
  • 主要功能 

  1. 筛选研究区数据,每日合成
  2. 递归函数返回每个有数据日期的影像,组成数据集;筛选影像
  3. 特征提取,值域映射
  4. 提取样本点数据、批量下载
  • 主要流程

        在GEE线上的Code Editor编写JavaScript代码实现相关功能,以哨兵2号(Sentinel-2)为例:传入要提取值的样本点,筛选出符合条件的数据之后进行每日合成,提取出的每个矢量点数据包含日期为字段名的属性值,数据以波段或者特征值为文件单位导出

  •  代码实现 



var point = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.MultiPoint(
    [[121.74174660538993, 40.932878763977484],
    [121.88594216203056, 40.935991162572954],
    [121.78569191788993, 40.893442357539946],
    [121.71702736710868, 40.87475374453443],
    [121.83787697648368, 40.83424364680983],
    [121.93538063859306, 40.87683051769961],
    [121.86671608781181, 40.88825160552172]]);

var geometry = point.bounds()
Map.addLayer(geometry, {}, 'geometry')
var year = 2020
var bandlist = ['B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B6', 'B8', 'B11', 'B12', 'NDVI', 'EVI', 'SAVI']
var start = ee.Date(year + '-3-01');
var finish = ee.Date(year + '-5-1');

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2')
    .filterDate(start, finish)
    .select(['B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B8', 'B11', 'B12'])

// print("dataset",dataset)

var diff = finish.difference(start, 'day')

// Make a list of all dates
var range = ee.List.sequence(0, diff.subtract(1)).map(function (day) { return start.advance(day, 'day') })
// print("range",range)

//main data
var newcol = ee.ImageCollection(ee.List(range.iterate(day_mosaics, ee.List([]))))
print("newcoln", newcol)


//main data
var newcol = ee.ImageCollection(ee.List(range.iterate(day_mosaics, ee.List([]))))
print("newcoln", newcol)
var zongxiangyuan = ee.Image.pixelArea().reduceRegion({
    reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(),
    geometry: geometry,
    scale: 10,
    maxPixels: 10e15,
newcol = newcol.map(addvalue).filter(ee.Filter.gt('yun', 0.8))
    .map(function (img) {
        var date = ee.String(img.get("date"))
        var yun = ee.String(ee.Number(img.get("yun")).multiply(100).toInt())
        return img.set({ "date": date.cat("vvv").cat(yun) })

print("newcoln22", newcol)
var resultCollection = newcol.map(addndvi).map(addevi).map(addsavi)

print("resultCollection", resultCollection)


for (var j = 0; j < bandlist.length; j++) {
    var ttt = bandlist[j];
    var tresultCollection = resultCollection.select([ttt]);

    //he cheng
    var datelist = tresultCollection.aggregate_array("date")
    var yunlist = tresultCollection.aggregate_array("yun")

    // print(ui.Chart.array.values(yunlist, 0, datelist))
    var resultimage = tresultCollection.toBands().rename(datelist)
    // print("resultimage",resultimage)
    // Map.addLayer(resultimage.select(0), {}, 'resultimage')

    var pixelValues = resultimage.sampleRegions({
        collection: point,
        scale: 10,
        geometries: true

    print("pixelValues", pixelValues);

    // print(ttt,ui.Chart.feature.byFeature(pixelValues))

        collection: pixelValues,
        description: year + ttt,
        folder: "20220218S2",
        fileFormat: "CSV"



function addvalue(img) {
    var mask = img.select(0).mask()
    var xiangyuan = ee.Image.pixelArea().updateMask(mask.select(0)).reduceRegion({
        reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(),
        geometry: geometry,
        scale: 10,
        maxPixels: 10e15,
    return img.set({ "yun": ee.Number(xiangyuan).divide(zongxiangyuan) })
function guiyi(img) {
    var date = img.get("date")
    var yun = img.get("yun")
    return img//.unitScale(ee.Number(-1), ee.Number(1))
        .multiply(10000).toInt16().set({ "yun": yun, "date": date });

// Funtion for iteraton over the range of dates
function day_mosaics(date, newlist) {
    // Cast
    date = ee.Date(date)
    newlist = ee.List(newlist)

    // Filter collection between date and the next day
    var filtered = dataset.filterDate(date, date.advance(1, 'day'))
    var image = ee.Image(filtered.mean()).set({ "date": date.format("YYYY-MM-dd") })

    // Add the mosaic to a list only if the collection has images
    return ee.List(ee.Algorithms.If(filtered.size(), newlist.add(image), newlist))
function maskS2clouds(image) {
    var qa = image.select('QA60');

    // Bits 10 and 11 are clouds and cirrus, respectively.
    var cloudBitMask = 1 << 10;
    var cirrusBitMask = 1 << 11;

    // Both flags should be set to zero, indicating clear conditions.
    var mask = qa.bitwiseAnd(cloudBitMask).eq(0)
    image = image.updateMask(mask);
    return image.clip(geometry)//.set('yun',ee.Number(xiangyuan).divide(zongxiangyuan));

function addndvi(img) {
    // Use the normalizedDifference(A, B) to compute (A - B) / (A + B)
    var ndvi = img.normalizedDifference(['B8', 'B4']).rename("NDVI");
    var date = img.get("date")
    // var yun=img.get("yun")
    return img.addBands(ndvi).unmask(0).clip(geometry).set({ "date": date })
function addevi(img) {
    var ndvi = img.expression(
            blue: img.select('B2'),    // 0.452-0.512, BLUE
            Green: img.select('B3'), //0.533-0.590 green
            Red: img.select('B4'),    // 0.636-0.673 μm, RED
            NIR: img.select('B5'),    //  NIR
            SWIR_1: img.select('B6'),    //  SWIR_1
            swir2: img.select('B7'),    //  SWIR_2


    var date = img.get("date")
    return img.addBands(ndvi).unmask(0).clip(geometry).set({ "date": date })
function addsavi(img) {
    var ndvi = img.expression(
            blue: img.select('B2'),    // 0.452-0.512, BLUE
            Green: img.select('B3'), //0.533-0.590 green
            Red: img.select('B4'),    // 0.636-0.673 μm, RED
            NIR: img.select('B5'),    //  NIR
            SWIR_1: img.select('B6'),    //  SWIR_1
            swir2: img.select('B7'),    //  SWIR_2

    var date = img.get("date")
    return img.addBands(ndvi).unmask(0).clip(geometry).set({ "date": date })
  • 结果展示

