如何使用wink框架_如何使用Wink Lookout将Wink Smarthome变成安全系统



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Wink’s user interface doesn’t really focus a lot on security like other smarthome platforms do, but that has changed with a new feature added to the Wink app called Lookout. Here’s how to set it up.

Wink的用户界面并没有像其他智能家居平台那样真正专注于安全性,但是随着Wink应用程序中添加的名为Lookout的新功能,这种情况已经改变。 设置方法如下。

Granted, you can sort of use your Wink setup as a security system and set up alerts whenever a door opens, but it’s not really meant to be for security. That’s why Lookout is finally here—it makes controlling your house much easier from a security standpoint.

当然,您可以将Wink设置用作安全系统,并在门打开时设置警报,但这并不是出于安全考虑。 这就是Lookout终于来了的原因-从安全的角度来看,它使控制房屋变得更加容易。

To get started, open up the Wink app and tap on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.


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Next, tap on “Lookout”. You may have to scroll down to get to it, depending on how many devices you have set up in the app.

接下来,点击“监视”。 您可能需要向下滚动才能使用它,具体取决于您在应用中设置的设备数量。

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Tap “Next” in the bottom-right corner.


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Wink will tell you a little about Lookout and what it does. Tap “Next” again to continue.

Wink会告诉您有关Lookout及其功能的一些信息。 再次点击“下一步”继续。

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Tap on “Get Started”.


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Next, the app will look through all of your devices that are connected to your Wink hub and display the ones that work with Lookout. Select each one that you want to include and then hit “Next”.

接下来,该应用程序将浏览与Wink集线器连接的所有设备,并显示可与Lookout配合使用的设备。 选择您要包括的每一个,然后单击“下一步”。

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The setup portion is now complete! Tap on “Go to Lookout Now” to continue.

设置部分现已完成! 点击“立即前往监视”以继续。

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The control screen for Lookout is pretty basic. Alerts will be enabled by default, but you can tap on the big round bell button to turn them off whenever (and tap on it again to turn them back on).

Lookout的控制屏幕非常简单。 警报默认情况下处于启用状态,但是您可以随时点击大铃铛按钮将其关闭(然后再次点击将其重新打开)。

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You can tap on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner to view activity of all your sensors and devices, as well as manage which devices are included in Lookout.


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Now, whenever a sensor detects motion or a door opens, you’ll receive an instant alert on your phone.


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From there, you can tap on the alert to open up the Wink app. Then tap on “Take Action” at the bottom.

从那里,您可以点击警报以打开Wink应用程序。 然后点击底部的“采取行动”。

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At this point, you can either call a friend to check up on your house for you while you’re away, or you can call 911 and have the police do it instead, depending on the severity of the situation.


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And that’s pretty much it. Wink Lookout is easy to set up and even easier to use. Of course, it works best when you have different sensors planted all over your house, as well as sirens that can go off whenever an intrusion is detected, but it still works great even if you just have a few sensors here and there—it’s better than nothing!

就是这样。 Wink Lookout易于设置,甚至更易于使用。 当然,当您在整个房屋内安装了不同的传感器时,它的工作效果最佳;而且,一旦检测到入侵,警报器就会发出警报,但即使您到处都只有几个传感器,它也仍然可以工作得很好—更好比什么都没有!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/332411/how-to-turn-your-wink-smarthome-into-a-security-system-with-wink-lookout/

