000000 |
| stop           | req-0c465db3-8573-4f6a-9d94-73eb1875ccf6 | -       | 2020-02-18T11:17:44.000000 |
| confirmResize  | req-e7092186-c3a2-43a7-8ce5-e1079c38c88f | -       | 2020-02-18T11:19:32.000000 |
| migrate        | req-e7092186-c3a2-43a7-8ce5-e1079c38c88f | -       | 2020-02-18T11:19:32.000000 |
| start          | req-9225549d-d6e5-487c-ba81-337d9c12dafb | -       | 2020-02-18T11:20:05.000000 |
| live-migration | req-ce1b2eac-8465-44f3-889e-e2ce25fa7729 | -       | 2020-02-18T11:20:21.000000 |
| reboot         | req-7a839fac-a130-49a3-aef0-145b3b9c6d1c | -       | 2020-02-19T01:18:00.000000 |
| reboot         | req-4ed41b5b-7679-4a8d-9767-003181e8e139 | -       | 2020-02-19T01:18:55.000000 |
| live-migration | req-1face3eb-a4ec-46cf-939f-a5298090348c | -       | 2020-02-19T04:25:03.000000 |

nova hypervisor-list
