



我最喜欢的课外活动英语作文 篇1

The most favorite after school life, is to play badminton. I wasnt playing magic, freaky all win, but occasionally a few ball, play a few dish win, there is. I not only to play badminton as a good way to keep fit, also play badminton as a kind of adjustment in good mood.

As long as it is playing badminton, I will feel were full of juice. So happy, you will have that in the autumn season, we walked along the autumn wind to do on the path of the air in the countryside.

Ah, not good! A mass of mist with a group, and into a mud ball; Is really come not in practice. Badminton, then straight blunt come over like a rocket. My hand racket, of course, dont give up, there would be opportunistic to pick up. Can really help me also, that badminton just rushed onto the racket, and made a rebound in hand, let the fish of arrest Fall in the opponents turf, let your competitors will stand by. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Im glad to roll with jump, this is my first time to defeat the opponent, the in the mind have not happy?

One hand, run time; Roll with jump without; Opportunistic little, was arrested in connection with fish, beaten opponent sleeve by hand.

Playing badminton can not only strengthen physical health, but also adjust the mood.

Whenever I meet what unhappy things, the first thought of playing badminton.

Started, the match a rebound in the hand. Im just playing along to let the racket to a rebound in the hand. Only heard a bang, the sky flying. The opponent is not weakness, also I a flying the sky.

For one, also good! Let you taste fragrant! I confidently refused to give up.

The ball at one fell swoop, and rushed to the opponents face. He missed the creeping results do not say, even his nose was gone!

Suddenly, present on the sidelines who laughs almost lost teeth!

Playing badminton can not only strengthen physical health, but also adjust the mood, how nice!



呀,不好!一团雾水跟一团,跟成一团烂泥团;真是来得不能在巧了。羽毛球,就像火箭般直冲过来。我手上的球拍当然不罢休,也就投机取巧地去接。可真是天助我也,那羽毛球恰好冲到了球拍上,又打了个反弹手,让 落网之鱼 落在了对手的地盘上,让对手也袖手旁观。哈!哈!哈!我高兴地连滚带跳,这是我第一次打败对手,心里还有不高兴的吗?




开始了,对手发了个反弹手。我也就将计就计让球拍来个反弹手。只听 砰 地一声,打出了 天空飞人 。对手也就毫不示弱,还了我一个 天空飞人 。

敢还我一拍,好!那就让你尝尝芳香扑鼻! 我很有信心地不肯罢休地一击。




我最喜欢的课外活动英语作文 篇2

Today, I went to the Youth Palace with my mother to sign up for a writing and reading class. I was a little unhappy, but later I thought I was happy again. Mom let me go to the youth palace to participate in the writing class I am not very willing to, a good Sunday and become can not rest, to learn. But I went to the youth palace to see a lot of children are learning all kinds of special skills there. Some learn piano, some learn math olympiad, some learn painting, and some learn boxing, which I like.

When I went there today, I just saw the good news that the children learning to write won the prize. My mother said to me: "I hope that art can also win awards like them, and write Liang Yifans name on the good news. The opportunity is to have prepared the person, the child you want to obtain everyones praise is only harder than others! You see everyone in you catch up with me to learn, you also can! Come on! Mom believes youre the best."

我最喜欢的`课外活动英语作文 篇3

It was a sunny, cloudless Wednesday morning. I saw a sea of people on the playground, I thought: "hey, how so many people on the playground today? It turned out that people from the Intangible Heritage Museum entered the campus today.

I went to the next one is using a piece of like a black thread in the weaving of a picture, I approached a look, the original line is hair, the craft is hair embroidery, embroidery is bamboo forest, embroidery is particularly good-looking, let me dumbstruck!

Then I came to an uncle who was carving a piece of jade with a knife, uncle carved it into flowers, carved fine, like a beautiful flower is blooming.

Finally, I came to the side of an old grandfather, the grandfather is using paper to press it on a lettering board, so that the word to print down, our teacher also took two pieces!

Ah! Today is so beautiful, I really hope to have another activity like this!

我最喜欢的课外活动英语作文 篇4

Afternoon third class, extracurricular activities of the bell rang, the students like the tide into the playground, to participate in their favorite activities, the quiet campus suddenly boiling up.

We came to the big playground to swing. My good friend and I are delighted to stride on the swing, hands tightly grasp the rope, two feet pedal hard ah. Swing more and more high, we more and more happy swing, simply became a bird flying in the sky. The onlookers from time to time issued a burst of praise and laughter. At the same time, on the swing bridge next to the swing, some students are swinging the bridge hard. How happy they are. Only see the bridge is low and high, one in front and one behind, like a ship in the waves.

On the roller beside the bridge, a chubby child grasped the iron bar and stepped on his feet slowly. Gradually more step faster, more step more happy, like a horse on the prairie Mercedes.

Our extra-curricular activities are really colorful.

我最喜欢的课外活动英语作文 篇5

Whenever the bell rings at the end of the first class, it means the arrival of interesting extra-curricular activities!

We lined up neatly to the big playground, broadcast came the beautiful music of the rabbit dance. The students in our class were divided into four groups. The leader of each group put his hands on his hips, and the students in front put their hands on the shoulders of the students in front, so the rabbit dance began

A password in the students mouth floating out: "before and after, before and before, left and right," the students one like a rabbit jumping happily jumping, looking like four can dance caterpillars, you say how interesting ah. When the end of the music, we have been panting like cattle, tired like a small fish open mouth breathing heavily.

Time is always beautiful and short, the class bell sounded, we were reluctant to part upstairs to go to class, looking forward to the next day extra-curricular activities!

我最喜欢的课外活动英语作文 篇6

The third class this afternoon is an extra-curricular activity.

We ran to the playground. Class 10 is with us. We ran a lap first, practiced for five minutes, and the rest of the time was our time to play.

The teacher let "bear two" to borrow four iron rings. Two boys and two girls. We have never played this, so the foundation is very few, almost can walk a few steps, push a few times, will "click" on the fall (iron ring).

I was in the same group as Yan Yatong and Zhao Yu. I pushed first, pushing seven or eight steps, Yan Yatong pushed three or four steps, Zhao Yujia pushed five or six steps. I ranked first, Zhaos family ranked second, and Yan Yatong ranked third.

We set a rule: each person has three chances, I push the first, Zhao Yu push the second, Yan Yatong push the third.

The game is over I first, Zhao Yu second, Yan Yatong third. I hope Yan Yatong will continue to work hard to surpass me and be better than me!

我最喜欢的课外活动英语作文 篇7

On Sunday, the weather was clear and sunny. Mother took me to the square to fly a kite.

On arriving at the square, I saw a lot of people playing there, some playing football, some playing games, and some flying kites... Look, there are all kinds of kites in the sky. There are fish, eagles, and birds... Its like theyre competing high and low. I am not willing to lag behind, fly the kite. I picked up the spool and ran as I put the line out. The kite fluttered into the sky. I continued to cast the line, and my kite flew higher and higher. When I had to gloat, suddenly came a gust of wind, blow my kite turned a few laps, I calm down, put the line back some, the kite more fly over low. When the wind stops, I will put out the line. Look, the kite that flies the highest is mine.

Today, how happy I am!

我最喜欢的课外活动英语作文 篇8

Learning Cambridge Young English is my extra-curricular activity.

Every Saturday morning, my father takes me to the Youth Palace to learn English. Class, the teacher came into the classroom with a smile, began to say hello to us in English, we will answer the teacher in English, and then began to speak the new lesson. Every time the teacher gave a question, I would scramble to answer, when I answered the teachers question in fluent English, the teacher was very happy, I decided to learn English to the next level! After so many classes, I have been able to communicate with my classmates in some simple sentences.

English not only increased my knowledge, but also let me make a lot of good friends, I deeply feel that my extracurricular activities are very meaningful!

我最喜欢的课外活动英语作文 篇9

My extracurricular life is rich and colorful, I will use some opportunities to let me know this colorful world.

I like traveling very much. Traveling makes me tan, but I still like traveling. As long as the father asked me: "do not go somewhere" I said: "go! Go to! Must go!" I have been to many places, such as Jinzhou, Dalian, Lushun, Jinggangshan... .

I am still learning to draw, write pen and paper cutting in the Red Rain Studio. Immediately our motherland to XX birthday, the teacher taught me to cut a paper cut to celebrate the motherland, with red paper cut the national flag, Tian anmen Square, "60". When I did not learn to write, write the word is always stagger, write very poor, then gradually write very beautiful. I went to the red rain studio to study for a semester, learned a lot of knowledge.

After school life let me learn a lot of knowledge, from the knowledge I feel happy.

我最喜欢的课外活动英语作文 篇10

So they are playing basketball! Just listen to the referees order, the two players to the other side launched a fierce attack. A chubby students first held the ball, the other team saw the unwilling to be outdone, to hold the ball students ran to grab the ball. Although that classmate is stupid, but he has a lot of tricks in his stomach. He took advantage of others not to notice, secretly passed the ball to another classmate, the classmate jumped, even the ball with people to jump up, put the ball into the basket. They won, a bright smile on his face, as if the roadside wild chrysanthemum. In the upper left corner of the playground, someone is jumping the rubber band, in the upper right corner, someone is jumping rope......

I think the extracurricular activities that every student takes part in are very interesting.

